Laura Rocconi

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Contributor Laura Rocconi
Gender Female
Functions Actor


Hermonn - Director, Set Designer

Geoffrey Atherden - Playwright

Chris Backstrom - Lyricist

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Matt Byrne - Actor, Designer, Director

Kim Clark - Actor

Mark DeLaine - Actor

Lindsay Dunn - Actor

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Suzanne Dyer - Musical Director

Heather Elliott - Musical Director

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Richard Flynn - Book and Lyrics Librettist, Director

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Ian Gale - Book and Lyrics Librettist

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Reg Hamlyn - Actor

Kristen Heanes - Actor

Bianca Levai - Actor

Gavin Lloyd-Jones - Actor

Carolyn Lockett - Actor

Frank Loesser - Composer, Lyricist

Leanne Marsland - Actor

Brian Messenger - Actor

Isabella Norton - Actor

Leonie Osborn - Costume Co-ordinator

Michelle Pearson - Actor

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Joshua Penley - Actor

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Peter Potts - Actor

Libby Reu - Actor

David Roberts - Actor

John Sabine - Actor

Rod Schultz - Actor

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Angela Smith - Actor

Brenton Smith - Actor

Daryl Spencer - Actor

Zac Tyler - Actor

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Njal Venning - Actor

Carmel Vistoli - Choreographer

Laura White - Actor

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

Kim York - Actor

Matt Byrne Media

Shoah 3 Company

  • Shoah, Odeon Theatre, Norwood, SA, 3 June 2005

The Metropolitan Musical Theatre Company

Warner / Chappell Music

Identifier 458370