Favoriting Maraschino Melodrama with DJ Shangri-La: Playlist from March 1, 2022 Favoriting

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Be shaken. Be stirred. A whimsical wham-bam of exotic enchantments, sleazy oddities, pop fancies, and swingin’ slingers broadcast from Ridgewood, NYC’s very own Shangri-Lounge. Best served chilled, garnished with signature swizzle schtick.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting March 1, 2022: Pizzazz-ama-tazz

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Approx. start time
Josh Berwanger  Maraschino Melodrama (Theme)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Del Close & John Brent  Introduction   Favoriting 0:01:50 (Pop-up)
Nancy Dupont  Weather Report Love   Favoriting 0:02:54 (Pop-up)
Clyde Gary  Tammy's Dance   Favoriting 0:05:02 (Pop-up)
Frank Motley Orchestra, T.N.T. Tribble  Hurricane Lover   Favoriting 0:06:46 (Pop-up)
The Cashmen  Yeah, Yeah   Favoriting 0:09:43 (Pop-up)
Cozy Cole & Savina  I Can Be Soft As a Kitten   Favoriting 0:11:53 (Pop-up)
The Trenier's  Devil's Mambo   Favoriting 0:13:59 (Pop-up)
Cozy Cole  Topsy Part 2   Favoriting 0:16:24 (Pop-up)
Savina and the Love Orchestra  Look Out   Favoriting 0:19:57 (Pop-up)
Mickey Baker  Old Devil Moon   Favoriting 0:22:20 (Pop-up)
Esquerita  Hey Miss Lucy   Favoriting 0:25:01 (Pop-up)
Rene Hall Orchestra  Twitchy   Favoriting 0:27:08 (Pop-up)
Mehnaz  Koi Nahin Pehchana Mujhe   Favoriting 0:30:30 (Pop-up)
The Trashmen  Malaguena   Favoriting 0:33:55 (Pop-up)
Billy Daniels  Perfidia   Favoriting 0:36:22 (Pop-up)
Curtis Amy  Bongo Blue   Favoriting 0:38:54 (Pop-up)
Georgie Fame & the Blue Flames  Pink Champagne   Favoriting 0:41:39 (Pop-up)
Sonny Thompson & Lula Reed  Puddentane   Favoriting 0:45:37 (Pop-up)
The Cashmen  Cobra   Favoriting 0:47:37 (Pop-up)
Ann Henry  Like Young   Favoriting 0:49:30 (Pop-up)
Lionel Hampton  Shades of Jade   Favoriting 0:51:56 (Pop-up)
Aris-Alba Orchestre  Nicolassa   Favoriting 0:55:18 (Pop-up)
Googie René  Caesar's Pad   Favoriting 0:57:57 (Pop-up)
Cozy Cole  Cozy & Bossa   Favoriting 1:02:27 (Pop-up)
Flo De Parker, Jean-Pierre Coallier  Messieurs   Favoriting 1:04:56 (Pop-up)
Camille Sauvage  Attente   Favoriting 1:07:33 (Pop-up)
Pearl Bailey  I Love My Argentine   Favoriting 1:09:10 (Pop-up)
The Robins  Keep Your Mind on Me   Favoriting 1:11:44 (Pop-up)
Dorit Oliver  Bongo Boy   Favoriting 1:13:39 (Pop-up)
Aris-Alba Orchestre  Oui Messieurs   Favoriting 1:16:30 (Pop-up)
Mickey Baker  Baia   Favoriting 1:19:06 (Pop-up)
Anna Valentino  I Wasn't Foolin'   Favoriting 1:22:02 (Pop-up)
Angelface  Listen Baby   Favoriting 1:24:11 (Pop-up)
Conchita Velasco  Calor   Favoriting 1:26:27 (Pop-up)
Oliver Reed  Black Leather Rock   Favoriting 1:29:46 (Pop-up)
Ada Lee  Moanin'   Favoriting 1:31:25 (Pop-up)
Johnny "Guitar" Watson  Space Guitar   Favoriting 1:33:46 (Pop-up)
Mamie Van Doren  Nobody But You   Favoriting 1:36:20 (Pop-up)
Herbie Hancock  Cantaloupe Island   Favoriting 1:40:59 (Pop-up)
Sophia Loren (& Peter Sellers)  Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo   Favoriting 1:44:10 (Pop-up)
Thelonious Monk  Straight No Chaser   Favoriting 1:46:21 (Pop-up)
Danny Darrow  Impulse (Original)   Favoriting 1:49:16 (Pop-up)
Del Close & John Brent  Summary   Favoriting 1:51:29 (Pop-up)
Et si je t'aime  Marie Laforet   Favoriting 1:54:21 (Pop-up)


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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:00pm
Mr Fab:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Will the Sound Guy:

hi dj Shangri-la and all!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Austin Rich:

Good Hello.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

G'day Shangri-la & Loungers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Hiya, Shangri-La, Mr Fab, Will, Austin, Scotty! Happy Mardi Gras!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Austin Rich:

Howdy Hey, Pauly!
Avatar 6:03pm

Avatar 6:04pm
Mr Fab:

"How To Speak Hip" is possibly my fave comedy/spoken word album ever. Never gets un-funny.
Listener Robert:

This is great mixed with what Micah's playing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Austin Rich:

We had a DJ at KPSU in Portland (and I guess he probably still DJs around Portland) who DJ'd under the name "Mr. Romo." He would play long clips from that album on his show and at his gigs, which is how I first found that album.

I have a show I did in 2007 that is cuts from that album and songs intermixed.
Avatar 6:07pm

Hey Fab, Will, Scott, Pauly, Austin, Sarcofiguy, Austin and Robert! Woo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Austin Rich:

Oooooo. Gettin' in the radio mood. I love it!
Avatar 6:08pm

Yeah, I think it's a requirement for every DJ to have a show playing at least one or two tracks, Austin! I feel like I'm encountering a rite of passage. It's just too good not to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Austin Rich:

It really is. As Fab says: always funny. It should have been on the Voyager craft, too.
Krys O:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

G'day Pauly! 👍😎🍻👣🐾
Avatar 6:12pm

Hiii Krys! This one's for you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Krys O.:

Thanks, Shangri-La!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Austin Rich:

Am I having a moment, or did Taylor Jessen have something to do with getting "How To Speak Hip" preserved? I feel like I heard a story about that and now I can't remember the details.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Hiya, Krys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Dave the Spazz:

Killer sounds!
Avatar 6:32pm

Thanks, Dave! I was actually hoping you'd tune in for this one, haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Will the Sound Guy:

I'm painting the ceiling in the nursery... enjoying the show so far Shangri-la!
Avatar 6:33pm

Is Bollywood a departure for you? You play a mix...
Avatar 6:33pm

Ahhh - looks like who I see the little nursery is for! What a good dad. So cute. Thanks Will!
Avatar 6:34pm

Hi Dom, I think it's a departure from this specific selection of tunes thus far!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Krys O.:

How's the CEO, Will?
Avatar 6:34pm

Grant you that...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Will the Sound Guy:

btw, hi Pauly, Scott, Austin, Mr Fab, sarcofiguy, Robert, Krys O, Dave the Spazz, Dominic, and any else!

Krys, Charlotte is doing well... she's chillin downstairs with Mom...
Avatar 6:37pm
Mr Fab:

Bollywood is exotica to us non-Indians.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Krys O.:

Oooooh, thanks for the Georgie.....swoon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

G'day Will 👍😎🍻
Avatar 6:44pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Austin Rich:

I really need to put my dacin' shoes on. This episode rules!
Avatar 6:49pm

Haha, thanks Austin. I find that socks work well on hardwood floors, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Austin Rich:

We do have hardwood floors here! Though in the living room, I am a rope-and-slippers-w/-a-pipe kind of guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Austin Rich:

(robe and slippers... pardon.)
Avatar 6:51pm

This ANN HENRY is the CAT'S PAJAMAS!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Krys O.:

I was just dancing in my kitchen in my Croc flip-flops. Those marble tiles are slippery.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Austin Rich:

I agree with Sarcofiguy.

As a middle aged man who dances occasionally, I do all I can to prevent slippage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Krys O.:

All this coolness brings Maila Nurmi as a beatnik to mind.
Avatar 6:54pm

I dream of getting myself a really luscious feathered robe, Austin. Just for airing my radio show in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Krys O.:

Like Eva Gabor in Green Acres.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Austin Rich:

I have a cool old vintage men's robe that would look sharp with a fez and a pipe. But it needs some repairs, and I'm not very good with a needle and thread. I need to watch some videos.
Avatar 6:56pm
Mr Fab:

We need to cloak our selves in bubble wrap. Because when it comes to dancing, the most important thing is: safety first!
Avatar 6:56pm

Yess, I need that kinda luxury in my life. My limited closet space would make it impossible. But, you know - someday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Austin Rich:

As an ex-skater who has the tattoos and the scars to prove it: Mr. Fab is (as always) right!
Avatar 6:57pm

Men At Work were on to something with Safety (First) Dance.
Avatar 6:57pm

@AUSTIN: HAAAAAAH! I need all the calcium I can get if I'm gonna hazard sliding across the floor!
Avatar 6:57pm
Mr Fab:

I found a SMASHING velvet (or at least velvet-y) evening jacket for only like $8-9 at a thrift. Now all I need is an ascot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Austin Rich:

Mr. Fab: I have a feeling we need to hang out in the Lava Lamp Lounge together some night. There's lots of records! And usually bow ties and cocktails.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Austin Rich:

(Sadly, the lounge has been closed due to covid regulations for quite some time. It's lonely in here.)
Avatar 6:59pm
Mr Fab:

I can bring the lava lamp!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Austin Rich:

I just got a new base for one of mine, so I now have three working ones! I'd like more color range; two are red. But Someday I'll find another one in a different color.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

I have a lime wax Lava Lamp👍😎
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Austin Rich:

On the night's when I'm flying solo, and there's no radio, it's usually a pretty mellow scene in the lounge; just reading Conan and Hellboy comics, and occasionally cursing at the news.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

Austin, can I come over?
Avatar 7:03pm

Quick change of plans. I'll get back to Jean Pierre!~
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Austin Rich:

@Scott67: Only if you bring that Teengenerate record.
Avatar 7:04pm

@AUSTIN: OH, LORT! You've got my geek button goin' on! I'm currently reading THE KING KULL OMNIBUS!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Austin Rich:

Usually your change of plans sound pretty solid, @shangri-lounge. I'm down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Austin Rich:

I wanna get that omnibus!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Austin Rich:

(My jam is weird barbarian comics from the 70's, psychedelic Steve Ditko stuff, any anything Kirby / Mignola. Though some of the politics of people like Ditko kinda weird me out.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

How late is too late?
Avatar 7:06pm

It's got all the great black and white mags in it. I'm up John Bolton's DEMON IN A SILVERED GLASS.

My JAM is always ELRIC graphic novels.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm
Austin Rich:

I haven't read any Elric in AGES! (When I borrowed it from an old friend.) I should re-read those; I remember loving them.

I've probably read the Cerebus Elric parodies more recently than I've ready Elric.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Someone grab a mop! Geekout in aisle 9!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Krys O.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Austin Rich:

(I think this happens every time Sarcofiguy and I start talking comics.)
Avatar 7:11pm

I'm loving Pearl lately, Krys!
Avatar 7:12pm

Oh she's great. South American men make the best lovers LOL
Avatar 7:13pm

@AUSTIN: Titan Comics has been re-printing the Elric comics. Plus there's new renditions from them, translated from French versions. They're WONDERFUL!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

I craved old comics throughout Lockdown. Wanted to regress (don't need to go far) to my childhood. & just hide in a blanket fort reading comics & listening to FMU. Oh with the adult addition of beer! Still don't have any comics.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Austin Rich:

@Scott67: When I was under "lockdown" before (college, no time to leave campus and go shopping), I ordered in a lot of comics. It's not the same as going to the store, but it got me through those dead weeks, for sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

Think I may build a blanket fort today, rather than watch the News.
Avatar 7:16pm

Scott: I'm totally a wino with my comic collection, which is fairly overrunning the house right now.

I totally MISS blanket forts! Thank you for conjuring that grand, grand memory!
Avatar 7:16pm
Mr Fab:

Pearl Bailey should be way more remembered than she is. So funny. What a character.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Krys O.:

@Shangri-La: I think I have a Pearl Bailey comp somewhere. She was a better Dolly Levi than Streisand, IMO.
Avatar 7:16pm

@FAB: There were times when I just wanted to her to sing, and not talk, cuz she had an AMAZING voice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Austin Rich:

@Sacrofiguy: I need to get those re-prints! I've been meaning to fill in some holes in my collection. I just got a wonderful reprint of Usagi Yojimbo that looks beautiful, and actually fills me in on the story that I've never been 100% clear on!
Avatar 7:17pm

@KRYS: I actually loved Carol Channing as DOLLY!
Avatar 7:18pm

@AUSTIN: I need to get into Usagi. I remember enjoying the art.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Krys O.:

Aye, Carol was THEE best, of course. Pearl just had more oomph than Barbra.
Avatar 7:19pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Austin Rich:

@Sarcofiguy: Great art, and a fun story, too. It's about as close to Samurai movies as I've seen in comics. And the ongoing story about the kingdom and the world is developed slowly, and in a way that really builds well. I'm in awe; it's almost quiet in how good it is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Austin Rich:

(Okay, there might not be time for this fundraiser, but Sacrofiguy and I need a comics talk show one of these days.)
Avatar 7:20pm

@KRYS: Who's your favorite MAME? Lucille Ball or Rosalind Russell?!!!!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Krys O.:

Avatar 7:21pm

@KRYS: Yeah, that movie makes me cry like from all the coolness. Agreed. Roz. Yeah.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Austin Rich:

Hell yeah. Good excuse to get a subscription again, so I can complain about how bad Green Lantern has gotten (I assume). The last time I checked in with Green Lantern it was like a military recruitment comic. It was weird.
Avatar 7:22pm
Mr Fab:

Ha, a comics talk show ain’t a bad idea.
I have a bit of a collection of songs inspired by comics, you could thro those in, too.

But you gotta talk about EC!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Austin Rich:

EC, hell Yeah!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Krys O.:

I'd love to visit my cousins in Buenos Aires someday. My dad always told us about our relatives in Argentina. I connected with the younger second cousins through Facebook just before my dad passed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Austin Rich:

When I was in college, I ran a comic club, and I remember we were always looking for comics songs. I should dig up those files...
Avatar 7:24pm

@FAB: I fear my EC knowledge is sorely lacking. Only recently did I start getting into Eerie Comics because of my RICHARD CORBEN and ALEX TOTH collections. Both brilliant!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

Wow, Krys, that could be interesting. Always different to visit a country when you have family to hang with.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Austin Rich:

Alex Toth = xxx-ooo
Avatar 7:25pm

I've been threatening in my mind to scrape together superhero songs!
Avatar 7:25pm
Mr Fab:

Krys, alas my knowledge of Argentina is pretty much to tangos and empanadas, but those are two good things indeed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm
Austin Rich:

Again, the food talk. We need a cooking show on Sheena's, for sure.
Avatar 7:26pm
Mr Fab:

It’s the Cooking and Comics Hour!
Avatar 7:26pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Krys O.:

One of my cousins in B.A. has a catering business. Her desserts look divine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
Krys O.:

I know someone who was a pastry chef and he posted some funny videos about making bread and bagels in the nude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

Reminds me, I have leftover Pizza in the fridge... & beer!!! Cheers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm
Austin Rich:

I wanted to do "cooking radio" where it was most us talking about food, and then going to get the thing we were the most hungry for at the end. But it feel like torture.
Avatar 7:29pm

@KRYS: What did he proof the bagels on? NYAHhahahahah!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Krys O.:

I'm shoveling popcorn in my mouth after eating a veggie gyro.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Austin Rich:

This Black Leather Rock song is AMAZING!
Avatar 7:31pm
Mr Fab:

From what I understand, yes, this is Oliver Reed singing. As they say on "World's Worst Records": Singing Actor of the Week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm

There's an online Aussie cooking show called
"Nat's What I Reckon" he calls a microwave, a Tucka Fucka.💀
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Krys O.:

Ooh, Losey's Damned.

The joke, Sarcofiguy is that you only see his hands in frame.
Avatar 7:33pm

@SCOTT: Now THAT'S an image!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Krys O.:

@Scott: I have cousins in Australia too. I think they're in Canberra. Never connected with them online though. Australia and Argentina were options when my parents were emigrating after WWII.
Avatar 7:34pm

@KRYS: That's comical. I'd be afraid to do any cooking, frying, baking, in the nude, for all the obvious reasons. Hot grease jumps FIVE FEET!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

Space Guitar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Krys O.:

YESS!!! My fave! I used to play Space Guitar a lot on my show back in the day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
Austin Rich:

Johnny "Guitar" Watson RULES.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

Krys, well you're welcome to migrate here in WWIII.
Avatar 7:36pm

This is swingin', daddy OH! Truly copacetic!
Avatar 7:38pm
David in California:

Hello, DJ Shangri-La! He doesn't mention "Black Leather Rock", but Sheena DJ Darryl has an amusing post about Oliver Reed's recording career at his (Darryl's) blog: worldsworstrecords.blogspot.com...
Avatar 7:38pm

The background singers on this Van Doren cut are FANTASTIC!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
Krys O.:

Cheers, Scott. It could be like the movie On the Beach.
Avatar 7:42pm

About Mamie Van Doren:
In her autobiography, Van Doren acknowledged that she had numerous affairs with celebrities, including Clark Gable, Howard Hughes, Johnny Carson, Elvis Presley, Burt Reynolds, Jack Dempsey, Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, Johnny Rivers, Robert Evans, Eddie Fisher, Warren Beatty, Tony Curtis, Steve Cochran, and Joe Namath.[18] Claiming fidelity to each lover, she said "I don't wear panties anymore - this startles the Hollywood wolves so much they don't know what to pull at, so they leave me alone."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Krys, I was in the TV remake of that.
I hope I never act it out for real.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

Enjoying the jazz tunes in the lounge today. Freddie Hubbard with Herbie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Austin Rich:

My headache is almost gone... thanks @Shangri-lounge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

Thanks for the groovy noises, Shang
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
Austin Rich:

Hey! It's @ironybread! Howdy Howdy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
Austin Rich:

I just got my second Monk album not too long ago. VERY GOOD.
Avatar 7:48pm

Austin was jut asking a Q about you earlier, Ironybread!
Avatar 7:48pm

this is Monk...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
Austin Rich:

I was saying that I thought you told me the story about preserving the "How to Speak Hip" LP, @ironybread. At least, I think I remember us talking about that LP.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Curtis Steigers has a younger brother, Jake Steigers. Jake was the same year as me in high school in Boise, Idaho. Jake was a gifted scatter and when he appeared at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, they did "Straight No Chaser" and killed it. He and I were in a band together for exactly one gig. Our band's name was "Brown Muffin". Jake came up with the name when a journalist called him asking what was the name of his band and he was cooking muffins and he had to think up a band name quick.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Austin Rich:

That is the perfect way to come up with the name of a band!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

Austin - there's a local label here in Burbank to whom I pitched "How to Speak Hip" as an LP re-release. The project isn't dead. That's all I can say for it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

#Like #YouDig
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Austin Rich:

Mums the word!
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Avatar 7:53pm
Mr Fab:

"Sad, sad, sad, but TRUE!" LOLOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm
Pauly from Clifton:

I dig, Shangri-La! Thanks!
Avatar 7:53pm
David in California:

Like, thank you, DJ Shangri-La, man!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Like, you're hip, Shangri-La! Thanks for the noisy noises
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
Krys O.:

Thanks, Shangri-La!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
Austin Rich:

Great show! Thanks again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Thank You!
Avatar 7:54pm

Thanks for a great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Thanks Shangri-la, your Show is a musical blanket fort in my lounge!
Avatar 7:55pm

Avatar 7:55pm
Mr Fab:

Mahalo, Shangri-La!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Krys O.:

Here's the link to the Wiggle RoomL wfmu.org...
Avatar 7:56pm

Thanks guys for entertaining all my lil fledgling dj aspirations!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Will the Sound Guy:

thank you DJ Shangri-la
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