Mr Bouna

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Contributor Mr Bouna
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Acrobat, Contortionist




David N Martin - Entrepreneur, Presenter, Producer, Production Supervisor

Ralton R James - Producer, Production Supervisor

Mary Priestman - Actor and Singer, Musician: Pianist, Singer

Ron Devine - Dancer

Maureen Helman - Performer

Renita Kramer - Actor and Singer, Performer

Toni Lamond - Performer, Singer

Lloyd Martin - Performer

Harry Moreny - Performer

Harold Moschetti - Composer, Conductor

Carl Randall - Choreographer

Frank Sheldon - Dancer

Tommy Trinder - Comedian

H Birbeck - Mechanist

Sonya Corbeau - Actor and Singer, Performer

Bernard Delfont - Director, Producer

Paul Derval - Director, Producer

Herbert Fisher - Musical Director

Michael Friedman - Dancer

Winnie Gill - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Keith Gregory - Lighting Designer

Michel Gyarmathy - Costume Maker, Producer

Ronnie Hay - Choreographer

Dick Hurran - Producer

Lewis Jacob - Dancer, Performer

Tod Kingman - Set and/or Property Maker

Bettina Nelson - Dancer

Guy Nelson - Performer

Peggy Phillips - Dancer

Lita Ray - Performer

Shirley Reagan - Dancer

J Sidoli - Properties Master

Norman Vaughan - Actor and Singer, Performer

Gordon Walls - Dancer

Angus Winneke - Design Consultant, Set Designer

Carl Ames - Musician: Harpist

Roy Barbour - Performer

Max Blake - Dancer

John Bluthal - Actor

John Blythe - Performer

Wally Boag - Performer

Margaret Brown - Performer

Marylin Burr - Dancer

Dudley Cantrell - Composer

Brenda Charles - Dancer

Val Coburn - Dancer

Bill Crawford - Stage Director

David Eadie - Actor

Albert Fisher - Conductor

Fred Gulliford - Composer

Harry Jacobson - Performer

Allan Jones - Performer

Kathie Lamb - Dancer

Betty Linke - Singer

Madame Nixon - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Margaret Monson - Ballet Master/Mistress, Dancer

Betty Prentice - Singer

Professor Olgo - Comedian

Shirley Regan - Actor

Noel Rooney - Actor

Marilyn Smith - Dancer

Julian Somers - Actor

June Thacker - Actor

Desle Todd - Dancer

Kerry Vaughn - Actor

Tivoli Circuit (Australia) Pty Ltd

J C Williamson Theatres Limited (1943-1976)

Les Danseuses

Les Garcons

Les Modeles

Les Nus


Lowe and Ladd

Nancy de Paull's Young Lady Acrobats

Tivoli Celebrity Singers

Tivoli Lovelies

Trio Daresco

Trio Fayes

Bert Duke Duo

Bert Duke Trio

Bouna Continental Contortionist

Halama and Konarski

Les Folies Bergere

Mara and Maurice

Pan Yue Jen

Rey Overbury and Suzette

The Botonds

The Chaddells

The Dancing Knights

The Dancing Ladies

The Myrons

The Royal Singers

The Tivoli Models

The Tivolovlies

The Wheeling Brittons

Theatre des Folies-Bergere

Tivoli Orchestra

Identifier 461673