Maris Caune

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Contributor Maris Caune
Gender Male
Nationality Australian
Functions Actor, Stage Manager


Stage Manager

Tony Moore - Director, Lighting Designer

  • Norm and Ahmed, Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, February 2010
  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Mike Pitman - Composer, Musical Director, Musician: Pianist

Jo Allenby - Costume Maker

Lee-Anne Allenby - Actor and Singer

Hollie Andrew - Actor and Singer

Michelle Arbery - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Howard Ashman - Composer, Lyricist

Norman Athersmith - Actor and Singer

Lisa Bald - Choreographer

Ian Barge - Actor and Singer

Craig Behenna - Actor

Jack Bennett - Actor

Michelle Burgan - Actor and Singer

Alexander Buzo - Playwright

Matt Byrne - Actor and Singer, Director, Lighting Designer

David Carn - Actor

Raechel Carroll - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Ben Cohn - Actor and Singer

Marisa Creazzo - Musician: Keyboardist

Tommy Darwin - Actor

Graham Dawson - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Ninian Donald - Actor

Fran Edwards - Costume Maker

Ross Ganf - Director

Rob Green - Musician: Drummer

Darren Hassan - Actor and Singer

Mark Horner - Actor and Singer

Rodney Hutton - Actor and Singer

Ceri Hutton-Horner - Actor and Singer

Kevin Kennedy - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Jeff Lang - Actor and Singer

Kelly Little - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Vanessa Lloyd - Actor and Singer

Gavin Lloyd-Jones - Actor and Singer

Ksenja Logos - Actor

H P Lovecraft - Playwright

Jerome Matthews - Actor

Charissa McCluskey - Actor and Singer

Alan Menken - Composer, Lyricist

Peter Nielsen - Production Manager, Sound Designer

John Owens - Musician: Bass

Rosie Peck - Actor and Singer, Designer

Bruce Peers - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Edgar Allan Poe - Playwright

Debbie Pogany - Director

Janos Pogany - Director

Ric Ramsay - Actor

Phillip Reynolds - Actor

Philip Ridley - Playwright

Lea Riley - Actor and Singer

Gerard Ryan - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Allison Scarlett - Actor and Singer

Kerri Seager - Actor and Singer

William Shakespeare - Playwright

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Nick Smart - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

John Steinbeck - Writer

Delia Stopford - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Lexie Thiele - Actor and Singer

Glenn Vallen - Musician: Guitarist

Drew Webb - Sound Operator/Engineer

Joanna Webb - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Damien White - Director

Anne Williams - Costume Maker

Adam Wilson - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Tim Wilson - Lighting Operator/Technician

David Winston - Actor and Singer

Ian Woods - Actor

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Adelaide Fringe Festival

Lightning Strike Incorporated

Arts SA

Four Bux Progressive Arts

La Mama Theatre (SA)

Matt Byrne Media

Oasis Theatre Company

Q Theatre Company

  • Macbeth, Q Theatre (1970-1985), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1993

Spotlight Theatre Company

Identifier 237077