Christopher Evans

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Contributor Christopher Evans
Gender Male
Functions Actor
Related Contributors


Frank Arndt - Composer

Cyril Ayris - Actor

Frank Baden-Powell - Director

Brian Byrne - Actor

Elizabeth Caiacob - Actor

Frank Camilleri - Actor, Chorus

Fred Chaplin - Actor

Peter Charlton - Actor

Adele Cohen - Actor

David Crann - Actor

Gerald Crooks - Chorus

Tim Dawe - Actor

Diana Delacqua - Actor

Graeme Down - Actor, Chorus

Margaret Edmonds - Stage Manager

Steve Evans - Choreographer

Rosemary Ferguson - Actor

Leone Ferrier - Actor

Bob Green - Chorus

Willis Hall - Playwright

Ian Jobsz - Chorus

Steve Jodrell - Actor

Chris Johnston - Actor

Andrew King - Actor

Patricia King - Actor

Sean Kinsella - Chorus

Zygmunt Krozowski - Chorus

Keith Lawrence - Actor

Margaret Leahey - Actor

Victor Marsh - Chorus

Stephen Matthews - Chorus

Geoffrey Milne - Lighting Designer

Judith Murphy - Musical Director

Chris Neuhauser - Chorus

Mark Norriss - Chorus

Maurie Ogden - Actor

Raymond Omodei - Director

Vincent Omodei - Actor

John Orcsik - Actor

Peter Orcsik - Actor

Michael Paine - Actor

Tom Reynolds - Actor

Ian Robinson - Set Designer

Brian Saunders - Chorus

Leonard Simmons - Actor

Keith Smith - Actor

Sophocles - Playwright

Peter Sturmer - Chorus

John Turner - Actor

Keith Waterhouse - Playwright

Helen Wisdom - Actor

Edgley and Dawe Attractions Pty Ltd

The Hole in the Wall Theatre Company

Identifier 493148