Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (1870-1950)

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Name (English)
Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach
Short name
Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (7 August 1870 – 16 January 1950) ran the German Friedrich Krupp AG heavy industry conglomerate from 1909 until 1941. He and his son Alfried would lead the company through two world wars, producing almost everything for the German war machine from U-boats, battleships, howitzers, trains, railway guns, machine guns, cars, tanks, and much more. Krupp produced the Tiger I tank, Big Bertha, the Paris Gun, among other inventions under Gustav. Following the war, plans to prosecute Gustav Krupp as a war criminal at the 1945 Nuremberg Trials were dropped because by then he was bedridden and senile (medically unfit for trial; his charges were still held against just in case he recovered)." - ( 30.01.2020)
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