Linda Swaine

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Contributor Linda Swaine
Gender Female
Functions Actor


Denise Cassidy - Actor

Christine Cattermole - Dancer

Bill Connolly - Actor

Megan Dansie - Actor

Meg Douglas - Set Designer

Michael Eustice - Actor

Bronwen Evans - Actor

Andrew Hall - Actor

Jane Henderson - Actor

Jack Higham - Actor

Renee Highman - Actor

David Hursthouse - Actor

Robert Jesser - Lighting Operator/Technician

Kevin Kennedy - Actor

Robert Lambert - Actor

Phil Liddicoat - Lighting Designer

Shaun Micallef - Actor

Teresa Miller - Actor

Cheryl Mills - Actor

Lyn Nesbitt - Actor

Rhonda Pilkington - Set Designer

Anthony Roberts - Director

Cathy Roberts - Dancer

Lisa Roberts - Dancer

George Scheel - Musical Director

The Bunyip Children's Theatre of SA

Identifier 499632