Pierce Wilcox

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Contributor Pierce Wilcox
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Assistant Director, Director, Dramaturg/e, Librettist, Producer, Writer, Recitationer




Assistant Director





  • Lunacy, Online - Australia: NSW, , NSW, 4 August 2020

Stephanie Bennett - Actor, Director, Writer

Finn Davis - Actor

Charlotte Green - Actor

Brendan Hooke - Actor

Jack Symonds - Composer, Conductor

Robyn Archer - MC

Travis Ash - Actor

Valerie Bader - Actor

Boris Bagattini - Visual Artist

Genevieve Blanchett - Designer

Neada Bulseco - Actor

Ivan Cheng - Actor

Danielle Chiaverini - Actor

Emma Cole - Dramaturg/e

Bridie Connell - Actor

  • The 39 Steps, Sidetrack Theatre, Marrickville, NSW, 28 September 2011

Justin Stewart Cotta - Actor

Stephen Curtis - Designer

Rose Davies - Costume Designer

Gayda de Mesa - Producer

Brett Dean - Composer

Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Author

Lauren Eisinger - Producer

  • The 39 Steps, Sidetrack Theatre, Marrickville, NSW, 28 September 2011

Jim Fishwick - Actor

CloƩ Fournier - Choreographer

Lucy Guerin - Choreographer

Elliot Gyger - Musical Arranger

Will Haines - Actor

Verity Hampson - Lighting Designer

Chris Haywood - Actor

Aileen Huynh - Director, Technician

Jason Jefferies - Actor

  • Lunacy, Online - Australia: NSW, , NSW, 4 August 2020

Rob Johnson - Actor

  • The 39 Steps, Sidetrack Theatre, Marrickville, NSW, 28 September 2011

Emma Johnston - Actor

Emma Jones - Actor

Peter Kowitz - Actor

Genevieve Lacey - Musician

Kelsey Lee - Lighting Designer

Tony Llewellyn-Jones - Actor

David Malouf - Author

Luke Martin - Actor

  • The 39 Steps, Sidetrack Theatre, Marrickville, NSW, 28 September 2011

Brodie Masini - Actor

  • Lunacy, Online - Australia: NSW, , NSW, 4 August 2020

Beth McMullen - Actor, Writer

Harry Milas - Actor

  • The 39 Steps, Sidetrack Theatre, Marrickville, NSW, 28 September 2011

Lap Nguyen - Stage Crew, Technician

Patrick Nolan - Director

Ryan Panizza - Actor

  • Lunacy, Online - Australia: NSW, , NSW, 4 August 2020

Nicholas Rayment - Lighting Designer

Harrison Ritchie-Jones - Dancer

Laurence Rosier-Staines - Actor

Matthew Rossi - Producer

Kelly Ryall - Composer

Rebecca Saffir - Actor

Imara Savage - Director

Michaela Savina - Actor

Elizabeth Schaffer - Photographer

Bob Scott - Composer, Musician

Khym Scott - Choreographer

Stephen Sharpe - Actor

Justin Smith - Actor

Olivia Sparrow - Actor

Alex Stamell - Actor

  • Lunacy, Online - Australia: NSW, , NSW, 4 August 2020

Lilian Steiner - Dancer

Sam Strong - Director

Sara Swersky - Associate Lighting Designer

Tauese Tofa - Composer

Elizabeth Toriola - Actor

Shingo Usami - Actor

Ash Vlahos - Actor

Sam Wang - Actor, Playwright, Properties Officer, Video Artist

Caitlin West - Actor and Singer

Anna Westbrook - Assistant Producer

Sydney Fringe Festival

107 Projects

Sydney Chamber Opera

Australia Council for the Arts



Crack X Festival

FAST - Festival of Australian Student Theatre

Griffin Theatre Company

La Boite Theatre Company

Melbourne Festival

National Theatre of Parramatta


  • Lunacy, Online - Australia: NSW, , NSW, 4 August 2020

Queensland University of Technology, Creative Industries

Sekrit Projekt

The University of Sydney, Dramatic Society (SUDS)

Identifier 442549