Ron Corney

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Contributor Ron Corney
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Producer



Elizabeth Campbell - Actor, Assistant Producer, Producer

Frank Johnston - Actor, Director, Producer

Herbert Kollosche - Lighting Operator/Technician, Technician

Eugene Thomas - Set Designer, Stage Manager

Richard A Blackburn - Actor, Administrator

Aldo Crotti - Actor

Kelvin Stanley - Actor

Winifred Woodroffe - Actor

Glen Johnston - Actor

Keith Pullman - Make-up Artist, Producer, Stage Manager

Margaret Scott - Actor

Allan Sierp - Scenic Artist, Set Designer

Roxy Sims - Actor, Administrator, Producer

Walloscheck - Costume Designer, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Max Worthley - Actor and Singer, Singer, Singer: Tenor

George Amos - Actor

Maurice Baring - Playwright

Donald Belle - Singer, Singer: Tenor

Isobel Burton - Singer, Singer: Soprano

Clive Carey - Actor, Producer

Constance Chinner - Singer, Singer: Soprano

Jean Drummond - Singer, Singer: Soprano

Lillian Duncan - Singer, Singer: Soprano

Edna Dunn - Singer, Singer: Soprano

John Horner - Musical Director

Mary Jolly - Actor, Dance Director

John Jonas - Singer, Singer: Tenor

Lucy Lawrence - Singer, Singer: Contralto

Jean Lowe - Properties Master

Muriel McDonald - Actor

Enid Petrie - Actor

Cyril Riley - Actor

Leonard Sawford - Actor

Stella Sobels - Actor

J Innes Stewart - Administrator

Rosemary Stretton - Actor

Lois Thomson - Actor

Nora Vardon - Singer, Singer: Soprano

Marthe Wait - Actor

Edward Watson - Musician: Bass, Singer

Rita Watson - Singer, Singer: Contralto

John Allison - Actor

Alison Anderson - Actor

Melville Badcock - Musician

Minnie Baker - Actor

Mary Bateman - Actor

Clifford Bax - Playwright

Arthur Beames - Actor

Jean Bedford - Choreographer

James Bellair - Actor

Valmai Bermingham - Musician

Florence Brown - Actor

Roxy Byrne - Actor, Producer

Max Caddy - Actor

Margaret Catt - Dancer

Tora Christiansen - Actor

Herschel Clare - Actor

Rebecca Clarke - Singer

Mary Coles - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Mary Connell - Actor

Noel Coward - Playwright

Cecil Crump - Actor

Rex Dawe - Producer

Lindsay Dawkins - Musician: Bass

Betty Dawson - Actor

Barbara Dean - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Betty Diamond - Actor

Phyllis Doherty - Dancer

Mary Donnell - Producer

Sydney Downie - Actor

John Duncan - Actor

Dunsany - Playwright

Leslie Dutton - Musician: Bass

Joan Dyer - Properties Master

Brian Elliott - Actor, Producer

Io Faulds - Musician

Maurice Finnis - Musician

Rene Ford - Actor and Singer

Paul Foreman - Actor

Alan Francis - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Kay Francis - Dancer

Myra Francis - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Fred Fraser - Actor

Marjorie Gee - Actor

Ronda Gehling - Musician

Heather Gell - Producer

Jean Gillespie - Songwriter

Susan Glaspell - Playwright

James Aloysius Glennon - Actor, Playwright

Reginald Goldsworthy - Actor

H C Goodfellow - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Harley Granville-Barker - Adaptor

Helen Granville-Barker - Translator

Athalie Gray - Make-up Artist

Frank Gunnell - Actor

Deborah Hackett - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Patricia Hackett - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Jack Ham - Director

Margaret Hambidge - Costume Designer

Harold Hancock - Actor

Bill Hann - Actor and Singer

Marian Hardy - Actor

Alan Harkness - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Elizabeth Hawker - Actor

Dean Hay - Musical Director

Cedric Hele - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Gustav Holst - Composer

Roma Hotten - Actor

Barbara Howard - Costume Designer

Elizabeth Hunter - Dancer

Bill Irwin - Properties Master/Mistress

Doreen Jacobs - Musician

Norman Jaensch - Musician: Bass

Marjorie James - Dancer

Rex Jarratt - Actor

Frank Johnstone - Producer

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Lyell Jonas - Actor

Thomas Keen - Actor

D B Kerr - Actor

Isabel Kimber - Dancer

Alan King - Properties Master/Mistress

Joan Kneebone - Musician

Beryl Kook - Director

Allan Lang - Actor

Elice Larsen - Costume Designer

Hal Lennon - Stage Manager

Doone Lester - Dancer

Norman Lewis - Musician

Keith Macdonald - Actor

Muriel Marks - Actor

Jean Marshall - Actor

Florence Martin - Dancer

Sheila Martin - Actor

Gregorio Martinez-Sierra - Playwright

John Masefield - Playwright

L B Mathews - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Joanne Matters - Dancer

Peter Matthews - Musician

Robert Matthews - Actor

Mimi Mattin - Actor

Rosalie McCutcheon - Musician

Alex Melrose - Playwright

Minna Metz - Singer: Contralto

Jack Moore - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Jim Muecke - Actor

John Mullins - Actor

Geoffrey Munt - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Nell Myhill - Actor

Hilda Oldfield - Producer

Vivienne Oldfield - Actor

Mollie Osborne - Dancer

Muriel Pearce - Actor

Beatrice Pether - Musician

Paul Pfeiffer - Actor

Stephen Phillips - Playwright

Luigi Pirandello - Playwright

Ronald Porter - Musician: Cellist

Vita Pritchard - Actor

Betty Puddy - Dancer

Roger Quilter - Singer

Joaquin Alvarez Quintero - Playwright

Serafin Quintero - Playwright

Robert Reed - Actor

Yvonne Richardson - Actor and Singer

Kenneth Robertson - Actor

Margaret Robinson - Dancer

Vern Rule - Actor and Singer

Elizabeth Salter - Actor

Mary Sampson - Actor

Joan Sandford - Actor

Shanasy - Musician

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

George Bernard Shaw - Playwright

Joyce Sherwin - Dancer

Mavis Short - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Phyllis Simpson - Actor

Ronald Simpson - Actor

Ruby Skinner - Actor

Phyllis Somerville - Playwright

Mavis Stephen - Actor

Bob Stokes - Actor and Singer

John Stokes - Actor

Edward Storer - Translator

Albert Swanson - Actor

Max Taylor - Actor and Singer

Iris Thomas - Actor

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

T W Thomas - Actor

Masie Todd - Dancer

Clinton Tucker - Actor

Constance Tucker - Actor

Bruce Tunbridge - Actor

Reginald Verran - Actor

Barbara Warhurst - Actor

Fred Watson - Actor

Desmond White - Actor

H M White - Actor

David Wighton - Actor

Oscar Wilde - Playwright

  • Salome, The Torch Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1934

Eda Williams - Dancer

Honor Wilson - Dancer

Bronte Wiltshire - Dancer

Alan Winkle - Singer

Rita Winter - Actor

Barbara Winterbottom - Dancer

Edgar Wise - Actor

Philip Wood - Musical Director

Lorraine Woods - Dancer

Shirley Worthley - Actor

Robert Wyndham - Actor

William Butler Yeats - Playwright

The University of Adelaide, Theatre Guild

Adelaide Repertory Theatre Incorporated

The Elder Conservatorium of Music

The University of Adelaide, Footlights Club

Identifier 422801