Kathleen Walsh

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Contributor Kathleen Walsh
Gender Female
Functions Actor


Noel Ancell - Actor

Rosemary Archer - Actor

Maria Boyes - Actor

Helen Brown - Actor

John Clarke - Actor

Mark Coleman - Actor

Rosemary Daw - Actor

Peter Dodd - Singer

John Edge - Actor

Dirdre Ewing - Actor

Keith Gallasch - Actor

Bob Gamlen - Actor

John Healey - Actor

Adrian Hill - Actor

Trevor Horton - Actor

Diane Krygger - Actor

Michael Lee - Actor

Therese Ling - Actor

Katrina Maslakai - Actor

Alice Mills - Actor

Robert Parbs - Singer

Sue Parsons - Actor

Allan Pride - Actor

Ian Ross - Singer

Ted Schwerdt - Actor

Josephine Smith - Actor

Georgina Stewart - Actor

Michael Taylor - Actor

Graham Tulloch - Actor

Jenny Wannan - Actor

Heather Waugh - Actor

Peter Whittington - Actor

The University of Adelaide, Literary Society

Identifier 422056