Glenda Christeson

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Contributor Glenda Christeson
Gender Female
Functions Actor, Chorus, Musician, Singer, Vocalist, Singer: Soprano


  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955


  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953



Singer: Soprano

Patricia Beatty - Musician, Singer

Allan Giles - Accompanist, Musical Arranger

Barbara Howard - Director, Producer

Georges Bizet - Composer

May Cottle - Chorus, Singer

Claude Debussy - Composer

Ronald Denson - Lighting Designer, Stage Manager

Marilyn Flavel - Singer

Alison Holder - Musician: Pianist

Norma Hunter - Singer, Singer: Contralto

Dorothy Jaensch - Chorus, Singer

Mary McMahon - Musician, Singer

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Composer

Marie Paech - Singer

Trevor Rodger - Chorus, Singer

Colin Shadgett - Musician, Singer

Ralph Vaughan Williams - Composer

Anthony Adams - Musician

Mark Anders - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Elizabeth Arbie - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

John Ashurst - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Henryk Aumuller - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Johann Sebastian Bach - Composer

Marie Bates - Singer

Margaret Bormann - Singer

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Cleone Bowering-Wood - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

William Boyce - Composer

Johannes Brahms - Composer

Benjamin Britten - Composer

Giulio Caccini - Composer

Walter Carter - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Frederic Chopin - Composer

Charles Coffee - Singer

Stuart Crouch - Singer

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Cesar Cui - Composer

Hedley Cullen - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Leita Davies - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Jean Daviess - Singer

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Léo Delibes - Composer

Frederick Delius - Composer

Ernő Dohnányi - Composer

Antonin Dvořák - Composer

Brian Ellis - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Philip Fargher - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Lorna Fletcher - Musician

Brian Forrest - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Edward Forsyth - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Melva Gartner - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Armstrong Gibbs - Composer

Joan Gill - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Jennifer Goode - Musician

Enrique Granados - Composer

Michael Griggs - Musician

Shelley Gunning - Musician

Austin Hall - Stage Manager

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

William Harris - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Joan Healey - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Robin Higgs - Musician

John Hodges - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Laurence Housman - Playwright

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Verna Huelin - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Kathleen Hughes - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Michael James - Set Designer

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Margaret Kelly - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Margaret King - Composer

Hazel Landon - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Josephine Lawton - Accompanist

Mary Leonard - Accompanist

Myra Lillywhite - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Stanislaw Livman - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Gregory Loughlin - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Patricia Loughlin - Singer

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Dorothy Martin - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

G Matters - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

George Matters - Singer

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Neil McDermid - Musician

Tess McGair - Singer

Ian McLauchlan - Lighting Designer

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Margaret McPherson - Accompanist, Musician

Kathleen Meares - Accompanist

Elsie Mildrum - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

John Miller - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Taverner Miller - Singer

Yvonne Minesvini - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Elizabeth Mitchell - Musician

Valda Motley - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Eva Moyse - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Modest Mussorgsky - Composer

John Niles - Composer

Judith Palmer - Musician

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi - Composer

John Perry - Musician

John Priest - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Henry Purcell - Composer

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

John Raynor - Composer

Leslie Raynor - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Kathleen Rooney - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Paul Rutenis - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Alessandro Scarlatti - Composer

Franz Schubert - Composer

Colin Schumacher - Singer

Louisa Scorer - Costume Co-ordinator

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Jill Shepherd - Musician

Leonie Smerdon - Musician

Bedřich Smetana - Composer

Margaret Stodart - Musician

Kathleen Tagart - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Fred Tarrant - Singer

Iris Thomas - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Keith W Thomson - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Judith Thornquest - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Colin Tilley - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Ludwig van Beethoven - Composer

Colin Vaskess - Actor

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955

Giuseppe Verdi - Composer

Fay Waite - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Nita Wallace - Singer

G Warhurst - Chorus

  • Dido and Aeneas, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 20 April 1953

Gordon Warhurst - Singer

Mary Warnecke - Musician: Pianist

Hugo Wolf - Composer

The Elder Conservatorium of Music

The University of Adelaide

Elder Conservatorium Opera Group

The University of Adelaide, Theatre Guild

  • Queen's Consort, University of Adelaide, The Hut, The University of Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1955
Identifier 457637