Home Art Collection Works Collection Search Advanced search Works shown in the exhibition The Museum Collection: 1994 Selection (5) works on display (1) works with images (5) Filter by: Collection area Origin Media Date/period Artist A–Z Sort by: artist surname oldest first (excludes undated works) newest first (excludes undated works) title image availability accession number Christo Wrapped Book Modern Art 1978 L2012.229 Gilbert & George (Italy/England b.1943, England b.1942) "Reclining drunk" 1973 L2019.3 Nam June Paik TV cello 1976 343.2011.a-c Gerhard Richter Sphere I 1989 L2016.6 Lawrence Weiner (THIS AND THAT) PUT (HERE AND THERE) OUT OF SIGHT OF POLARIS 1990 564.1993 On display – Naala Nura, lower level 1, 20th-century galleries