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Mastering Swoole PHP: Build High Performance Concurrent System with Async and Coroutines (English Edition) Kindle版

4.1 5つ星のうち4.1 40個の評価

Build your high performance large scale concurrent system in a more flexible and efficient way than ever before with this first & only Swoole book, with PHP 8 ready.


Introducing a new execution model of PHP applications, how Open Swoole works and the pitfalls of new developers coming into the Open Swoole world. This book is also about the general concepts behind building a high concurrency and high-performance web system and how these concepts are implemented in Open Swoole and how advanced PHP works. This book provides just enough Linux OS kernel knowledges with code samples helping you understand how async I/O, concurrency and coroutine works. When start learning or using a new framework, people always carry some assumption coming from the previous experience. Some of these experiences are helpful to understand the new system, but some of these experiences may lead to the misunderstanding of the new system. This book introduces the pitfalls to avoid if you are an experienced PHP developer. This book is for the developers who have already know the basics about how a web system works such as PHP web application or application in the other programming languages such as Node.js, Golang or Java. After reading this book, you should be able to build a high concurrent Swoole PHP system with confidence.

Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Background
  • - Stateless PHP-FPM
  • - Performance problem
  • - Concurrency problem
  • - PHP CLI
  • General concepts
  • - Executor and execution containers
  • - Lifecycle
  • - Decoupling and layers
  • - Queue, Buffer, Buffering and Batching
  • - Pipe and Channel
  • - Context, stack and context switch
  • - Singleplex vs multiplexing
  • - Asynchronous
  • - State, stateless, stateful and pooling
  • - File descriptor, I/O stream
  • - Exceptions
  • - Protocol
  • - Concurrency and I/O model
  • - Event driven and callbacks
  • - Facts, costs and limitation
  • - Rate limiting & Concurrency Limiting
  • The practical world on Linux OS
  • - User mode and kernel mode
  • - Memory management
  • - Process, Thread and Coroutine
  • - Socket and Networking I/O
  • - Blocking IO and Non-blocking IO
  • - Callbacks, await async vs coroutines
  • Connect with protocols
  • - TCP/UDP Protocol
  • - HTTP Protocol
  • - Websocket Protocol
  • - HTTP2 Protocol and GRPC
  • - Custom protocol
  • Swoole runtime and internal
  • - Swoole PHP extension
  • - Variable and states
  • - Event loop and asynchronous I/O
  • - Swoole PHP Coroutine
  • - Multiple execution modes
  • Hands on Swoole PHP
  • - Swoole Server
  • - Swoole Server Workers
  • - Swoole Process
  • - Swoole Clients
  • - Swoole Table
  • - Swoole Timer
  • - Swoole Coroutine and Channel
  • Use cases and patterns
  • - HTTP services
  • - Data processing
  • - HTTP and PHP-FPM proxy
  • - Sidecar process
  • - TCP service
  • - WebSocket Server
  • - Task Scheduler
  • - Producer and Consumer
  • - M:N concurrency mapping
  • - Connection polling
  • - Web spider and scraper
  • - PUBSUB system
  • - Server-sent events (SSE)
  • - Integrate with Linux process
  • - Service Governance: RPC and gRPC
  • - Rate limiting
  • - Design custom TCP protocols - Monitoring and reporting
  • Hosting and deployment
  • - Docker and Kubernetes
  • - Running on the AWS EC2 or bare metal
Amazon スマイルSALE 新生活 FINAL 開催中
Amazon スマイルSALE 新生活 FINAL を今すぐチェック


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0881B227S
  • 出版社 ‏ : ‎ Transfon (2020/11/26)
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2020/11/26
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語
  • ファイルサイズ ‏ : ‎ 5.1 MB
  • Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) ‏ : ‎ 有効
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ 有効にされていません
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ 有効にされていません
  • 本の長さ ‏ : ‎ 336ページ
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.1 5つ星のうち4.1 40個の評価


Bruce Dou
Brief content visible, double tap to read full content.
Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.






上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



  • geekcom
    5つ星のうち5.0 Amazing
    The best way to learning PHP Swoole.
  • Antonio
    5つ星のうち5.0 Muy interesante
    Me ha gustado mucho entender cómo Swoole funciona por dentro. Además me ha venido muy bien para recordar conceptos de concurrencia y sistemas distribuidos.

    El libro me ha dado una mejor idea de cómo y cuándo utilizar Swoole, y muchas ideas que probar.

    El autor claramente ha participado en el desarrollo de Swoole, explica muy bien cómo han conseguido crear Swoole.

    Después de leer el libro, sólo puedo decir que Swoole es una obra de arte y una genialidad.
  • Rodolfo A.
    5つ星のうち5.0 Swoole Rules
    This is a review for Kindle edition.

    This book will allow you to master what you have to actually know to get the most out of Swoole. The author is an eminence in this topic and a big part of the book is just about how you should be using the protocols and tools offered by Swoole.

    Using Swoole will certainly deliver you a greater throughput and the knowledge in this book will allow to master it.

    Many thanks to the Swoole community and Mr. Dou for this book.
  • dlorenzo
    5つ星のうち1.0 Décevant
    Je pensais trouver dans ce livre plus que des copies du site d'aide de Swoole, et surtout des exemples concrets d'usage avec des explications sur les paramètres des fonctions. Il n'en est rien, pire, les soit disant exemples sont exactement les mêmes que ceux du site, sans aucune explication.
    Ce livre est totalement inutile ...
  • Dario
    5つ星のうち5.0 Clear and complete
    The official guide to swoole all aspect and use cases are very useful . Clear source code examples makes the reading very easy

