Peter Roberts

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Contributor Peter Roberts
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Performer



Mandy McElhinney - Actor, Performer

Geoffrey Atkins - Actor

Leo Callinan - Actor

Elizabeth Coleman - Playwright

Jim Daly - Actor

Tory Davidson - Make-up Artist

Margaret de Wolff - Stage Manager

Elizabeth Debenham - Costume Designer

Margaret Fathers - Actor

Nell Feeney - Performer

William Schwenck Gilbert - Librettist

Eris Gleeson - Actor

Geoffrey Glencross - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

Frank Goodwin - Stage Manager

Pamela Goodwin - Actor

Naomi Hanbury - Actor

Peter Hardy - Actor

Catherine Hill - Actor, Director

Alan Hopgood - Actor

Sally Hosken - Actor

Diane Jeffries - Actor

Kim Johnson - Actor, Set Designer

Will Johnson - Actor

Marlene Jones - Assistant Musical Director

Andy King - Actor

Gerald Lepkowski - Director

Polly Low - Actor

Greg McNeill - Actor

Dean Morris - Lighting Designer

Peter Mumford - Set Designer

Phillipa O'Brien - Designer

Lisa Oates - Actor

Kerry Payne - Actor

Jennie Peady - Musical Director

Michele Preshaw - Lighting Designer

Ophella Rabinich - Actor

Gordon Ricketts - Lighting Designer

Helen Rollinson - Actor

Illana Rose - Photographer

Marcelle Schmitz - Actor

Steve Shaw - Actor

Mark Sheridan - Actor

David Sparrow - Sound Designer

Elizabeth Spencer - Actor

Libby Stone - Actor

Arthur Seymour Sullivan - Composer

Leith Taylor - Director

Sheila Traynor - Director, Producer

Robert van Mackelenberg - Actor

Patrick White - Playwright

Arts Victoria

Australia Council for the Arts

Glen Street Theatre

Malcolm C Cooke and Associates Pty Ltd

State Theatre Company of Western Australia

Young Theatre Company Inc

Identifier 247240