Sue Roff

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Contributor Sue Roff
Gender Female
Functions Actor, Costume Designer, Director, Singer, Actor and Singer


Actor and Singer

Costume Designer

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986



Lisa McVilly - Actor, Set Designer

Ron Halliday - Actor, Director, Writer

Clynton Jones - Actor

Tony Falla - Actor and Singer, Singer

Kate Lethbridge - Actor

Jerril Rechter - Actor

Phillip Smith - Actor and Singer, Singer

Carol Starkey - Actor and Singer, Singer

Shani Wood - Actor, Actor and Singer

Keith Young - Actor and Singer, Designer, Set Designer, Singer

Sally Barnett - Singer

Audra Briggs - Singer

Ted Briggs - Choreographer, Singer

Greg Cauchi - Actor

Barbara Denham - Costume Co-ordinator, Narrator, Singer

Jillian Donaldson - Actor and Singer, Singer

Mark Emerson - Actor and Singer, Producer, Singer

Trevor Findlay - Choreographer, Director, Writer

Lorraine Francis - Actor and Singer, Choreographer, Director, Singer

Matthew Green - Actor, Lighting Operator/Technician

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986
  • Blood Wedding, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1984

Fiona Hollingworth - Actor

Ian Howard - Director, Stage Manager

Rose Ianno - Musical Director, Musician

Anne Louise Jeffries - Actor and Singer, Singer

Elizabeth Lord - Actor and Singer, Singer

Edda Massimini - Actor, Actor and Singer

Clare McKenna - Actor

Charles Oliver - Actor and Singer, Singer

Stephen Pike - Actor and Singer

Andrew Ross - Actor and Singer, Musician

Sallie Sallis - Actor and Singer, Singer

Robert Stephens - Actor and Singer

James Wardlaw - Actor

Stuart Young - Actor and Singer, Singer

Jane Anthony - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Goran Banyai - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Ian Bliss - Actor

Linda Blom - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Betty Bohmer - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Grahame Bond - Playwright

Anne Brabin-Smith - Set and/or Property Maker

Elizabeth Bradley - Actor

Christine Broderick - Singer

Christine Brodrick - Singer

Russell Brown - MC

Jim Burnett - Playwright

Veronica Caffery - Costume Co-ordinator

Jan Carey - Choreographer

Warren Casey - Composer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Peter Chapman - Actor

Damien Connor - Actor

Clare Cooper - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Paul Corcoran - Stage Manager

Callum Cowell - Lighting Operator/Technician

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Diane Cowell - Actor

  • Blood Wedding, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1984

Julie Cranfield - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

John Cuffe - Actor

Graham Daly - Sound Designer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Sandie Daly - Lighting Designer

Peter Dark - Actor and Singer

Margaret de Mestre - Actor

John Derrum - Singer

Vincent di Mitrio - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Rebecca Dolley - Actor

  • Blood Wedding, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1984

Kerreen Ely-Harper - Actor

Mark Emmerson - Singer

Peter Farago - Director, Teacher

  • Blood Wedding, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1984

Heather Forbes - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Sue Gasinsky - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Leslea Geary - Actor and Singer

Joyce Glynn - Actor

Anne Godfrey-Smith - Director

Richard Goldberg - Actor and Singer

Maxim Gorky - Playwright

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Helen Gottstein - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Karen Greig - Choreographer

Peter Harris - Designer, Set and/or Property Maker

Christine Hutchins - Mechanist

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Pat Hutchinson - Stage Manager

Rosemary Hyde - Actor and Singer

Jim Jacobs - Composer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Marie Jensen - Actor and Singer

Loretta Johnson - Stage Manager

Helen Jones - Actor

David Kaine - Singer

Andrew Kay - Musical Director

Pat Kelson - Stage Manager

Liz Kirk - Actor

James Lawson - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Annette Leon - Costume Designer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Nick Leon - Stage Manager

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Federico Garcia Lorca - Playwright

  • Blood Wedding, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1984

Ginny Lowe - Singer

Joyce Macfarlane - Set Painter

Trevor Major - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Edda Massamini - Singer

Simon McGuinness - Actor, Lighting Operator/Technician

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Valentine McKelvey - Production Manager

Matthew McRae - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Rob Meadows - Director, Teacher

John Metcalfe - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Sally Minter - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Virginia Mock - Actor

Martin Newman - Actor and Singer

Maureen Newman - Costume Designer

Mary O'Malley - Playwright

John Paisley - Actor

Martine Pavey - Actor

Jeremy Pearce - Actor

Phil Perman - Actor and Singer

Kate Peters - Actor and Singer

Fred Pezzimenti - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Steven Pike - Singer

Jen Price - Actor and Singer

Michael Pyne - Singer

Therese Randall - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Joan Richards - Actor and Singer

Norma Robertson - Musical Director

Sancia Robinson - Actor

Lindsay Roe - Actor and Singer

Pamela Rosenberg - Actor

Tamara Ross - Actor

Lindsay Rowe - Singer

Guy Rowell - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

William Shakespeare - Playwright

Joe Sharman - Set and/or Property Maker

Margaret Simm - Singer

Colin Slater - Singer

Stephen Smithyman - Director, Teacher

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Christopher Stevenson - Actor

  • Blood Wedding, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1984

August Strindberg - Playwright

Karen Sutton - Actor

  • Summerfolk, Victoria College, Rusden Campus, Clayton, VIC, 1986

Michael Sutton - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Robert Taylor - Stage Manager

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Ian Telford - Designer

Stef Torok - Actor

Ellie Tsakiris - Singer

Mark Tunbridge - Musician

Sue Upton - Actor and Singer

Jim Watson - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Jenny Way - Sound Designer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Thelma White - Wardrobe Mistress

Colin Willis - Actor and Singer

Sandie Wright - Lighting Designer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Chris Young - Actor and Singer

  • Grease , Erindale Theatre, Wanniassa, ACT, 5 September 1980

Victoria College Rusden Campus Drama

Tempo Theatre Inc

Band of the Royal Military College

Burgmann College Students

Canberra Repertory Society

Combined Canberra Theatre

Fortune Theatre Company

La Mama (VIC)

Identifier 447327