Joanne Lawson

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Contributor Joanne Lawson
Gender Female
Functions Actor


Joanne Austin - Actor

Betty Baddington - Set Painter

Fiona Baddington - Set Designer

Kathy Barker - Make-up Designer

Lynn Bingham - Assistant to the Director

Suzanne Bourne - Actor

Belinda Crossley - Actor

Scott Dennis - Actor

Gary Flanigan - Actor

Marguerite Garcia - Actor

Georgina Genee - Musician: Pianist

Kathy Glanville - Actor

Alan Green - Sound Designer

David Hanrahan - Lighting Designer

Clive Hearne - Set and/or Property Maker

James Hinton - Actor

Loreta Hodson - Actor

Anne Hoppen - Actor

Damian Jones - Actor

Melanie Kehoe - Actor

Don Kennedy - Set Painter

Teresa Kennedy - Production Manager

Helen Kerr - Actor

Anthony Lamplough - Lighting Designer

Laurie Lane - Costume Co-ordinator

Jim Lausson - Actor

Quentin Maclaine - Actor

Bruce McBrien - Actor

Barrye Miller - Costume Co-ordinator

Dennis Parker - Actor

Leonie Pilgrim - Actor

Elizabeth Reed - Actor

Fay Seward - Costume Co-ordinator

Margaret Sheffield - Costume Co-ordinator

Simon Shepherd - Actor

Tim Smith - Musical Director

Robert Stogren - Actor

Alan Stone - Choreographer, Director

Antony Tomlinson - Actor

Kerryn Vallence - Actor

Fred Vanderlinde - Prompt

Michael Waugh - Actor

Sandy Wilson - Music and Lyrics Librettist, Writer

Sandringham Light Opera Co. Inc.

Identifier 462725