Major W P Drury

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Contributor Major W P Drury
Gender Male
Functions Playwright


Nellie Calvin - Actor

Fred Cambourne - Actor

Redge Carey - Actor

J Farrell - Administrator

Eric Fergusson - Actor

H Gjedsted - Administrator

Ethel Gordon - Actor

Arthur Greenaway - Actor

Frank Harcourt - Actor

Lawrence Hardinge - Actor

J W Hazlitt - Stage Manager

Boyd Irwin - Actor

Thomas Kingston - Actor

T W Lloyd - Actor

Cyril Mackay - Actor

E H Major - Administrator

Gregan McMahon - Actor

Priestly Morrison - Producer

Charles Morse - Actor

Herbert Myers - Lessee

Emily Nathan - Costume Maker

F H Pollock - Lessee

Edgar J Rice - Musical Director

Roland Stavely - Actor

Emma Temple - Actor

George S Titheradge - Actor

Leo Trevor - Playwright

Eardley Turner - Actor

Lewis Waller - Actor

Ethel Warwick - Actor

James Cassius Williamson - Entrepreneur

David Jones Ltd.

J C Williamson and Co [with Tallis and Ramaciotti]

Mark Foy's Ltd

Identifier 412848