Gertrude Underwood

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Contributor Gertrude Underwood
Gender Female
Functions Singer: Soprano

Singer: Soprano

Martha Bruggemann - Vocalist

Samuel Coleridge Taylor - Composer

Frederick Corder - Composer

Hazel Creswell - Singer: Contralto

H Gepp - Singer: Soprano

Helen Gordon - Singer: Soprano

Guli Hack - Conductor

Noel Hack - Vocalist

Florence Harris - Singer: Contralto

Sylvia Harris - Singer: Soprano

Winifred Holder - Singer: Soprano

Frederick Hyett - Vocalist

Ivy Jones - Singer: Soprano

Carlien Jurs - Musician: Pianist

Clara Kleinschmidt - Singer: Contralto

Nora Kyffin Thomas - Orchestral Leader

Stanley May - Singer: Baritone

Winifred Mellor - Singer: Contralto

Elizabeth Rodgers - Singer: Soprano

Bertram Shapleigh - Composer

Alice Thwaites - Singer: Soprano

Bryceson Treharne - Composer

Fritz Volbach - Composer

Ethel Williams - Singer: Contralto

Irene Williams - Singer: Contralto

Arthur Williamson - Musician: Organist

The Elder Conservatorium of Music

The University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide, Elder Conservatorium Orchestra

The University of Adelaide, Ladies' Part-Singing Class

Identifier 465921