Henri Gheon

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Contributor Henri Gheon
Gender Male
Nationality French
Date of Birth 15 March 1875
Date of Death 13 June 1944
Functions Actor, Playwright



David Torr - Director

James H Lang - Producer

Malcolm Robertson - Actor, Director, Producer

Anton Chekhov - Playwright

Eric Crozier - Translator

Richard Doggett - Actor

David Mitchell - Actor

Harold Pinter - Playwright

Guthrie Worby - Actor

Brian Donovan - Actor

George Duncan - Actor

Alexander Hay - Actor

Douglas Hedge - Actor

Peter Kenna - Actor

John Kernahan - Actor

  • The Comedian, Manresa Hall, North Sydney, NSW, 21 May 1952
  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Jeanette Loy - Actor

C C Martindale - Adaptor, Translator

Joseph Mesiti - Actor

Helen Pollard - Set Designer

John Pooley - Actor, Producer

Kathleen Scott - Actor

Bruce Stewart - Actor

John Allen - Actor

Paul Bailey - Actor

Helmut Bakaitis - Playwright

Judith Barrowcliffe - Actor

Judith Barrowclift - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Sandra Bass - Actor

Robert Beeby - Lighting Operator/Technician

Earl Bennett - Actor

Alan Bland - Translator

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Allan Bland - Adaptor

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Charles Boulton - Playwright

Anne Bourke - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Ann Bratt - Actor

Phillip Burke - Actor, Assistant to the Director

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Marie Byron - Actor

  • The Comedian, Manresa Hall, North Sydney, NSW, 21 May 1952

Lindsay Carr - Actor

Neva Carr Glyn - Actor

Peter Carroll - Actor

Margaret Clarke - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Anne Collins - Actor

Harry Collins - Actor

Laurence Collinson - Playwright

Hugh Colman - Designer

Murray Cook - Actor, Assistant to the Director

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Noel Crowe - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Peter Curtin - Actor

Margaret Day - Actor

James Dibble - Actor

  • The Comedian, Manresa Hall, North Sydney, NSW, 21 May 1952

Barry Donnelly - Producer

Patricia Donnelly - Actor

Jann Duval - Front of House

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

John Duval - Lighting Designer

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Peter Dyke - Actor

Edna Fahy - Actor

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Michael Fallon - Actor

Philip Fargher - Stage Manager

John Fleming - Actor

Yae Foale - Costume Maker

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Ruth Ford - Producer

Julie Fraser - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Kristian Fredrikson - Designer

Yvonne Frewin - Actor

Pauline Gallagher - Actor

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Ronald Gamack - Director

Richard Gibbons - Actor

Richard Gilbert - Actor

Leah Gill - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Niall Glancy - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Tom Guion - Set Designer

Patricia Hackett - Coordinator

Helen Harper - Actor

Genevieve Hennessy - Actor

Peter Hepworth - Actor

Philip Hickie - Set Designer

  • The Comedian, Manresa Hall, North Sydney, NSW, 21 May 1952

Terry Hickson - Actor

Jeffrey Hodgson - Actor

Bob Hornery - Actor

Julie Howell - Actor

Barry V Jackson - Translator

Judy Anne Jago - Actor

Damien Jameson - Actor

Gertrude E Jennings - Playwright

Denis Jones - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Max Jones - Actor

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Gerard Kennedy - Actor

Colin Kenny - Actor

Joan Kirwan - Actor

Elizabeth Larkin - Actor

Cheryl Leslie - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Stuart Leslie - Actor

Anthony Lindblom - Actor

Bryn Lloyd - Actor

Frank Lloyd - Actor

Bernard Lynch - Actor

Elizabeth Lyndon - Director

Donald Mackay - Director

Terry Madden - Actor

Sister M Magdalen - Producer

Kerry Maguire - Actor

Chris Marchant - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Therese Martin - Actor

Barbara Maxwell - Actor

John Maxwell - Actor, Stage Director

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Sandra McGregor - Actor

Pat Merritt - Actor

Joy Mitchell - Actor

Judith Murphy - Actor

Michael Nolan - Actor

Denis O'Brien - Actor

Maureen O'Callaghan - Actor

Ann O'Halloran - Actor

Max Oldaker - Adjudicator

Trevor Owens - Actor

Anne Pendlebury - Actor

J V Peters - Musical Director

Don Philps - Actor

Janette Pitcher - Director

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Michael Pope - Producer

Barry Pree - Actor

Eugene Ragghianti - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Margaret Rieneck - Designer, Producer

Laurie Rivers - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Ian Rose - Actor

Michael Scheid - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Louisa Scorer - Costume Co-ordinator

John W Smith - Lighting Operator/Technician

Michael Speers - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Alex Steele - Director

Peter Summerton - Actor

Stephen Taylor - Actor

Keith W Thomson - Producer

Colleen Tilley - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Gordon Troup - Actor

John Tucker - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Allan Walpole - Designer

Marie Walsh - Actor

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Michael Wansbrough - Tour Manager

Marcel Wattel - Actor

  • The Comedian, Manresa Hall, North Sydney, NSW, 21 May 1952

James Wellward - Set and/or Property Maker

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Brian Wenzel - Actor

  • The Comedian, Willard Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 February 1966

Ann Whitehouse - Actor

Charlotte Wicks - Actor

Thornton Wilder - Playwright

The Therry Dramatic Society Inc.

Genesian Theatre Company Inc

The Genesian Players

Melbourne Theatre Company

Adelaide Fringe Festival

  • The Comedian, St. Peter's Cathedral, North Adelaide, SA, 3 March 1978

Ampol Petroleum

Catholic Youth Organisation

  • The Comedian, Australian Hall, Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1945

Children's Theatre Guild of Victoria

Metropolitan Theatre

Q Theatre Company

Sacred Heart College

St Jude's Players

  • The Comedian, St. Peter's Cathedral, North Adelaide, SA, 3 March 1978

The Australian Christian Theatre Guild

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

The University of Adelaide, Bach Choir

The University of Adelaide, Theatre Guild

Union Theatre Repertory Company

Identifier 227390