Deborah Peake-Jones

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Contributor Deborah Peake-Jones
Gender Female
Nationality australian
Functions Actor, Chorus, Singer: Soprano, Actor and Singer

Actor and Singer

Singer: Soprano



  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Tim Albery - Director

Vanessa Benger - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Stephen Bennett - Actor and Singer, Singer: Tenor

Peter Coleman-Wright - Actor and Singer, Singer: Baritone

Peter Deane - Actor and Singer, Chorus

  • The Marriage of Figaro, Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1990
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Karen Finch - Actor, Chorus

Jacqueline Forster - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Robert Gard - Actor and Singer, Singer: Tenor

Miriam Gormley - Actor and Singer, Singer: Soprano

Rosemary Gunn - Actor and Singer, Singer: Soprano

David Kram - Conductor

  • The Marriage of Figaro, Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1990
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Antony McDonald - Designer

Alan McKie - Conductor, Singer

Gordon McPherson - Actor, Actor and Singer

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Composer

David Perry - Chorus, Singer: Baritone

  • St John Passion, Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide, SA, 29 March 1991
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Sally-Anne Russell - Actor and Singer, Chorus

  • The Marriage of Figaro, Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1990
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Donald Shanks - Actor and Singer, Musician: Bass

Lynne Smythe - Actor, Chorus

Gillian Sullivan - Actor and Singer, Singer: Soprano

Amanda Thane - Actor and Singer, Singer: Soprano

Kathy Alley - Stage Manager

Robert Angove - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Johann Sebastian Bach - Composer

Janet Baker - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Janice Baker - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

William Bamford - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Jo Bills - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Carolyn Bishop - Choreographer

Gisele Blanchard - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Tasso Bouyessis - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Erica Breuer - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Gabrielle Bridges - Stage Manager

Celia Brown - Dancer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Rhett Brown - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Donn Byrnes - Lighting Designer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Deborah Caddy - Actor

Jak Callick - Dance Captain

Elena Carapetis - Costume Assistant, Set Designer

Owen Carmichael - Singer: Tenor

Jo Carter - Assistant Director

Alex Champion - Set Designer

Mark Clark - Actor

Andrew Close - Actor and Singer

Conal Coad - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Harold Coggins - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Linda Collis - Designer, Producer

Hugh Colman - Designer

Cathryn Cox - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

David Cox - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

David Cox - Assistant Designer

Frances Crooks - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Joanne Davey - Actor

Roslyn Dent - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

John Devaney - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Doris Dodd - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Kay Doherty - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Colin Dudley - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Grahame Dudley - Musical Arranger

Kate Edwards - Actor

Catherine Egar - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Helen Ellis - Actor

Robert England - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Graeme Ewer - Actor and Singer

Carolyn Ferrie - Actor and Singer

Gyorgy Fischer - Conductor

Susannah Foulds-Elliot - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Myer Fredman - Conductor

Michael Fuller - Choreographer

David Galliver - Narrator

Michelle Gardham - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Holly Gardner - Lighting Designer

Louise Gerard - Costume Assistant

John Germain - Actor and Singer

William Schwenck Gilbert - Librettist

Brian Gilbertson - Actor and Singer

Beverley Goldring - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Kay Gosnold - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Tracy Grady - Make-up Artist

Monica Green - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Trevor Green - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Terry Grimmond - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

John Hall - Conductor

Jacqueline Handley - Actor and Singer

Monica Hanusiak-Klavins - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Jan Hanwick - Actor

Kristen Hardy - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Geoffrey Harris - Actor and Singer

Jeremy Harris - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Michael Harrison - Actor

Shelley Hayton - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Alan Hayward - Set Designer

Lisa Heaven - Dancer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Barbara Heidrich - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Cathy Hill - Assistant Director

Wendy Hopkins - Actor and Singer

Roger Howell - Actor and Singer

Rita Hunter - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Ladislav Jasek - Concert Master

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Haley Jones - Costume Assistant

Kelli Jones - Costume Assistant

Justine Kelly - Costume Assistant

Diana Kempe - Costume Assistant

Rodney Kirk - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Jennifer Kneale - Actor and Singer

Sara Lambert - Actor and Singer

Nigel Levings - Lighting Designer

Michael Lewis - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Jaroslav Liszczynsky - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Alexander Lizogubow - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Alison Lockett - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Charmaine Lyle - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Phillip Mantell - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Christine Manuel - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Kenneth Marshall - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Margarita Martinez - Stage Manager

Ian Martlew - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Max Mastrosavas - Director

Emma McEwin - Set Designer

Peter McGill - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Mark McKenna - Actor

Douglas McNicol - Actor and Singer

Rex Millsteed - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

John Milson - Director

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Eugene Minge - Lighting Designer

Peter Mumford - Lighting Designer

Aidan Munn - Dancer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Jolanta Nagajek - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Robyn Nevin - Director

Dwina Noesbar - Assistant Director, Assistant Stage Manager, Make-up Artist

Paul O'Sullivan - Dancer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Mark Oates - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Elizabeth Olsson - Actor

James Orange - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Siobhan Ormandy - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Stephen Page - Choreographer

Jayne Paramor - Lighting Designer

Irene Petrovs - Set Designer

Graeme Pitt - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Patricia Price - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Merlyn Quaife - Actor and Singer

Carolyn Raymond - Singer: Contralto

Barbara Rennison - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Clive Richardson - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

James Ridewood - Designer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Rupert Robertson - Actor and Singer

Geoff Rogers - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Matthew Rutty - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Belinda Saltmarsh - Dancer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Susan Scattergood - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Bruno Sebastian - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Nicholas Selman - Deputy Stage Manager

Timothy Sexton - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Peter Sheedy - Dancer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Russell Smith - Actor and Singer

Mark Sobels - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Tricia Spence - Actor

Rod Sprigg - Actor

Roslyn Stallard - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Christopher Stevenson - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Arthur Seymour Sullivan - Composer

Daniel Sumegi - Actor

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Jim Sumner - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Helen Swan - Actor

Bob Terry - Actor

Guila Tiver - Actor and Singer

Peter Townsend - Mime

Betty Treloar - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Steve Trollope - Actor

Kerry Tuller - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

John Turner - Actor

Jean Valerio - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Giuseppe Verdi - Composer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Veronika Waack - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

David Wardle - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Kathy Wardle - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Leigh Warren - Choreographer

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Craig Weatherill - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Christopher Webb - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Anatole Webster - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Andrew Young - Actor

Carol Young - Chorus

  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

  • The Marriage of Figaro, Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1990
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

State Opera Chorus

  • The Marriage of Figaro, Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1990
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

The Australian Opera

The Australian Opera Chorus

The State Opera of South Australia

  • The Marriage of Figaro, Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1990
  • Aida, Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA, 10 May 1990

Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra

Festival of Sydney

State Orchestra of Victoria

The Adelaide Harmony Choir

The Elder Conservatorium of Music

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of South Australia

The University of Adelaide, Centre for the Performing Arts

Identifier 480153