David Wilkinson

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Contributor David Wilkinson
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Lighting Designer, Deputy Stage Manager, Front of House

Front of House

Deputy Stage Manager


  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Lighting Designer

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001

Garry Armstrong - Actor, Actor and Singer, Choreographer, Designer, Director, Marketing/Box office/Sales, Performer, Producer, Publicist, Set and/or Property Maker, Set Designer

Simon Dane - Actor and Singer, Performer

Phyllis Doyle - Actor and Singer, Actor-Manager, Assistant Director, Choreographer, Front of House, Marketing/Box office/Sales, Performer

Liam Judson - Actor and Singer, Performer

Desley Pittendrigh - Actor and Singer, Assistant Producer, Chorus, Costume Assistant, Performer

Brian Richardson - Actor, Costume Co-ordinator, Costume Designer, Director, Graphic Designer, Performer, Programme Administrator/Researcher, Set Designer, Set Painter

Brian Richmond - Actor and Singer, Art Finisher, Graphic Designer, Performer, Programme Administrator/Researcher, Stage Manager

Aidan Roberts - Actor and Singer, Conductor, Musical Director, Performer

David Tucker - Actor and Singer, Follow Spot Operator, Stage Crew

Sharon Ellicott - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant, Costume Co-ordinator, Front of House, Marketing/Box office/Sales

Paul Etherington - Actor and Singer, Front of House, Performer, Properties Officer

John Forrester - Actor and Singer, Performer, Set and/or Property Maker

Matthew Garnsey - Follow Spot Operator, Lighting Designer

Paul Garnsey - Actor and Singer, Producer, Set and/or Property Maker

Helga Hague - Actor and Singer, Make-up Artist, Performer

Julie Knauer - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant, Costume Co-ordinator, Performer

Kent Learned - Sound Designer, Sound Operator/Engineer

Grace Lizzio - Actor and Singer, Make-up Artist, Performer

Samantha O'Hare - Actor and Singer, Performer

Stuart Pavel - Actor and Singer, Musical Director

Leaora Bell - Actor and Singer, Performer, Properties Officer

Kylie Benham - Follow Spot Operator

Anne Carson-Drever - Publicist

Adam Cook - Director

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001
  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000
  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

John Courtney - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew

John Dowsett - Actor and Singer, Actor-Manager

Robyn Fraser - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant, Performer

Sally Giason - Actor and Singer, Publicist, Stage Crew

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Karen Howison - Actor and Singer, Assistant Producer, Catering Assistant, Costume Assistant, Performer, Producer

Phillip Huthnance - Actor and Singer, Chorus, Set and/or Property Maker

Phyllis Huthnance - Musician: Pianist

Daralyn Jagger - Actor and Singer, Catering Assistant, Make-up Artist, Performer

Robyn Judson - Properties Master, Properties Officer, Stage Crew

April Keogh - Art Finisher, Scenic Artist

David Riches - Actor and Singer, Front of House

Vicki Richmond - Assistant Director, Catering Assistant, Performer

Jannine Taylor - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant, Performer

Lydia van Diemen - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant, Stage Crew

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Edwin Werner - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant, Costume Designer, Costume Maker

Lisa Benham - Follow Spot Operator

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Trevor Bust - Orchestra, Orchestral Leader

Jenny Carson-Drever - Actor and Singer, Actor-Manager

Wendy Circosta - Actor and Singer, Performer

Stephen Colyer - Choreographer, Director

Gregory Cook - Actor and Singer, Performer, Set and/or Property Maker

Michael Coombes - Conductor, Musical Director

Carol Dicker - Costume Assistant

Paula Forrester - Actor and Singer

Georgia Gilbert - Deputy Stage Manager, Sound Designer

Robyn Grant - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Jennifer Holland - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Stephanie Hopkins - Front of House

Terry Hopkins - Actor and Singer, Performer

Kimm Kovac - Designer

James LeHuray - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Gavin Lunt - Actor

Joan McKay - Actor and Singer, Performer

Amie McKenna - Actor

Elaine Mullen - Actor and Singer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Sue Noske - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Bill Pepper - Voice Coach

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000
  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Edith Podesta - Actor

Isabel Ramirez - Actor

Sandra Riches - Actor and Singer, Front of House

Carol Richmond - Catering Assistant, Stage Crew

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Kelly Robertson - Actor and Singer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Melanie Sciortino - Actor and Singer, Catering Assistant

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

William Shakespeare - Playwright

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000
  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Miriam Snowden - Follow Spot Operator, Performer

Stephen Sondheim - Music and Lyrics Librettist

Alison Spencer - Actor and Singer, Chorus, Programme Administrator/Researcher

Boyd Spradbury - Actor

Gaye Taylor - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Joan Taylor - Properties Officer, Stage Crew

Wayne Tomas - Lighting Designer

Hugh Wilson - Actor and Singer, Stage Crew

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Michael Worthington - Photographer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Paul Addison - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Olivia Allen - Dramaturg/e

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Allan Anton - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Heidi Arena - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Tiffany Ashcroft - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Helmut Bakaitis - Producer

Marlene Baker - Chorus

Fiona Beard - Chorus, Costume Assistant

Nicholas Berg - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Blazey Best - Actor

Sandra Bissell - Actor and Singer, Dancer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Cathy Brown - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Robert Campbell - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Stuart Carson-Drever - Photographer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Jason Chan - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Elizabeth Chance - Actor

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001

Rebecca Clarke - Actor

Glenis Cole - Conductor

Megan Connelly - Actor

Dawn Coombridge - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Julia Cotton - Choreographer

Anthony Crowley - Musical Director

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Max Cullen - Actor

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001

Kellie Dickerson - Musical Director

Simon Dobson - Actor and Singer

Kym Domars - Actor and Singer

Mark Domars - Chorus

Steve Douglas-Craig - Fight Director

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Debra Edgell - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Brian Ellicott - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Tristan Ellis - Lighting Designer

Ian Embury - Stage Crew

Alison Everson - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Stephen Farrugia - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Neil Fisher - Lighting Designer

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Glendon Fletcher - Designer

Lance Fraser - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Manager

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Jennifer Gardiner - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Matthew Gately - Actor and Singer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Johanna Geddes - Chorus

Debbie Gough - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Cathy Gray - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Victoria Greenaway - Performer

Heather Gwilliam - Actor and Singer, Publicist

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Luke Hackett - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Douglas Hall - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Peter Hampshire - Backstage Manager, Photographer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Andrew Hays - Designer

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Joel Hedrick - Actor

Brett Hicks-Maitland - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Jennifer Hitchcock - Designer

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Cindy Hobbs - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Elizabeth Hobbs - Musical Director, Musician: Pianist

Anne Hopkins - Programme Administrator/Researcher

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Darryll Hopkins - Programme Administrator/Researcher

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Louise Horikx - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Louise Hubbard - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Michael-John Hurney - Actor

Dorothy Hyndes - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Paul James - Backstage Manager

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Ryan Jones - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

David Kalman - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Daniel Kelly - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Pauline Keogh - Actor and Singer, Art Finisher

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Luke Kerridge - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

David Koumans - Deputy Stage Manager

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Martin Langthorne - Production Manager

James Lapine - Author

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Jane Law - Actor and Singer, Assistant Director, Costume Co-ordinator

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Nathan Law - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Joshua Lawson - Actor

Franz Lehar - Author

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Victor Leon - Librettist

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Alan Jay Lerner - Author, Lyricist

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Grace Lindsay - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Avril Llewellyn - Producer, Programme Administrator/Researcher, Stage Crew

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Viv Llewellyn - Actor and Singer, Director, Programme Administrator/Researcher, Set and/or Property Maker, Set Designer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Jeffrey Lock - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Frederick Loewe - Musical Arranger

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Fiona Loudon - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Su MacDonald - Choreographer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Fiona MacKenzie - Stage Crew

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Donna Maddox - Actor and Singer, Costume Assistant

Kylie Maddox - Chorus

Rachel Magner - Deputy Stage Manager

Chris Maxfield - Costume Designer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Michael McCall - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Robin McCarthy - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Andrea McEwan - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Mick McGillion - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Joel McIlroy - Actor, Director

Sue McNamara - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Bill Mitchell - Actor

Cassie Morley - Follow Spot Operator

Ole Nielsen - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Ole Nielson - Chorus

Henry Nixon - Actor

Tamzin Nugent - Assistant Director

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Genevieve O'Reilly - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Eloise Oxer - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Ernie Panaioli - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Joe Pape - Chorus

Matthew Passmore - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Harold Pinter - Playwright

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001

Grant Pisani - Stage Manager

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Anne Price - Actor and Singer

Michael Price - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Steven Rassios - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Geoff Roberts - Photographer

Karen Roberts - Actor and Singer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Wendy Robinson - Actor and Singer, Dancer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Tim Rogers - Actor

Inga Romantsova - Actor

Kyle Rowling - Fight Director

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Robert Schatzman - Actor and Singer, Art Finisher, Scenic Artist, Set and/or Property Maker

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Stephen Schwartz - Music and Lyrics Librettist

Celina Sculthorpe - Sound Designer

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Sam Shepard - Playwright

Jeremy Silver - Sound Designer

Shirley Silvester - Actor and Singer

Anne Sommerlad - Director, Musical Director

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Ron Sommerlad - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Bebe Southby - Sound Designer

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Freya Stafford - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Leo Stein - Librettist

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

John Steinbeck - Author

Christopher Stewart - Lighting Designer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Bernie Tan - Lighting Designer

Christian Taylor - Front of House

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Christopher Thomas - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Rebekah Thorne - Stage Crew

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Anna Torv - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Sylvia Tucker - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Dean Vince - Assistant Choreographer, Dancer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Darren Waide - Stage Manager

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Allan Wallace - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Rebecca Wallace - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Liz Ward - Actor and Singer

  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

Mac Wellman - Playwright

Jodie Wells - Actor and Singer

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Hugh Wheeler - Author

Kate Wild - Director

Ed Wilkinson - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, NIDA Parade Theatre 1 (1982-1999), Kensington, NSW, 27 July 1999

Helen Wilson - Actor and Singer

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Jenny Wilson - Stage Crew

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

Belinda Wright - Assistant Stage Manager, Costume Assistant

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Hidemasa Yamaguchi - Actor

  • Richard III, NIDA Parade Theatre 2 (2000-), Kensington, NSW, 8 August 2000

Blue Mountains Musical Society Inc


Warner / Chappell Music

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996
  • The Merry Widow, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, 20 October 1995

DNA Pty Ltd

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001


  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001

Music Theatre International

  • Into the Woods, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, October 1996

Springwood Public School's Signing Choir

Tams-Whitmark Music Library, Inc.

  • My Fair Lady, Springwood Civic Centre, Springwood, NSW, May 1996

The Royal Court Theatre

  • Ashes to Ashes, Belvoir Street Downstairs Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW, 20 April 2001
Identifier 253172