Meta-Anne Shirley

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Contributor Meta-Anne Shirley
Gender Female
Functions Assistant Stage Manager, Set Designer

Assistant Stage Manager

Set Designer

Terry Hornby - Assistant Stage Manager, Stage Manager

Kelly Auty - Actor and Singer

Anthony Babicci - Designer

Sarah Bannerman - Actor

Sally Barnett - Actor and Singer

Toni Blanchonette - Actor and Singer

Derek Brassington - Musician: Drummer

Ted Briggs - Actor

Graham Brown - Musician: Guitarist

John Carrick - Musician: Keyboardist

Diane Cook - Actor and Singer

Anne Cowan - Stage Manager

Noel Coward - Playwright

Georgia Croker - Properties Mistress

Jillian Donaldson - Actor and Singer

Gillian Dooley - Actor and Singer

David Ellis - Lighting Designer

Mark Emerson - Actor

Tony Falla - Actor and Singer

Len Fisher - Lighting Designer

Leonie Fletcher - Actor

Mark Flynn - Actor and Singer

Adrian Fuller - Production Assistant

Sue Gasinsky - Actor and Singer

Leslea Geary - Actor and Singer

Chrisjohn Hancock - Actor and Singer

Kim Hardwick - Choreographer

Peter Heffernan - Actor and Singer

Keith Helgesen - Musical Director

Liz Hemer - Musician: Pianist

Merryn Lee Hibben - Actor and Singer

Chris Hingee - Actor and Singer

Bruce Hudson - Actor

Paul Hunter - Lighting Operator/Technician

Mark Jackson - Actor and Singer

Jim James - Actor and Singer

Julie Jenkins - Actor and Singer

Leoni Jennaway - Actor and Singer

Neidra Jennaway - Actor and Singer

Terry Johnson - Actor and Singer

Alison Leggett - Actor and Singer

Maree Livermore - Actor and Singer

Elizabeth Lord - Actor and Singer

Virginia Lowe - Actor and Singer

Carmel MacDonagh - Actor

Andrew MacDonald - Actor and Singer

Craig Maclean - Actor and Singer

Ian McDonald - Musician: Guitarist

Peter McDonald - Musician: Guitarist

Anne McMahon - Actor and Singer

Will Mullholland - Actor and Singer

Maureen Newman - Costume Designer

Andrew Newmarch - Actor and Singer

Terence O'Connell - Director

Phil O'Connor - Musician: Percussionist

Philip Pain - Actor and Singer

Jeremy Pearce - Actor

Myfanwy Perkins - Make-up Artist

Stephen Pike - Actor and Singer

Gary Pritchard - Actor and Singer

Andrew Ross - Actor and Singer

Geof Rumney - Stage Manager

Ian Russell - Actor and Singer

Greg Searle - Actor and Singer

Colin Slater - Actor and Singer

Phillip Smith - Actor and Singer

Heather Sneddon - Actor and Singer

Liz St Clair Long - Actor

Carol Starkey - Actor and Singer

Ernest Steffan - Director

Rick Sutton - Lighting Designer

Robbie Swan - Actor and Singer

Robert Taylor - Actor and Singer

Bronwyn Thomas - Actor and Singer

Liz Townley - Actor and Singer

William Van Opstal - Actor and Singer

Bernard Walsh - Actor and Singer

Muriel Watson - Actor

Thelma White - Costume Maker, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Peter Williams - Director

Trish Williams - Actor

Georgina Wilson - Actor

Sandie Wright - Lighting Designer

Australian Theatre Workshop

Canberra Repertory Society

Canberra Theatre Centre Trust

Canberra Theatre Trust

Identifier 401157