Search the AusStage database
Search History
Query - click to repeat | Link - right-click to bookmark | Contributors | Organisations | Venues | Events | Works |
Countries and States
Cities, Suburbs and Localities
Search the AusStage database
Query - click to repeat | Link - right-click to bookmark | Contributors | Organisations | Venues | Events | Works |
Countries and States
Cities, Suburbs and Localities
If you reset the map, all icons will be deleted, the legend will be emptied and the map will be re-centered. Your search history will remain available on the Search tab.
Clustering is automatically enabled when markers are added to the map (including hidden markers). You currently have markers added to the map. To disable clustering, remove some markers from the map and try again. If you feel the limit is too low, please contact us.
AusStage Map Bookmark - Add this link as a bookmark to your browser. The bookmark will retrieve the latest data from AusStage each time you reload your map. The map includes all the contributors, organisations, venues and events you have added. Hidden markers will be visible and the time-slider will be maximised.
Bookmarks are only available when the map contains less than markers (including hidden markers). You currently have markers added to the map. Delete some markers and then try again.
Loading data for the map, please wait...
Copy the code below and paste it into a webpage. This embed code will retrieve the latest data from AusStage each time you reload your page. The map includes all the contributors, organisations, venues and events you have added. Hidden markers will be visible and there will be no timeslider.
As of July 16, 2018, Google will be introducing new structuring for embedding Google Maps. If you would like to Embed this map, you will need to register with the Google Maps Platform and create an API Key. The API Key you retrieve will need to replace the text YOUR_API_KEY in the code below.
More information on creating an API Key can be found here
Browse for venues by clicking on the countries or states to reveal cities, suburbs and localities. Click on cities, suburbs and localities to reveal venues. Tick the box next to a name to select items at the next level down.
Click the Add to Map button to add venues to the map. The map will be displayed when the venues have been added.
Switch between the Search, Browse and Map tabs across the top to continue searching, browsing and adding items to the map.
Select items by ticking the box next to the name. Click the Add to Map button to add the selected items to the map. The map will be displayed when the items have been added.
Switch between the Search, Browse and Map tabs across the top to continue searching, browsing and adding items to the map.
This search retrieves contributors, organisations, venues and events that match all your search terms. Records with matching alternate or previous names will also be retrieved. Please wait for the search to complete before exploring the results.
To search for an exact phrase enclose the phrase in double quotation marks. For example "The Ugly One". Include only keywords or an exact phrase in a single search, not both.
A maximum of 25 search results will retrieved for each type of record. If you don't see what you're looking for, try refining your search terms. You could also try searching the main AusStage website.