Jeremy Chance

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Contributor Jeremy Chance
Gender Male
Functions Actor


Robert Alexander - Actor

John Clayton - Actor

Russell Hansen - Musical Director

Tony Ingersent - Director

Patricia Leehy - Actor

Cliff Simcox - Designer

Willie Fennell - Actor

Brian Friel - Playwright

Gary Grocott - Actor

Diane Hastings - Actor

Julie Herbert - Actor

Kenneth Laird - Actor

John Macleod - Director

Don Mamouney - Actor

Glenn Mason - Actor

Ian McGrath - Actor

Pat McMahon - Actor

Don Reid - Actor

Arthur Sherman - Actor

Colin Taylor - Actor

Ed Washer - Actor

Australia Council for the Arts

New South Wales Government

NSW Department of Corrective Services

Q Theatre Company

Resurgents Group

Advisory Committee on Cultural Grants

Australia 75 Festival of Creative Arts and Sciences

Ensemble Theatre Pty Ltd

The Australian Council for the Arts

Identifier 241814