Brenton Williams

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Contributor Brenton Williams
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Costume Designer, Costume Maker


Costume Designer

Costume Maker

Frank Gargro - Actor, Stage Manager

Colin Ballantyne - Director, Producer

Graham Nerlich - Actor

Max Height - Actor

Helen Brodie - Assistant Producer, Technician

Edwin Hodgeman - Actor

Valerie Peacock - Actor

Earl Bennett - Actor

Joyce Bruce - Actor

John Danvers - Actor

Barrie McEwin - Actor

Barry Pree - Actor

Sydney Feldheim - Actor

Toni Graham - Designer, Scenic Artist, Set Designer

Charles Jury - Dramaturg/e, Playwright, Scriptwriter

Roy Leaney - Actor, Assistant Producer

Derrance Stevenson - Actor

Bruce Victorsen - Actor

David Caldwell - Actor

John Cross - Actor

Douglas Dolphin - Actor

Jeff Dugan - Actor

Jeffrey Dugan - Actor, Musical Advisor

Dorothy Gargro - Front of House

William Job - Actor

Darlene Johnson - Actor

Christopher Ketley - Actor

Ron Lea - Actor

  • He Who Gets Slapped, The Studio Theatre, North Adelaide, SA, 28 November 1956
  • Papinian, The Studio Theatre, North Adelaide, SA, 23 August 1955

Robert Leach - Actor

  • He Who Gets Slapped, The Studio Theatre, North Adelaide, SA, 28 November 1956
  • Lucrece, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 8 October 1948

Peter Leith - Actor

Brian Litchfield - Actor

Patricia Louttit - Actor

Ina Luck - Costume Designer

Ross Luck - Set Designer

Audrie Martlew - Actor

Gordon McDougall - Actor

Beryl Peacock - Actor

Donald Rosie - Actor

Nigel Samuel - Actor

William Shakespeare - Playwright

  • Hamlet, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 2 August 1952
  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

John Alden - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

John Allison - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

George Anderson - Assistant Producer

John Anderson - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Leonid Nikolaievich Andreyev - Playwright

David Aron - Set and/or Property Maker

Anne Ashley - Actor

James Bailey - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Guy Ballantyne - Actor

Gwenneth Ballantyne - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Jennifer Barratt - Actor

Brian Bergin - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

William Berney - Playwright

Marjorie Berriman - Actor

John Bishop - Musical Supervisor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Carolle Boyce - Actor

John Bray - Playwright

  • Papinian, The Studio Theatre, North Adelaide, SA, 23 August 1955

Colin Brown - Actor

Geraldine Brown - Actor

Walter Bruce - Stage Manager

Christopher Burgess - Actor

Zoe Caldwell - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Rosemary Caris - Various

  • Lucrece, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 8 October 1948

Anne Chapman - Actor

Vilma Cheek - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Peter Cohen - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

William Constable - Designer

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Jean Cook - Actor, Composer, Musician: Harpist

Judith Cooling - Actor

Hedley Cullen - Set and/or Property Maker, Sound Composer

Nancy Cullen - Actor

Ronald Denson - Actor

Ross Dew - Actor

Leslie Dolphin - Actor

Allan Dunstan - Actor

Euripides - Playwright

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Dolce Farley - Costume Maker

Judith Fisher - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Doris Fitton - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Ailsa Grahame - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Patricia Hackett - Actor, Producer

Fleur Hamilton - Actor

Jaqueline Hick - Scenic Artist

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Jean Hoffmann - Actor

Hugh Hunt - Director

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Brian James - Stage Manager

Keith James - Actor

Robinson Jeffers - Adaptor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Jacklyn Kelleher - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Peter Kenna - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Joan Kirwan - Actor

Wendy Kraft - Actor

Rob Leach - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Ronald Lee - Actor

Audine Leith - Actor

Karl-Juergen Liebetrau - Actor

Noreen Lower - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Michael Malycha - Composer

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Kevin Manser - Actor

Jean Marshall - Actor

  • Papinian, The Studio Theatre, North Adelaide, SA, 23 August 1955

Clement McCallin - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Pamela McLeod - Actor

Brian Medlin - Playwright

Bill Menz - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Pat Merritt - Actor

Carmel Millhouse - Actor

Marion Mills - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

John Minns - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

John Mohr - Actor

Bernard Moriarty - Actor

Paul Morisset - Costume Designer

Vernon Neish - Actor

Mae Newman - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Raymond O'Connell - Musical Advisor

Clem O'Donoghue - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Ken O'Neil - Assistant Producer

Joyce Parham - Actor

Ric Payne - Assistant Producer

Gordon Petrie - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Valeska Potter - Actor

Lois Ramsey - Actor

Max Reedy - Actor

Howard Richardson - Playwright

Alistair Roberts - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Malcolm Robertson - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

J Robinson - Properties Master/Mistress

John Rosenberg - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Maureen Rosewell - Actor

Don Rosie - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Kevin Schluter - Actor

Roger Shepard - Actor

Grahame Smith - Costume Designer

Margaret Sneyd - Stage Manager

Douglas Taylor - Actor

John Taylor - Actor

Maree Tomasetti - Actor

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

Arnost Vochala - Various

Peter Ward - Actor

Ron Waxman - Actor

Desmond White - Lighting Designer

Lionel Williams - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

Roy Williams - Actor

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

David Zweck - Sound Operator/Engineer

Company of Players

Education Department of South Australia

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

The Arts Council of Australia (South Australian Division)

  • As You Like It, Tivoli Theatre (1930-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 September 1951

The Australian Drama Company

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

  • Medea, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 26 November 1955

The University of Adelaide, Theatre Guild

  • Hamlet, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 2 August 1952

Theatres Associated

WEA Drama Group

  • Lucrece, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 8 October 1948
Identifier 415971