Marie Geerckens

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Contributor Marie Geerckens
Gender Female
Functions Actor


Jill Belson - Actor

Pamela Bliss - Actor

Judy Gallagher - Actor

Maureen Gilbertson - Actor

P Hand - Producer

Virginia Harris - Actor, Producer

Patricia Hehir - Actor

Ian Mills - Producer

Anthony Parkinson - Actor

Glenda Pearce - Actor

Ivy Potter - Actor

Patricia Price - Actor

Peter Ryan - Actor

William Shakespeare - Playwright

Peter Tunbridge - Actor

Michael Wallace - Actor

Lydia Ali - Actor

Corrie Ancone - Actor

Anne Anderson - Actor

Nina Angrave - Actor

Laurence Angus - Actor

Jean Anouilh - Playwright

Sharon Ashby - Actor

Vincent Baltulis - Actor

Anne Barber - Actor

Claire Barker - Actor

J M Barrie - Playwright

Margaret Bate - Actor

Sam Bate - Playwright

Noela Bean - Actor

Christine Bednarski - Actor

J Bell - Playwright

Hugh Beresford - Playwright

Patricia Bishop - Actor

Helen Bollmeyer - Actor

Patricia Bollmeyer - Actor

Robert Bolt - Playwright

Therese Bolyen - Actor

Michael Brady - Actor

William Braithwaite - Actor

Patriccia Brennan - Actor

Carmel Brock - Actor

Shirley Brown - Actor

Michael Bubear - Actor

Sheila Butler - Actor

Anthony Camilleri - Actor

Teresa Cannata - Actor

Cheryl Carpenter - Actor

Carmel Castello - Actor

Mary Cath Regan - Actor

Linda Cescato - Actor

Michael Charlesworth - Actor

Anton Chekhov - Playwright

Priscilla Ching - Actor

Anna Cochran - Actor

Michele Cochran - Actor

Diane Collins - Actor

Mary Condo - Actor

Peter Connellan - Actor

Louise Connolly - Actor

Frank Constable - Assistant Stage Manager

Helen Coulls - Actor

June Croci - Actor

Piet Crosby - Actor

Rosemary dal Corrobo - Actor

Sue Daley - Actor

Bernadette Damulevicius - Actor

Christopher Davey - Director, Producer

Sue De Brenni - Actor

Ursula de Fontenay - Actor

Elizabeth Deegan - Actor

Pauline Dempsey - Actor

Jeannie Devitt - Actor

Robert Devitt - Actor

Brian Donaghue - Actor

Anne Doube - Actor

Chris Doyle - Actor

Michael Duigan - Actor

Jann Duval - Front of House

Julie Edge - Actor

T S Eliot - Playwright

Stephanie Fannon - Actor

Veronica Finck - Actor

Yvonne Firkins - Playwright

Helen Fitzpatrick - Actor

Katie Fitzpatrick - Actor

Fidelma Flood - Actor

Brian Fogarty - Actor

Peter Forde - Actor

J O Francis - Playwright

Michael Frost - Actor

Stephen Fry - Translator

Sonia Furdall - Actor

Janice Gaffney - Actor

Richard Giles - Sound Operator/Engineer

Lisbeth Gill - Actor

Helen Glowacki - Actor

Merilyn Godfrey - Actor

Jan Grakovich - Actor

Bronwyn Hallett - Actor

P Hand - Producer

Sandra Hanlan - Actor

Vicki Harman - Actor

Delores Harper - Actor

Patricia Harris - Actor

June Hefferan - Actor

Lynette Heffernan - Actor

Margaret Hendrick - Actor

Rosemary Hennig - Actor

Marie Heritage - Actor

Margaret Herraman - Actor

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - Translator

Paula Hogan - Actor

Peter Hollings - Actor

Kay Hollingworth - Actor

Gerda Hoogland - Actor

Stanley Houghton - Playwright

S I Hsiung - Playwright

Graeme Hyde - Actor

Kathy Hynes - Actor

Marella Innocente - Actor

Yandro Ivanovic - Actor

Marie Jackman - Actor

Zdzislaw Jakubosicz - Actor

Kay Jarrett - Actor

Krystyna Jaskolski - Actor

Teresa Jaskolski - Actor

Gertrude E Jennings - Playwright

Diane Jensen - Actor

Nicolette Jewell - Actor

Christine Johnson - Actor

Christine Johnson - Actor

Teresa Johnson - Actor

Andrew Johnstone - Assistant Lighting Designer

Alan Jones - Actor

Betty Kain - Actor

Mary Kain - Actor

Noel Karcher - Actor

Mary Kayser - Actor

Pauline Keane - Actor

Judith Keen - Actor

Patricia Kelly - Actor

Jeffrey Kemble - Actor

Kevin Keough - Actor

Ann Keur - Actor

Bruno Knez - Producer

Lesia Kostyzyn - Actor

Krystyna Kubisz - Actor

Fabrice L'Apparent - Actor

Eugène Labiche - Playwright

Robert Lahainer - Actor

Anthea Lanyon - Actor

Nelki Lauret - Actor

Margaret Le Lacheur - Actor

Gloria Legge - Actor

Veronica Legowski - Actor

John Lempens - Actor

Brendan Linnane - Actor

Kerry Lovell - Actor

Denise Lovick - Front of House

Dennis MacKay - Actor

Gabrielle MacKenzie - Actor

Ralph Madsen - Actor

Sue Maguire - Actor

Maria Mahoney - Actor

Elizabeth Marsh - Actor

Margaret Matheson - Actor

Rosemary Matson - Actor

Peter McDonald - Musician

John McEntee - Stage Manager

Carmel McEwen - Actor

Ruth McInerney - Actor

Helen McKeen - Actor

Christopher McLure - Actor

Patricia McMahon - Actor

Michael McNamara - Actor

Ian McPherson - Actor

Irene Meksula - Actor

A A Milne - Playwright

Carmel Modystach - Actor

Marisa Monterello - Actor

Bernard Moriarty - Adjudicator

Frederick Morris - Actor

T B Morris - Playwright

Peter Mowbray - Actor

Jill Munro - Actor

Jillian Murphy - Actor

Kaylene Murphy - Actor

Margaret Murphy - Actor

Roni Nettleton - Actor

John Noble - Actor

Margaret Noonan - Actor

Ian Novak - Actor

Richard Num - Actor

Carmel O'Brien - Actor

Paul O'Brien - Actor

Peter O'Brien - Actor

Geoffrey O'Connor - Actor

Terrance O'Neil - Actor

Christine O'Reilly - Actor

Anne O'Shaughnessy - Producer

Kerin O'Shaughnessy - Actor

Leonard Oldham - Actor

Krystyna Osinski - Actor

Robert Parbs - Producer

Ann Parker - Actor

Francis Pascoe - Actor

Irena Pawlik - Actor

David Peacock - Actor

Patricia Pederson - Actor

Angela Phillips - Actor

Susan Phillips - Actor

Jennifer Pike - Actor

Michael Rabbit - Actor

Eugene Ragghianti - Actor

Walter Raleigh - Playwright

Edward Raman - Actor

Barbara Ranzyn - Actor

Elizabeth Ratusnik - Actor

Peter Redden - Actor

Patrick Regan - Actor

Robin Reid - Actor

Catherine Richards - Actor

Christopher Robbins - Actor

Margaret Rohan - Actor

Vanessa Rohan - Actor

Mariette Ruys - Actor

Angela Ryan - Actor

Louise Sanders - Playwright

Mary Scardigno - Actor

Mary-Louise Scheid - Actor

May Scicluna - Actor

George Bernard Shaw - Playwright

Annette Shea - Actor

Brian Shinn - Actor

Peter Sich - Actor

Frances Skinner - Actor

Elizabeth Sloniec - Actor

Carmel Smith - Actor

Jenny Smith - Actor

Meredith Smith - Actor

Vivienne Smith - Actor

Christine Sparre - Actor

Frank Starrs - Actor

Douglas Stewart - Playwright

Dawn Suck - Actor

Elizabeth Sugars - Actor

John Supple - Stage Manager

Marija Svilans - Actor

Gail Symons - Actor

Frances Tarca - Actor

Reg Tarca - Actor

Michael Thilthorpe - Actor

Suzanne Thomas - Actor

Marie Towranicki - Actor

Mark Tunbridge - Actor

Monica Ukleja - Actor

Attila Varsanyi - Actor

Marie Vaughan - Actor

Michael Venning - Actor

Anthony Waite - Actor

Anthony Walsh - Actor

Patrick Walsh - Actor

Diana Webb - Actor

George Wheadon - Lighting Designer

Paul White - Actor

R White - Producer

Stephen Whittle - Actor

Winifred Whittle - Producer

Bruce Williamson - Actor

Diane Williman - Actor

Gayle Wilson - Actor

Terence Zander - Actor

Carlene Zeising - Actor

Marist Bros.

The Therry Dramatic Society Inc.

The Therry Society

Identifier 493646