Desmond Pegram

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Contributor Desmond Pegram
Gender Male
Functions Actor


Ronald Dunkerley - Actor

Keith Smith - Actor, Director, Stage Manager

Colin Vaskess - Actor, Director, Lighting Designer, Lighting Operator/Technician

Jon Duncan - Actor

Neville Thiele - Actor, Lighting Operator/Technician, Musical Arranger

Ken Hannam - Actor, Set Designer

Patrick Bowley - Actor, Set Designer, Stage Manager, Wigmaker

  • Tartuffe, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, 27 August 1952
  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Roger Cox - Actor

Jay Crocker - Actor, Lighting Designer

Frank Curtain - Actor

Lorraine Delburn - Actor

Ray Desmond - Actor, Director

Judith Hall - Actor, Properties Master

David Lloyd - Actor

Marie Long - Actor

Rae Shadwell - Actor

George Bernard Shaw - Playwright

Sonia Tyler - Actor

  • Tartuffe, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, 27 August 1952
  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Edna Baker - Actor

Pauline Bell - Actor

Earl Bennett - Actor

Noel Bennett - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

John Blair - Actor

Joan Crawley - Actor

John Crocker - Actor

Graham Davis - Actor

Corinnie Driscoll - Actor

Maximillian Feuerring - Set Designer

Lance Ford - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Bevan Gee - Actor, Stage Manager

Kathleen Griffin - Actor

  • Tartuffe, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, 27 August 1952

Valerie Hooton - Actor

Ellen Houlder - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

John Hunt - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Edward Jackson - Actor

Herbert Jefferson - Actor

Jean Jenkinson - Actor

William Lucas - Set Designer

Peter Macpherson - Actor

Beverley McDonald - Actor

  • Tartuffe, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, 27 August 1952

Nado Milat - Set Designer

Jean-Baptiste Moliere - Playwright

  • Tartuffe, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, 27 August 1952

Lenore O'Brien - Actor, Costume Co-ordinator

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Moya O'Sullivan - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Kenneth Robertson - Actor

Ian Sefton - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

John Shadwell - Actor

Margaret Shepherd - Actor

Gwen Sherwood - Actor

Alan Sisson - Actor, Stage Manager

John Millington Synge - Playwright

Glyn Tyler - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

Peter Ustinov - Playwright

Tom Williams - Actor

  • Tartuffe, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, 27 August 1952

Barry Zietsch - Actor

  • Saint Joan, The Shavian Playhouse, Ultimo, NSW, June 1952

The Shavian Playhouse

Identifier 478571