The Amazing Business

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Organisation The Amazing Business
Address VIC Australia
Functions Presenting Company, Production Company

Full Tilt

Instorage Pty Ltd

  • Spacemunki, The Store Room, North Fitzroy, VIC, 12 May 2004

Lucy Who Productions

Melbourne Fringe Festival

  • Spacemunki, ABC Gallery, Collingwood, VIC, 3 October 2007

Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Storeroom Theatre Workshop

ABC Gallery, Collingwood, VIC

BlackBox , Melbourne, VIC

fortyfivedownstairs, Melbourne, VIC

Northcote Town Hall, Northcote, VIC

The Store Room, North Fitzroy, VIC

John-Paul Hussey - Actor, Performer, Playwright, Writer

Kelly Ryall - Composer, Sound Composer, Sound Designer, Sound Operator/Engineer

Lucien Savron - Director

Mark Benson - Lighting Designer

Shane Grant - Lighting Designer

  • Love Monkey, Northcote Town Hall, Northcote, VIC, 2008
  • Spacemunki, The Store Room, North Fitzroy, VIC, 12 May 2004

Barry Laing - Director

  • Spacemunki, ABC Gallery, Collingwood, VIC, 3 October 2007
  • Spacemunki, The Store Room, North Fitzroy, VIC, 12 May 2004

Natalie Lowrey - Designer, Performer

Dean McInerney - Animateur

Remo Vallance - Lighting Designer

David Frazer - Producer

Matthew Gingold - Designer

Luke Hails - Lighting Designer, Lighting Operator/Technician

Paul Minifie - Animateur

Lucy Wilson - Producer

Organisation Identifier 10889