Jim Crawford

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Contributor Jim Crawford
Gender Male
Nationality Australian
Date of Birth 1908
Date of Death 1973
Functions Playwright, Writer
NLA http://nla.gov.au/nla.party-1470101



Bob Maza - Actor, Artistic Director, Writer

Bill Reed - Writer

Jack Charles - Actor

Ron Blair - Writer

Gary Foley - Actor, Writer

Frank Hardy - Writer

Ken Horler - Designer, Director, Writer

John Huston - Writer

Dot Thompson - Director

Kath Walker - Writer

George Whaley - Associate Director

John Armstrong - Director

John Bellamy - Musical Director

Gerry Bostock - Actor

Phemie Bostock - Actor

Kevin Brooks - Programme Administrator/Researcher

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Bob Charles - Actor

Elsa Churcher - Actor

Charles Collings - Actor

Aileen Louisa Corpus III - Actor

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Gladys Diggle - Actor

Bob Duraux - Actor

Larry Eastwood - Stage Director

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Nick Enright - Publicist

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Cedric Flower - Designer

Fred Frame - Designer

Oriel Gray - Playwright

William Griffiths - Director

  • Rocket Range, New Theatre (Melbourne, VIC), Melbourne, VIC, 6 March 1948

John Hepworth - Actor

Michael Hill - Stage Manager

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Patricia Jenkins - Actor

Bruce Jiffkins - Actor

Reginald Lye - Actor

Zac Martin - Actor

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Jane McLennan - Costume Designer

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Alynn Pratt - Stage Manager

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

Justine Saunders - Actor

Muriel Small - Actor

Jerold Wells - Director

Bindi Williams - Actor

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

New Theatre Club (Brisbane, Qld)

New Theatre (Sydney, NSW)

Nindethana Theatre

Bulyan Players

National Black Theatre

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

New South Wales Ministry of Cultural Activities

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

New Theatre (Melbourne, Vic)

  • Rocket Range, New Theatre (Melbourne, VIC), Melbourne, VIC, 6 March 1948

Nimrod Street Theatre Company Ltd

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972

The Adelaide Festival of Arts

The Australian Council for the Arts

  • Basically Black, Nimrod Street Theatre, Darlinghurst, NSW, 27 October 1972
Identifier 225876