R Gilbert

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Contributor R Gilbert
Gender Male
Functions Chorus


Effie Armstrong - Chorus

Barfield - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

George Blair - Actor and Singer

F J Bonner - Actor and Singer

Enid Brocklehurst - Chorus

May Brophy - Chorus

Leo Bryce - Chorus

Harry Burton - Conductor

Edmund Butterworth - Actor and Singer

John Byrne - Actor and Singer

Arthur Carlisle - Chorus

Millicent Churchill - Chorus

Lilian Crisp - Actor and Singer

Leo Darnton - Actor and Singer

Charles Davis - Actor and Singer

Fred Deal - Chorus

Helen Dennes - Actor and Singer

Molly Durrant - Dancer

Pat Durrant - Chorus

A Eskell - Chorus

Lorna Evans - Dancer

Patricia Fisher - Dancer

Mignon Flemming - Chorus

James Foran - Actor and Singer

Rege Gordonov - Chorus

Lorna Gray - Chorus

Stan Griffiths - Chorus

Oscar Hammerstein - Lyricist

Chester Harris - Chorus

Otto Hauerbach - Writer

Charles Higgs - Chorus

Betty Holloway - Chorus, Dancer

Edna Hooper - Chorus

Doris Hopkins - Actor and Singer

Irma Hugheson - Chorus

Arthur James - Chorus

Oda Larsen - Chorus

Avis Leahy - Chorus

R Mahood - Chorus

Frank Mandel - Writer

Horace Mannering - Actor and Singer

Bernard Manning - Actor and Singer

Arthur Maurice - Chorus

Marjorie Maxwell - Choreographer

Eily McDonald - Actor and Singer

Charles McKenzie - Chorus

Sisca Navaretti - Chorus

L Neely - Chorus

Don Nicol - Actor and Singer

James O'Toole - Chorus

Muriel Petty - Chorus

Eileen Pollard - Actor and Singer

Hilton Porter - Actor and Singer

John Prein - Actor and Singer

Vernon Robertson - Actor and Singer

Sigmund Romberg - Composer

Eileen Saker - Chorus

Laurence Schwab - Entrepreneur

Ivan Squirrell - Actor and Singer

James Stephens - Chorus

Laurel Streeter - Actor and Singer

Victor Tatnall - Producer

Harry Taylor - Actor and Singer

Ethel Thompson - Chorus

Richard Tovey - Chorus

D Wilson - Chorus

William Wilson - Chorus

J C Williamson Limited (1910-1979)

Identifier 452145