Susan McClements

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Contributor Susan McClements
Gender Female
Nationality Australian
Functions Actor, Director, Dramaturg/e, Writer





  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Fiona Barber - Actor

Chris Dickins - Playwright

Margaret Dobson - Actor

Lynne Ellis - Director

Catherine Fitzgerald - Actor, Dramaturg/e, Publicist, Writer

Marion Gonzalo - Actor

Ursula Harrison - Actor

Merrilee Moss - Playwright

Dorothy O'Neill - Actor

Zoe Barry - Actor, Composer

Shirley Billing - Musical Director, Writer

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Paul Blackwell - Actor

Helen Bock - Publicist

Anne Brookman - Playwright

Cath Cantlon - Designer, Dramaturg/e

Ben Cobham - Technical Director

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Luke Cutler - Designer

Roald Dahl - Writer

Clifton Dolliver - Designer, Writer

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Andrew Donovan - Performer, Playwright

Alan Dukes - Actor

Margot Fenley - Actor

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Venetia Gillot - Dramaturg/e

Francis Greenslade - Actor

Dean Hills - Designer

Nic Hurcombe - Actor

Vicky Ireland - Adaptor

Pamela Leversha - Playwright

Ksenja Logos - Actor

Tim Moore - Designer

Drayton Morley - Actor

Genevieve Morris - Actor

Andrea O'Shea - Lighting Designer

Adrian Parkins - Lighting Designer

Elvira Piantoni - Sound Designer

Philip Piggin - Choreographer, Writer

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Elizabeth Raupach - Costume Maker

Andrea Rieniets - Sound Composer

John Saunders - Director

Steven Smith - Actor

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Colin Sneesby - Actor

Robert Stephens - Actor, Musical Director

Robert Stephens - Composer

Ellen Taylor - Lighting Designer, Lighting Operator/Technician, Production Manager, Sound Operator/Engineer

Chris Thompson - Director

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Paul Tolton - Writer

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

Anna Tregloan - Designer

Susan Wallace - Playwright

David Wilson - Photographer

Murray River Performing Group

Atta-Girl Theatre

Unley Youth Theatre

Adelaide Festival Centre

Adelaide Fringe Festival

Arts SA

Department of Education and Children's Services

Flying Fruit Fly Circus

HotHouse Theatre

  • WaterWorks, Albury Swim Centre, Albury, NSW, 8 January 1997

La Mama (VIC)

Red Shed Company

Riverina Theatre Company

The Government of South Australia

The State Library of South Australia

Identifier 248964