Augustus Neville

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Contributor Augustus Neville
Other Names Gus Neville
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Stage Manager, Actor and Singer
Notes Born in Wellington, but made his career in Australia. Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 10, 11 July 1914, Page 11: Mr, Augustus Neville, a Wellingtonian, for the past twelve months has been appearing as leading man in stock melodrama at Theatre Royal, Brisbane. Mr. Neville has received a good offer from America, and will, in all probability, leave for the States towards the end of this year. Remained with the Allan Wilkie Company until December 1925.


Actor and Singer

Stage Manager

Frediswyde Hunter-Watts - Actor

Allan Wilkie - Actor, Actor-Manager, Director, Entrepreneur, Producer

Tal Ordell - Actor

Lorna Forbes - Actor

George Harpur - Actor, Director

Vincent Scully - Actor, Stage Manager

Florence Richter - Actor

Victor Fitzherbert - Actor

Lillian Wiseman - Actor

C B Dobson - Actor

Rosie Knight Phillips - Actor

William Lockhart - Actor

Mona Duval - Actor, Costume Maker

Hamilton Henry - Actor

Claude Saunders - Actor

Phyllis Scully - Actor

Jack Beresford Fowler - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

William Shakespeare - Playwright

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949
  • The Merchant of Venice, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 26 April 1940
  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940
  • Macbeth, Criterion Theatre, North Sydney, NSW, 24 June 1939
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, Criterion Theatre, North Sydney, NSW, 4 March 1939
  • Macbeth, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 23 February 1925
  • Julius Caesar, New Palace Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 1 November 1924
  • Hamlet, New Palace Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1924
  • The Taming of the Shrew, New Palace Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 4 October 1924
  • The Winter's Tale, His Majesty's Theatre, Brisbane, QLD, 31 May 1924
  • Macbeth, Victoria Theatre (1891-), Newcastle, NSW, 23 May 1924
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921

Heath Burdock - Actor

Ellis Irving - Actor

Kiore King - Actor

J Plumpton Wilson - Actor

Felix Bland - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921
  • The Luck of the Navy, Theatre Royal, Ashburton, New Zealand, 25 May 1920
  • The Silver King, Theatre Royal, Ashburton, New Zealand, 9 February 1920
  • The Midnight Wedding, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 28 June 1919
  • Trilby, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1919
  • The School for Scandal, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 14 June 1919
  • The Sign of the Cross, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 7 June 1919
  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919
  • The Silver King, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 24 May 1919
  • The Silver King, His Majesty's Theatre, Auckland, New Zealand, 1919

Eric Donald - Actor, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Kingston Hewitt - Actor, Stage Manager

Milton Sands - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

Crosbie Ward - Actor, Stage Manager

Cecily Wilson - Actor

Jean Atholl - Actor

Edward Landor - Actor

A Shaw - Actor

Guy Hastings - Actor

Fred Patey - Actor

Jefferson Tait - Actor

Nina Burns - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Scot Colville - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Walter Dalgleish - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Huddlestone - Set Designer

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Leslie Manners - Actor

  • Julius Caesar, New Palace Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 1 November 1924
  • The Winter's Tale, His Majesty's Theatre, Brisbane, QLD, 31 May 1924
  • Macbeth, Victoria Theatre (1891-), Newcastle, NSW, 23 May 1924
  • The Tempest, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 23 November 1920

Muriel Nation - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Walter Plinge - Actor

  • School for Scandal, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 4 April 1930
  • Macbeth, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 23 February 1925
  • Hamlet, New Palace Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1924
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • The Sign of the Cross, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 7 June 1919
  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919
  • The Silver King, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 24 May 1919

Charles Blake - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900

Barbara Sisley - Actor

H H Wallace - Actor

Gerald Harcourt - Actor

Raymond Longford - Actor, Director, Scenario, Screenwriter

Louis Machilton - Actor

George Matheson - Adminstrator: Business Manager

Clyde Meynell - Administrator

Bert Rache - Musical Director

Mabel Russell - Actor

George Tallis - Administrator

H W Varna - Actor, Assistant Producer, Stage Director

Hugh J Ward - Administrator

C B Westmacott - General Manager

A Bayne - Actor and Singer

Charles Beetham - Actor and Singer

Jennie Brenan - Ballet Master/Mistress, Choreographer

Joseph Butcher - Properties Master/Mistress

Alexander C Butler - Director, Producer

Herbert Clayton - Actor and Singer

William R Coleman - Scenic Artist

Walter Cornock - Actor, Stage Manager

W J Coulter - Actor

Leo Fall - Composer

Helen Fergus - Actor

Bert Gilbert - Actor and Singer

Olive Godwin - Actor and Singer

Nat Gould - Playwright

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

F Greenbaum - Playwright

Frank Greene - Actor and Singer

Fritz Hart - Musical Director

Ernest Higgins - Cinematographer

John Roland Hogue - Actor and Singer

Basil Hood - Adaptor

Harry Leeds - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Jack Lennon - Actor

  • The Tempest, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 23 November 1920

Nance Maunsell - Actor and Singer

Alice Mitchell - Actor and Singer

Jessie Page - Actor

W S Percy - Actor and Singer

George Phillips - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Victor Prince - Actor and Singer

Adrian Ross - Lyricist

Lottie Sargent - Actor and Singer

Olive Sinclair - Actor and Singer

Vera St John - Actor

Frank Stirling - Stage Manager

George Upward - Scenic Artist

Irene Webb - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Palace Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1924
  • The Winter's Tale, His Majesty's Theatre, Brisbane, QLD, 31 May 1924
  • The Tempest, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923

George Wilson - Mechanist

Harry Wotton - Actor and Singer

Charles Archer - Actor

  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900

P B Bathurst - Actor and Singer

A H Boswell - Actor

Edgar Collins - Musician: Pianist

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900

Dorothy Court - Actor and Singer

Marshall Crosby - Actor

Jessica Dale - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, His Majesty's Theatre, Brisbane, QLD, 31 May 1924
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921

Chas Devon - Actor

Hilda Dorrington - Actor

Ethel Gibson - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900

Jack Goodall - Actor

Arthur Greenaway - Director, Producer

Ronald Henley - Actor

Bessie Hill - Actor

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900

Walter Howard - Playwright

Henry Arthur Jones - Playwright

Frank Kenny - Actor, Company Manager

Charles Lawrence - Actor

Lottie Lyell - Actor

Bradshaw Major - Actor, Musical Advisor, Musical Director

Peter Pagan - Actor

Robert Purdie - Actor

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin, Grand Opera House (1916-1932), Sydney, NSW, 3 April 1926
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921

Alma Rock-Phillips - Actor

Matt Ryan - Actor

Patrick Scully - Actor

Hilda Scurr - Actor

George Robert Sims - Playwright

  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900

Cecil Spong - Actor

B Sullivan - Actor

Gertie Telfer - Actor and Singer

Fred Twitcham - Actor

Beatrice Wenban - Actor

A M Willner - Playwright

J Roy Workman - Actor

  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor, Theatre Royal (1868-1962), Adelaide, SA, 23 November 1920

J Castle Morris - Actor

Harrie Collet - Actor

D L Dalziel - Actor

Charles Darrell - Playwright

Henri Dore - Actor

Allan Douglas - Actor

J Edgar - Actor

  • Macbeth, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 23 February 1925
  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921

Vivian Edwards - Actor

Beatrice Esmond - Actor

Marie Eugene - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Henry Golding - Actor

James Guild - Mechanist

Robert Henry - Actor

Henry Herman - Playwright

Harry Hermann - Playwright

Kingston Hewett - Actor

George Hewlett - Actor

  • The Midnight Wedding, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 28 June 1919
  • Trilby, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1919

Hotop - Conductor

  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900

George Kensington - Director

Sophie Kerr - Playwright

Benjamin Landeck - Playwright

  • Tommy Atkins, Adelphi Theatre (1911-1916), Sydney, NSW, 1 May 1915
  • Tommy Atkins, Theatre Royal, Brisbane, QLD, 25 April 1914

Myra Leard - Actor

Ngaio Marsh - Actor

Phyllis Maxwell - Actor

Shirley Maxwell - Actor

E G Melville - Actor

Ernest Nicholls - Actor

Ray Phillips - Scenic Artist, Set Designer

Ron Rousel - Actor

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - Playwright

Arthur Shirley - Playwright

  • Tommy Atkins, Adelphi Theatre (1911-1916), Sydney, NSW, 1 May 1915
  • Tommy Atkins, Theatre Royal, Brisbane, QLD, 25 April 1914

Richard Thompson - Properties Master

Lewis Townsend - Actor

Walter Vincent - Actor

Johnstone Weir - Actor

J Plumpton Wilson - Actor

  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921

Harvey Adams - Actor, Director

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

Olga Agnew - Actor

Chas Albert - Actor and Singer

Jane Arden - Actor

Selwyn Armstrong - Scenic Artist

Kathleen Arnold - Actor

Richard Ashley - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Josephine Balfe - Actor

Bertha Ballenger - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

Baptiste - Actor

Franklyn Barrett - Cinematographer

Wilson Barrett - Playwright

J Barry - Actor

Walter Bastin - Actor

Rutland Beckett - Actor

K Bell - Actor

Amy Birch - Actor

Rolf Boldrewood - Author

Nellie Bramley - Actor

Kenneth Brampton - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

A Brandon-Cremer - Administrator

Aileen Britton - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Max Brown - Actor

Fred Browne - Actor

Anne Bullen - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Hall Caine - Playwright

John Cairns - Actor

John Cameron - Actor

Keturah Campbell - Musical Director

Mildred Carlton - Actor

Marjorie Carr - Actor

E J Carroll - Producer

Russell Chapman - Actor

Arthur Choules - Mechanist

Anthony Clark - Actor

  • The Tempest, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923

Dorothy Clarke - Actor

Ada Clyde - Actor

Stuart Clyde - Actor

Byres Coates - Cinematographer

Doreen Collins - Actor

Roland Conway - Actor

Olive Cottey - Actor

William Coulter - Actor

George Cross - Actor

Lois Cumming - Actor

Marie Dalton - Actor

Alfred Dampier - Scriptwriter

Lily Dampier - Actor

Zora Dawn - Actor

George Dean - Actor

John Dobbie - Actor

Collet Dobson - Director

Cecil R Donald - Musical Director

Millie Doris - Actor

Gwen Dorise - Actor

Kathleen Drake - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Norma Drayton - Actor

  • Macbeth, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 23 February 1925

George du Maurier - Author

  • Trilby, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1919

Elsa Durrant - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Jimmy Edgar - Actor

V Edgar - Actor

W Edgeworth - Actor

Grace Edmond - Actor and Singer

R Edwards - Actor

  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919

J Eldridge - Actor

James Ewing - Actor

Trader Faulkner - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Helen Fergus - Actor

Nellie Ferguson - Actor

Edward Finn - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Barrett Fleming - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

W Flindt - Actor

G Flinn - Actor

Jean Forbes-Allen - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Henry Ford - Actor

Thomas E Foster - Producer, Stage Director

F A Francis - Actor

Olive Francis - Actor

P Francis - Actor

Rose Franken - Playwright

Edwin Fraser - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

John Galway - Actor

Agnes Gavin - Screenwriter

John Gavin - Actor, Director, Producer

Annie Gentile - Actor

Gibson - Actor

Gordon Glenwright - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Arthur Glynn - Actor

Winsor Gordon - Actor

Gordon Gow - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Elsie Grace - Actor

F Gunn - Properties Master/Mistress

Gustave - Wigmaker

Keith Hall - Actor

Henry Hamilton - Actor

  • The Tempest, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 24 February 1923

Joe Hamilton - Actor

Frank Harcourt - Actor

Fred Hardy - Actor

Alan Harkness - Actor

William Harris - Actor

Bert Harvey - Actor

Miles Hastings - Actor

Luke Hazlett - Actor

J W Hazlitt - Administrator

Vera Heogh - Actor

Mary Hickey - Actor

Arthur Higgins - Cinematographer

Marjory Hocking - Actor

Alice Holroyd - Actor

Laura Hopping - Actor

J Howard - Actor

Jean Howard - Actor

Mildred Howard - Actor

Tim Howard - Actor

Douglas Hyde - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

H S Jerdan - Actor

Dorothy Judge - Actor

Arthur Keane - Actor

Thomas Keen - Mechanist

Martyn Keith - Actor

John Kelly - Actor

Nellie Kemberman - Actor

A Kendall - Actor

Agnes Keogh - Actor

Vera Keogh - Actor

Paul Kester - Playwright

Charles Kilburn - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

C E King - Director

Clarice Kingsley - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

William Ladd - Actor

P Laing - Actor

Myra Lainge - Actor

  • Macbeth, Criterion Theatre, North Sydney, NSW, 24 June 1939

Lloyd Lamble - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Barry Lane - Actor

Frank Laurence - Actor

James Paton Laurie - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Raymond Lawrence - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

W H Leighton - Actor

Tom Leonard - Actor

Wendy Lindsay - Actor

Mdme Liscant - Actor

Gordon Lishman - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Barry Lock - Actor

R A Long - Actor

Victor Loydell - Actor

Gustav Lyndvale - Scenic Artist

Mayne Lynton - Actor, Director

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Fred Macdonald - Actor

  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921

Maxie Macdonald - Actor and Singer

Richard Mack - Actor

Charles Macmahon - Director, Producer

H F Maltby - Playwright

William Marks - Actor

Alexander Marsh - Actor

Norman Maxwell - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Babs Mayhew - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Charles McCallum - Actor

Robert McCaughren - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Harry McDonald - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Jack McGowan - Actor

Ruby McKenzie - Actor

Mabel Meadows - Actor

Clifford Mills - Playwright

Eric Montaigne - Actor

Edna Montgomery - Actor

Charles Morse - Actor

Milton Moss - Actor

L Mulholland - Actor

George Musgrove - Producer

Herbert Myers - Lessee

Mollie Nailon - Actor

Emily Nathan - Costume Maker

Dan Niblo - Actor

Syd Nicholls - Illustrator

Chris Olgar - Actor

E Olliffe - Actor

P Oscar Olliffe - Tour Manager

Lorna Orchard - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Jackie Osborne - Actor

Mabel Osborne - Actor

Jessica Page - Director

George Parke - Actor

H Parker - Actor

Cecil Parry - Actor

Edward Pate - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Cecil Perry - Actor

Frederick Pettit - Actor

Alma Phillips - Actor

  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919

Rose Phillips - Actor

F H Pollock - Lessee

Paul Potter - Adaptor

  • Trilby, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1919

Myrtle Power - Singer

Olive Proctor - Actor

Elsie Rennie - Actor

Reggie Rennie - Actor

May Renno - Actor

Harrington Reynolds - Actor

Victor Roberts - Actor

Jean Robertson - Actor

Stanley Robinson - Actor

N Rock-Phillips - Dancer

Alfred Rolfe - Actor, Director

Edwin Royle - Playwright

  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919

Rae Sanders - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Harry Saville - Actor

Valerie Scanlon - Actor

Bebe Scott - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

Herbert Sheldrick - Actor

Bobbie Shields - Actor

A Short - Actor

  • Macbeth, Prince of Wales Theatre (1920-1930), Adelaide, SA, 23 February 1925

Arthur Smith - Actor

Ada St Claire - Actor

Vera St John - Actor

Jack Stafford - Actor

Muriel Starr - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

Arthur Steel - Actor

Carlton Stewart - Actor

  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919

Nancye Stewart - Actor

  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919

Nellie Stewart - Actor

Harriet Beecher Stowe - Author

Carleton Stuart - Actor

Montgomery Stuart - Actor

  • Macbeth, Criterion Theatre, North Sydney, NSW, 24 June 1939

C Swain - Actor

D Sweeney - Actor

Kyrle Sylvaney - Actor

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

Leslie Thomas - Set Designer

Vaughan Tracey - Actor

  • Macbeth, Criterion Theatre, North Sydney, NSW, 24 June 1939

B Uhl - Actor

Gladys Unger - Playwright

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

Neville Vane - Actor

Roslyn Vane - Actor

Charles Villiers - Actor

George Walker - Properties Master

G Carlton Wallace - Playwright

Stanley Walpole - Actor

Percy Walshe - Actor

Beatrice Ward - Actor

C E Webber - Actor

Lou Weichard - Musical Director

Osmund Wenban - Actor

Henry Westall - Actor

Sybil Wilde - Actor

Andrew Williams - Musical Director

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

James Cassius Williamson - Entrepreneur

A M Wilner - Playwright

Philip Wilson - Actor

Edith Winter - Actor

  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921

Henry Wood - Playwright

  • East Lynne, Theatre Royal, Brisbane, QLD, 7 February 1914

Leslie Woods - Actor

Eric Wright - Actor

Ullin Wright - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, Minerva Theatre (1939-1950), Kings Cross, NSW, 1 April 1940

Allan Wilkie Shakespearean Company

King's Royal Dramatic Company

J C Williamson Limited (1910-1979)

Allan Wilkie Company

  • Macbeth, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 2 September 1921
  • Hamlet, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 August 1921
  • A Temporary Gentleman, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1920
  • The Midnight Wedding, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 28 June 1919
  • Trilby, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1919
  • The Sign of the Cross, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 7 June 1919
  • The Squaw Man, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1919
  • The Silver King, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 24 May 1919

Charles Blake and George Harpur's Lyceum Dramatic Company

  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 February 1900
  • The Double Event, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 9 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, New Zealand, 7 February 1900
  • The British Flag, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 24 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Theatre Royal, Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand, 22 January 1900
  • The Double Event, Princess Theatre, Hokitika, New Zealand, 3 January 1900

Criterion Theatre Players

Richard White

Spencer's Pictures Limited

Allan Wilkie Dramatic Coy.

J C Williamson and Co [with Tallis and Ramaciotti]

New Comic Opera Company

David N. Martin Pty Ltd

Australian Famous Feature Company

E. J. Carroll

George Marlow Dramatic Company

George Musgrove [sole entrepreneur]

J C Williamson (NZ) Ltd

  • The Goldfish, Grand Opera House (1914-1977), Wellington, New Zealand, 4 August 1926

J C Williamson Theatres Limited (1943-1976)

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

MacMahon's Exquisite Pictures

Mayne Lynton Productions Pty Ltd

  • Twelfth Night, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1949

Nellie Bramley Company

William Anderson's New Dramatic Organisation

Identifier 231506