Gerard Maloney

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Contributor Gerard Maloney
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Producer
Notes Gerard Maloney is a life member of the Launceston Players Society.



John Cullen - Actor, Producer, Publicist

Anne Maloney - Actor

Helen Dunstan - Actor

Henry Greenhill - Actor

Shirley Patterson - Actor, Director, Lighting Designer, Producer

Isabel Pyper - Actor

Albert Sidebotham - Actor, Head Mechanist

John Simmons OAM - Electrician, Lighting Operator/Technician

Dorothy Smith - Assistant Stage Manager, Mechanist, Properties Master/Mistress, Various

Paul Sulzberger - Actor, Playwright

Laurie Cassidy - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

Ruth Cassidy - Costume Maker, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

David Hancock - Front of House

Mary Jarvis - Costume Maker, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Louise Keach - Actor

Marie Maumill - Actor, Producer, Publicist

James Stutter - Actor, Producer

Walter Van Nieuwkuyk Junior - Actor, Properties Master/Mistress, Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Manager

Peter Wallbank - Actor, Mechanist, Producer

Ron Ward - Actor

Alan Wood - Actor

Betty Yost - Actor

Roma Annear - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Caroline Bertram - Assistant Stage Manager, Stage Director

Don Bridges - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Manager

Ted Carney - Front of House

Max Cassidy - Assistant Stage Manager, Stage Manager

Tim Clippingdale - Actor

Dorothy Devenish-Meares - Actor

Bob Donoghue - Actor, Sound Operator/Engineer

Judith Eddie - Actor, Producer

Coral Foster - Actor

William Gibson - Playwright

Rex Gofton - Actor, Producer

Ralph Graham - Mechanist, Set and/or Property Maker, Various

Byron Harrison - Actor

Robin McBain - Actor

Patricia Mehegan - Actor

Vincent Mehegan - Actor

Tony Rosevear - Actor

Andree Saunders - Actor

Lloyd Scott - Actor

Marlene Shepherd - Actor

Maria Shipley - Actor, Properties Master/Mistress

Walter Stephenson - Actor, Mechanist

Joy Stutter - Actor

Walter Terry - Actor, Producer

Bill Turner - Actor, Various

John Tydde - Adjudicator

Keith Walker - Actor, Producer

Nina Wallbank - Actor

Doris Willis - Assistant Stage Manager, Stage Manager

Geoff Willis - Stage Director

John Wolstenholme - Actor

Geoff Wood - Actor

Mac Woodroffe - Actor

Howard Agg - Playwright

George Andersch - Mechanist

George Andish - Actor

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

Reginald Arkell - Book and Lyrics Librettist

Betty Atherton - Milliner

Michael Badcock - Various

David Barratt - Actor

Katherine Beattie - Stage Manager

Kathleen Beattie - Stage Manager

Bernard Boon - Actor

Margaret Boon - Actor

Anthony Booth - Playwright

  • El Campesino, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 21 June 1962

Suzanne Boothby - Actor

Edward Broomhall - Stage Manager

Alan Broughton - Actor

Wayne Browne - Actor

Alan Burke - Adjudicator

Joan Burnett - Choreographer

Jim Butler - Actor

Wendy Byrne - Actor

Maxwell John Clark - Actor

Miep Coenan - Actor

Mabel Constanduros - Playwright

Penelope Coogan - Actor

Noel Coward - Playwright

Phillip Cowie - Actor

Jane Craig - Assistant Stage Manager

John Craig - Actor

Beverley Cullen - Costume Maker

Wayne Dearing - Actor

Ronald Denson - Adjudicator

Noel Dicker - Actor

  • El Campesino, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 21 June 1962

Joe Donovan - Actor

Elaine Edwards - Actor

Noreen Ellis - Actor

Vivienne Ellis - Actor

Dianne Enright - Various

Doris Fitton - Adjudicator

Brian Garwood - Actor

John Gelston - Actor and Singer

Elizabeth Godfrey-Smith - Costume Maker

Paul Goodwin - Assistant Stage Manager

Althea Gould - Actor

Shirley Graham - Actor

Jim Grant - Actor

Judy Gregory - Actor

Judy Hall - Actor

Bob Harding - Sound Operator/Engineer

Adrienne Hibbs - Actor

Ashley Hillier - Actor

Pearl Hillier - Actor

John Hoare - Actor

Jacqueline Horne - Actor

Mark Howard - Playwright

Hugh Hunt - Adjudicator

Neil Hutchison - Adjudicator

  • El Campesino, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 21 June 1962

James Igoe - Actor

Helen Jackson - Actor

Barbara James - Front of House

Cynthia Jarvis - Properties Master/Mistress

Philip Johnson - Playwright

Sandra Kerrison - Actor

Major Kerslake - Publicist

Tom Kirkman - Set and/or Property Maker

John Krutilis - Actor

Sally Lacey - Actor

Janice Langworthy - Actor

Ray Lawler - Playwright

Geoff Martin - Electrician

Jessie Matthews - Adjudicator

Anne McCrimmon - Actor

Denise McCullagh - Various

Frank McCulloch - Actor

Jenny McFadjean - Actor

Arthur Miller - Playwright

Julie Millhouse - Actor

Ted Molyneaux - Actor

Elizabeth Morris - Actor

Gael Morris - Actor

John Mortimer - Playwright

Josephina Niggli - Playwright

Peter O'Reilly - Actor

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

Max Oldaker - Choreographer, Costume Designer, Musical Director, Producer

Don Phillips - Sound Operator/Engineer

Maureen Pollard - Actor

Jack Popplewell - Playwright

David Reid - Adjudicator

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

Alfred Reynolds - Composer

Grant Richards - Actor

Gary Richardson - Set and/or Property Maker

Jean Ride - Actor

Margo Roark - Producer

Ray Sangston - Sound Operator/Engineer

Mary-Anne Schiwy - Actor

Lola Scott - Actor

Alan Seymour - Playwright

Pat Shackel - Head Mechanist

Neil Shaddock - Actor

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

David Sharman - Set and/or Property Maker

William Shaw - Actor

Beverly Shepherd - Actor

Margaret Simms - Assistant Stage Manager

Kerry Sinclair - Actor

Anne Skerratt - Actor

Stephen Smith - Actor

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

John Soundy - Lighting Operator/Technician

Veronica Spencer - Actor

Judith St Leger - Actor

John Strickland - Actor

Peter Sulzberger - Actor

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

Joy Swain - Actor

Charles Tammadge - Set Designer

Molly Tammadge - Costume Maker

Elizabeth Taylor - Properties Master/Mistress

H Terry - Producer

Anthony Thomas - Adjudicator

Sydney Tomholt - Playwright

Kathleen Turner - Actor

Ronald Tyson - Front of House

Johanna van Nieuwkuyk - Actor

John Vile - Actor

  • Time To Kill, National Theatre, Launceston, TAS, 23 June 1961

Jill Waddingham - Actor

Greg Waddle - Scenic Artist

John Walker - Actor

Elaine Weeks - Actor

Tim White - Lighting Operator/Technician

Tim Whyte - Lighting Designer

Oscar Wilde - Playwright

Christopher Wilkes - Actor

David Wilson - Actor

Joan Wood - Actor

Cecil Woodroffe - Costume Maker

Tom Yost - Actor

Doug Young - Assistant Stage Manager

Olwyn Young - Various

Launceston Players

Westbury Dramatic Society

Identifier 447735