Sue Spence

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Contributor Sue Spence
Other Names Susanna Spence
Gender Female
Functions Actor, Performer
Notes Involved in 1990s (NSW).



Marjorie Rice - Actor

Gaynor Saunders - Actor, Assistant Director

Isabelle Achard - Performer

Andrea Aloise - Performer

Marilyn Arthur - Actor

Justin Barratt - Performer

Cherie Bell - Actor

Matthew Bergen - Performer

Deborah Bookbinder - Performer

Katrina Carr-Boyd - Performer

Lewis Casson - Actor

B Coates - Make-up Artist

Chad Courtney - Performer

Rosalind Crisp - Performer

M Diggle - Costume Designer

Ann Ellmers - Actor

Susan Ellmers - Actor

Claire Hague - Performer

Geraldine Hankey - Actor

Rose Hansen - Performer

Patricia Haydon - Actor

Catherine Hourihan - Performer

Sue-Ellen Kohler - Performer

Julie-Anne Long - Performer

Melissa Lovric - Performer

Max Lyandvert - Performer

William McLure - Performer

Henriette Metsers - Actor

Russell Milledge - Performer

Winifred Morice - Actor

Caitlin Newton-Broad - Performer

Cynthia Nunns - Actor

Ion Pearce - Performer

J B Porter - Stage Manager

Tim Preston - Performer

Anna Sabiel - Performer

Ngaire Saunders - Actor

William Shakespeare - Playwright

Yuji Sone - Performer

Stafford-Murphy - Choir Master

Tessa Stephens - Actor

Janis Stewart - Performer

John Millington Synge - Playwright

Letitia Wilson - Performer

Nicholas Wishart - Performer

M Wright - Director

Laura Zusters - Performer

Gisborne Girls' High School

78 Tourette Campervan

Australia Council for the Arts

Double Vision Dance Company

Intrancz Dance

NSW Ministry for the Arts

Red Opal Dance Theatre

The Performance Space

Vegetable Dies Productions

Identifier 421134