Bernard McLindon

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Contributor Bernard McLindon
Gender Male
Functions Actor


Actor and Singer

John Stead - Costume Designer, Lighting Designer

Ian Telford - Actor, Designer

Betty Bohmer - Actor, Director

Pat Davis - Stage Manager

Lorraine Francis - Actor, Actor and Singer

Ernest Gunning - Actor and Singer, Costume Designer

Rose Ianno - Assistant Musical Director, Musical Director, Musician: Pianist

Ross McGregor - Director, Set Designer

Charles Oliver - Actor, Assistant Director

Gerd Rehwinkel - Actor, Actor and Singer

Sue Richards - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Cheryl Shelley - Choreographer

Wendy Talbot - Actor and Singer, Costume Designer

Shani Wood - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Rudy Aiono - Actor

John Bartholomaeus - Actor

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Andrew Bisset - Stage Manager

Russell Brown - Actor, Set Designer

Hugh Buckham - Actor

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Veronica Caffery - Chorus

Betty Comden - Lyricist, Writer

Jill Crawford - Sound Designer

Bruce Cummings - Actor and Singer

Brian Daly - Actor

Graham Daly - Sound Designer

Sandie Daly - Lighting Designer

Alma De Groen - Playwright

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Valerie Dellit - Actor

David Denham - Actor and Singer

Marilyn Dooley - Stage Manager

David Evans - Musician: Bassist

Trevor Findlay - Actor

Pat Galvin - Actor, Chorus

Colin Gilbert - Actor

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Ralph Goldstein - Actor

Geoff Gray - Actor

Aldolph Green - Lyricist, Writer

Warwick Hamilton - Actor

Keith Helgesen - Conductor, Musical Director

Chris Henning - Actor

Ian Howard - Actor

Ian Hunter - Actor

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Richard Jago - Assistant Stage Manager

Andrew Kay - Actor

David Kindan - Actor

Tricia Lamacraft - Actor

Bob Longbottom - Actor

John Loy - Actor

Brian Luton - Actor

Joyce Macfarlane - Director

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Denis Mackay - Actor

Ned Manning - Actor

Edda Massimini - Chorus

Hec McMillan - Actor, Assistant Director

Rowan Morrison - Actor

Jude Murphy - Stage Manager

Peter Nettleton - Actor

Lee Newcombe - Actor

Martin Newman - Actor

Max Oldfield - Production Manager

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Wendy Parsons - Chorus

Graham Pike - Actor

John Powys - Actor

Gary Roberts - Actor

Michael Ryan - Chorus

Harry Schmidt - Actor

Phil Schwarz - Actor

Paul Slade - Actor

Arthur Staples - Actor

Shane Steele - Set Designer

David Storey - Playwright

Jule Styne - Composer

Pauline Sweeney - Musician: Pianist

Patrya Symonds - Chorus

Robert Taylor - Chorus

Philip Thomas - Actor and Singer

John Thorp - Actor

Liz Townley - Chorus

Wendy Tubman - Actor

Colin Vaskess - Actor

Bernadette Vincent - Actor

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Thelma White - Costume Designer

Michael Wilkie - Production Manager

Rod Wilson - Director, Lighting Designer

Robert Winn - Musician: Drummer

Sandie Wright - Lighting Designer

  • Chidley, Theatre 3, Acton, ACT, 31 March 1977

Dean Yates - Actor and Singer

Canberra Repertory Society

Tempo Theatre Inc

Identifier 246360