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Two Action Packed hours of Junkshop Glam and Bubblegum 45s, w your hosts, Velvet Tinmine & Kitten Sparkles’ Glitterbox DJs Don Bolles (AKA Kitten Sparkles) & Noah “King of Glam” Wallace! Prepare to stomp, Shout, and jump around to the groovy sounds of “The 70s We Never Got to Have” here in the USA. High energy super catchy songs, - and almost none of it ever made it to America! Crank it up and yell “Hey!” w all the groovy glitter kids and Bubble Gum Disciples! Also Teen Wave, Bonehead,Ye Ye, and lots of other Glam-adjacent pop styles! Guests! Fun! And all on 7” / 45RPM!
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