Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray


Mr. President: Putin is THE dictator and 10 Ukraine-Russia war truths we ignore at our perilĀ 

This has been a dizzying and disorienting week in international diplomacy. One with wild implications for Ukraine, the future of Americaā€™s standing in the world and President Trumpā€™s legacy.

Trump is absolutely right in wanting to end the bloodshed in Ukraine. The suffering has been appalling and the stalemate brutal. But in the furious mix of wild opinions this week from the White House down, there are at least 10 truths that every American voter must hang onto.

In Trumpā€™s rush to end the bloodshed, these are also the truths against which any deal will be judged and which will define him when the history books are written.

To ignore them or not treat them with the gravity they deserve will also have enormous consequences for decades to come:

Truth No. 1

Vladimir Putin started this war, despite what Trump said days ago.

President Trump must understand that it was Russian President Vladimir Putin who started the war with Ukraine, writes The Post’s Douglas Murray. Photo by MIKHAIL METZEL/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

In February 2022, following a massive buildup on Ukraineā€™s borders, Putinā€™s army launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. There is no rational narrative outside of Russian propaganda that blames ā€œaggressiveā€ actions by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky or NATO that can justify such a military action. This came after Putin had already seized Crimea in 2014 and launched a war in the Donbas, in eastern Ukraine.

And that doesnā€™t include the other wars he started, like that against the tiny nation of Georgia in 2008.

Trump is absolutely right that the war ā€œnever had to start.ā€ I believe it is true that it wouldnā€™t have started if he had been in the Oval Office. But it was Putin, not Zelensky, who started the war.

Trump has claimed that the war would not have started if he had been in office. Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Truth No. 2

Russia is fighting for conquest. The Russian Federation invaded Ukraine in 2022. Whatever you think of the country or its leadership, Ukraine is an internationally recognized, sovereign nation. Putin invaded in the hope of devouring the country wholesale. By contrast, Ukraine has absolutely no territorial ambitions in Russia.

And remember the brutality of Russiaā€™s actions. Among the multitude of depravities and war crimes committed by Putinā€™s army has been the abduction of some 20,000 Ukrainian children. Who wants to live in a world where the strong can simply devour the weak, and kidnap little children by the thousands? Why hasnā€™t the US put their release at the top of the list of its negotiating demands?

Truth No. 3

Ukraine is fighting for its independence. Most Ukrainians do not want to be part of Russia. They do not want to be governed from Moscow. The vast majority want to live in an independent, sovereign country in control of its own future.

Truth No. 4

Ukrainians are not Russians. Ukrainians and Russians are not ā€œone people ā€” a single whole,ā€ as Putin wrote in a 2021 essay. He is also simply lying in his assertion that ā€œmodern Ukraine is entirely the product of the Soviet era.ā€

Ukrainians and Russians are two separate ethnic groups. They speak different languages and have distinct histories.

Truth No. 5

Putin is a dictator. Putin has ruled Russia with an iron KGB fist since coming to power in 1999. He has ruthlessly quashed independent media, ended free and fair elections, crushed civil society and killed his political opponents. And not just inside Russia, but around the world. People who live inside Russia and express any opposition to the war are imprisoned.

Trump called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “dictator without elections.” etiana Dzhafarova/Pool Photo via AP

Truth No. 6

Zelensky is not a dictator. A political outsider, Zelensky won the 2019 presidential election, which was relatively free and fair. He has a 57% approval rating, not the 4% Trump claimed.

Unlike in Russia, Ukraine has vibrant independent media that hold the government to account ā€” despite claims to the contrary by internet swamp creatures and Russian bots.

Many Ukrainians freely criticize the governmentā€™s conduct of the war. When Britain was fighting for its survival against the Nazis in the 1940s, it too did not hold elections.

The Russian ambassador to the UK spent yesterday crowing that heā€™s ā€œnot sureā€ Zelensky would be re-elected if there were elections today. But we all know one thing for sure. Whether or not Zelensky would be re-elected in Ukraine, Putin will always be re-elected in Russia. Because his elections are con jobs, pageant shows. Putin hasnā€™t won a free and fair election in his life. Because he doesnā€™t hold them.

Truth No. 7

Russia is not a friend of the US. It is a hostile, nuclear-armed state that resents American power and the world the US has built. It has ever closer relations with China, Iran and North Korea. In fact, all of its main friends are countries that are the biggest foes of America.

Truth No. 8

Ukraine is a friend of the US. Ukraine wants to be part of the American-led order. Its people and government are deeply pro-American. Since the start of the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian men and women I have seen fighting at the front lines are fighting the Russian military to protect their loved ones and their country. They also do it in the knowledge that if they fail, other countries will be next.

A building destroyed by Russian bombing in Kherson on Feb. 20, 2025. Kherson Regional Military Administration via AP

Truth No. 9

Putin cannot be trusted. This isnā€™t just a statement of fact. It is also something that 81% of American voters agree on.

Putin has invaded multiple countries in violation of every international treaty. He has interfered in multiple elections in his nearest neighbors. He has violated international agreements, including the INF Treaty with the US.

He has lied to American presidents and European leaders his whole career. He has lied to Trump even since Trump has been back in office. Most recently Putin promised that he wouldnā€™t target Ukrainian energy facilities.

Ukrainian police with the body of a man killed in a Russian attack on Kyiv on Feb. 12, 2025. AP Photo/Alex Babenko

Yet just this week he carried out a massive missile and drone attack against multiple energy facilities in Ukraine. It is almost as though Putinā€™s word doesnā€™t count for very much and he doesnā€™t care if you know it.

Truth No. 10

American aid to Ukraine is not being wasted.

Nobody would argue that Ukraine is a country without corruption. But that does not mean its people and sovereignty should not be protected.

We should also remember which country in this war is truly corrupt. Russia is one vast, kleptocratic state, led by Putin and a small cartel of oligarchs who have made themselves among the richest people on Earth. All while keeping most of the Russian population in a state of poverty that would not be believed by most of us in the West.

Putin and his cronies have been accumulating power and wealth all their careers. And they will torture and kill anyone who exposes this corruption. Remember his political opponent Alexey Navalny and the lawyer Sergei Magnitsky? It is easy to expose corruption in Ukraine. But in Russia, it is deadly.

Besides, according to the Department of Defense, some $58 billion out of the $183 billion in Ukraine aid has been spent in America. It is money that has benefited American workers and industries.

The war has also degraded the military of one of the despotic regimes in the world and reduced its threat to not just Europe but America without one US soldier being killed. It has also sent a strong deterrent message to China, Iran and North Korea not to try the same.

Zelensky meeting with Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine Keith Kellogg on Feb. 20, 2025.

You can criticize Zelensky, complain. But we should be under no illusions about who started this fire and who the true dictator or villain of this tragic tale is.

Trump has a chance to bring an end to this war, to stop the killing. Maybe even win a Nobel Peace Prize.

But he will not be honored if the peace is an appeasement, one that bows down in the face of evil as it denies obvious truths.

The judgment of history will be even harsher ā€” decades of peace and prosperity in Europe and America thrown away to a resurgent Russia harassing the East. Without a strong peace, it wonā€™t be just Ukraine that suffers. It is all of us.

That is the ultimate truth.