Colin Hawke

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Contributor Colin Hawke
Gender Male
Functions Actor and Singer

Actor and Singer

Joan Ash - Actor and Singer

Wallace Budd - Actor and Singer

Alan Chapman - Producer

Maxine Cocking - Actor and Singer

Rae Cocking - Actor and Singer

Lewis Dawe - Chorus Master/Mistress

Ronald Denson - Actor and Singer, Stage Director

Dorothy Donnelly - Book and Lyrics Librettist

Gordon Ellis - Actor and Singer

John English - Actor and Singer

Harold Gilbertson - Actor and Singer

Frank Gunnell - Actor and Singer

Leo Heffernan - Actor and Singer

Maurice Knight - Actor and Singer

Ray Lane - Actor and Singer

Jeff Leak - Actor and Singer

Joan McDonald - Actor and Singer

John Minns - Actor and Singer

Keith Mundy - Actor and Singer

Peter Quinn - Actor and Singer

Barbara Rainer - Actor and Singer

Eric Rasdall - Actor and Singer

Bruce Roberts - Actor and Singer

Sigmund Romberg - Composer

Claude Spangler - Musical Director

Joseph Sullivan - Actor and Singer

Edward Tarrant - Actor and Singer

J C Williamson Theatres Limited (1943-1976)

The Adelaide Musical Comedy Company

Identifier 416264