John L Simpson

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Contributor John L Simpson
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Producer



Debrah Algar - Actor

Terry Bader - Actor

David Bell - Assistant Director

John Bell - Director

Jonathan Biggins - Actor

Tammy Burnstock - Writer

Terence Clarke - Composer

David Clendinning - Actor

Adam Cook - Director

Margaret Crompton - Stage Manager

Stephen Curtis - Designer

Nick Enright - Playwright

Jon Ewing - Actor

Tim Ferguson - Writer

Drew Forsythe - Actor

Trevlyn Gilmour - Stage Director

Chris Harriott - Musical Director

Cathy Healy - Assistant Stage Manager

Benjamin Howes - Actor

Sonya Johansson - Actor

Quentin Kenihan - Performer, Writer

Genevieve Lemon - Actor

Dina McPherson - Actor

Arky Michael - Actor

Tara Morice - Actor

Paul Muirhead - Actor

PJ Noack - Musician

John O'Connell - Choreographer

Eden Plaisted - Actor

Bernadette Robinson - Actor

Andrew Ross - Musical Director

Ian Stevenson - Sound Designer

Christopher Truswell - Actor

David Walters - Lighting Designer

Adelaide Fringe Festival

Arts SA

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Royal Queensland Theatre Company

The Bakehouse Theatre

The Gordon Frost Organisation

Identifier 257466