/*=================================================================================================================================================================================================*/ /* SimpleBar.js - v6.2.5 | Scrollbars, simpler. | https://grsmto.github.io/simplebar/ | Made by Adrien Denat from a fork by Jonathan Nicol | Under MIT License */ var SimpleBar = function () { "use strict"; var e = function (t, i) { return e = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var i in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]) }, e(t, i) }; var t = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement), i = "object" == typeof global && global && global.Object === Object && global, s = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, r = i || s || Function("return this")(), l = r.Symbol, o = Object.prototype, n = o.hasOwnProperty, a = o.toString, c = l ? l.toStringTag : void 0; var h = Object.prototype.toString; var u = l ? l.toStringTag : void 0; function d(e) { return null == e ? void 0 === e ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : u && u in Object(e) ? function (e) { var t = n.call(e, c), i = e[c]; try { e[c] = void 0; var s = !0 } catch (e) { } var r = a.call(e); return s && (t ? e[c] = i : delete e[c]), r }(e) : function (e) { return h.call(e) }(e) } var p = /\s/; var v = /^\s+/; function f(e) { return e ? e.slice(0, function (e) { for (var t = e.length; t-- && p.test(e.charAt(t));); return t }(e) + 1).replace(v, "") : e } function m(e) { var t = typeof e; return null != e && ("object" == t || "function" == t) } var b = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, g = /^0b[01]+$/i, x = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, y = parseInt; function E(e) { if ("number" == typeof e) return e; if (function (e) { return "symbol" == typeof e || function (e) { return null != e && "object" == typeof e }(e) && "[object Symbol]" == d(e) }(e)) return NaN; if (m(e)) { var t = "function" == typeof e.valueOf ? e.valueOf() : e; e = m(t) ? t + "" : t } if ("string" != typeof e) return 0 === e ? e : +e; e = f(e); var i = g.test(e); return i || x.test(e) ? y(e.slice(2), i ? 2 : 8) : b.test(e) ? NaN : +e } var O = function () { return r.Date.now() }, w = Math.max, S = Math.min; function A(e, t, i) { var s, r, l, o, n, a, c = 0, h = !1, u = !1, d = !0; if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a function"); function p(t) { var i = s, l = r; return s = r = void 0, c = t, o = e.apply(l, i) } function v(e) { return c = e, n = setTimeout(b, t), h ? p(e) : o } function f(e) { var i = e - a; return void 0 === a || i >= t || i < 0 || u && e - c >= l } function b() { var e = O(); if (f(e)) return g(e); n = setTimeout(b, function (e) { var i = t - (e - a); return u ? S(i, l - (e - c)) : i }(e)) } function g(e) { return n = void 0, d && s ? p(e) : (s = r = void 0, o) } function x() { var e = O(), i = f(e); if (s = arguments, r = this, a = e, i) { if (void 0 === n) return v(a); if (u) return clearTimeout(n), n = setTimeout(b, t), p(a) } return void 0 === n && (n = setTimeout(b, t)), o } return t = E(t) || 0, m(i) && (h = !!i.leading, l = (u = "maxWait" in i) ? w(E(i.maxWait) || 0, t) : l, d = "trailing" in i ? !!i.trailing : d), x.cancel = function () { void 0 !== n && clearTimeout(n), c = 0, s = a = r = n = void 0 }, x.flush = function () { return void 0 === n ? o : g(O()) }, x } var k = function () { return k = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, i = 1, s = arguments.length; i < s; i++)for (var r in t = arguments[i]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, k.apply(this, arguments) }, W = null, M = null; function N() { if (null === W) { if ("undefined" == typeof document) return W = 0; var e = document.body, t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("simplebar-hide-scrollbar"), e.appendChild(t); var i = t.getBoundingClientRect().right; e.removeChild(t), W = i } return W } function L(e) { return e && e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView ? e.ownerDocument.defaultView : window } function z(e) { return e && e.ownerDocument ? e.ownerDocument : document } t && window.addEventListener("resize", (function () { M !== window.devicePixelRatio && (M = window.devicePixelRatio, W = null) })); var C = function (e) { return Array.prototype.reduce.call(e, (function (e, t) { var i = t.name.match(/data-simplebar-(.+)/); if (i) { var s = i[1].replace(/\W+(.)/g, (function (e, t) { return t.toUpperCase() })); switch (t.value) { case "true": e[s] = !0; break; case "false": e[s] = !1; break; case void 0: e[s] = !0; break; default: e[s] = t.value } } return e }), {}) }; function T(e, t) { var i; e && (i = e.classList).add.apply(i, t.split(" ")) } function R(e, t) { e && t.split(" ").forEach((function (t) { e.classList.remove(t) })) } function D(e) { return ".".concat(e.split(" ").join(".")) } var V = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, getElementWindow: L, getElementDocument: z, getOptions: C, addClasses: T, removeClasses: R, classNamesToQuery: D }), H = L, j = z, B = C, _ = T, q = R, P = D, X = function () { function e(t, i) { void 0 === i && (i = {}); var s = this; if (this.removePreventClickId = null, this.minScrollbarWidth = 20, this.stopScrollDelay = 175, this.isScrolling = !1, this.isMouseEntering = !1, this.scrollXTicking = !1, this.scrollYTicking = !1, this.wrapperEl = null, this.contentWrapperEl = null, this.contentEl = null, this.offsetEl = null, this.maskEl = null, this.placeholderEl = null, this.heightAutoObserverWrapperEl = null, this.heightAutoObserverEl = null, this.rtlHelpers = null, this.scrollbarWidth = 0, this.resizeObserver = null, this.mutationObserver = null, this.elStyles = null, this.isRtl = null, this.mouseX = 0, this.mouseY = 0, this.onMouseMove = function () { }, this.onWindowResize = function () { }, this.onStopScrolling = function () { }, this.onMouseEntered = function () { }, this.onScroll = function () { var e = H(s.el); s.scrollXTicking || (e.requestAnimationFrame(s.scrollX), s.scrollXTicking = !0), s.scrollYTicking || (e.requestAnimationFrame(s.scrollY), s.scrollYTicking = !0), s.isScrolling || (s.isScrolling = !0, _(s.el, s.classNames.scrolling)), s.showScrollbar("x"), s.showScrollbar("y"), s.onStopScrolling() }, this.scrollX = function () { s.axis.x.isOverflowing && s.positionScrollbar("x"), s.scrollXTicking = !1 }, this.scrollY = function () { s.axis.y.isOverflowing && s.positionScrollbar("y"), s.scrollYTicking = !1 }, this._onStopScrolling = function () { q(s.el, s.classNames.scrolling), s.options.autoHide && (s.hideScrollbar("x"), s.hideScrollbar("y")), s.isScrolling = !1 }, this.onMouseEnter = function () { s.isMouseEntering || (_(s.el, s.classNames.mouseEntered), s.showScrollbar("x"), s.showScrollbar("y"), s.isMouseEntering = !0), s.onMouseEntered() }, this._onMouseEntered = function () { q(s.el, s.classNames.mouseEntered), s.options.autoHide && (s.hideScrollbar("x"), s.hideScrollbar("y")), s.isMouseEntering = !1 }, this._onMouseMove = function (e) { s.mouseX = e.clientX, s.mouseY = e.clientY, (s.axis.x.isOverflowing || s.axis.x.forceVisible) && s.onMouseMoveForAxis("x"), (s.axis.y.isOverflowing || s.axis.y.forceVisible) && s.onMouseMoveForAxis("y") }, this.onMouseLeave = function () { s.onMouseMove.cancel(), (s.axis.x.isOverflowing || s.axis.x.forceVisible) && s.onMouseLeaveForAxis("x"), (s.axis.y.isOverflowing || s.axis.y.forceVisible) && s.onMouseLeaveForAxis("y"), s.mouseX = -1, s.mouseY = -1 }, this._onWindowResize = function () { s.scrollbarWidth = s.getScrollbarWidth(), s.hideNativeScrollbar() }, this.onPointerEvent = function (e) { var t, i; s.axis.x.track.el && s.axis.y.track.el && s.axis.x.scrollbar.el && s.axis.y.scrollbar.el && (s.axis.x.track.rect = s.axis.x.track.el.getBoundingClientRect(), s.axis.y.track.rect = s.axis.y.track.el.getBoundingClientRect(), (s.axis.x.isOverflowing || s.axis.x.forceVisible) && (t = s.isWithinBounds(s.axis.x.track.rect)), (s.axis.y.isOverflowing || s.axis.y.forceVisible) && (i = s.isWithinBounds(s.axis.y.track.rect)), (t || i) && (e.stopPropagation(), "pointerdown" === e.type && "touch" !== e.pointerType && (t && (s.axis.x.scrollbar.rect = s.axis.x.scrollbar.el.getBoundingClientRect(), s.isWithinBounds(s.axis.x.scrollbar.rect) ? s.onDragStart(e, "x") : s.onTrackClick(e, "x")), i && (s.axis.y.scrollbar.rect = s.axis.y.scrollbar.el.getBoundingClientRect(), s.isWithinBounds(s.axis.y.scrollbar.rect) ? s.onDragStart(e, "y") : s.onTrackClick(e, "y"))))) }, this.drag = function (t) { var i, r, l, o, n, a, c, h, u, d, p; if (s.draggedAxis && s.contentWrapperEl) { var v = s.axis[s.draggedAxis].track, f = null !== (r = null === (i = v.rect) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i[s.axis[s.draggedAxis].sizeAttr]) && void 0 !== r ? r : 0, m = s.axis[s.draggedAxis].scrollbar, b = null !== (o = null === (l = s.contentWrapperEl) || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l[s.axis[s.draggedAxis].scrollSizeAttr]) && void 0 !== o ? o : 0, g = parseInt(null !== (a = null === (n = s.elStyles) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n[s.axis[s.draggedAxis].sizeAttr]) && void 0 !== a ? a : "0px", 10); t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var x = ("y" === s.draggedAxis ? t.pageY : t.pageX) - (null !== (h = null === (c = v.rect) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c[s.axis[s.draggedAxis].offsetAttr]) && void 0 !== h ? h : 0) - s.axis[s.draggedAxis].dragOffset, y = (x = "x" === s.draggedAxis && s.isRtl ? (null !== (d = null === (u = v.rect) || void 0 === u ? void 0 : u[s.axis[s.draggedAxis].sizeAttr]) && void 0 !== d ? d : 0) - m.size - x : x) / (f - m.size) * (b - g); "x" === s.draggedAxis && s.isRtl && (y = (null === (p = e.getRtlHelpers()) || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.isScrollingToNegative) ? -y : y), s.contentWrapperEl[s.axis[s.draggedAxis].scrollOffsetAttr] = y } }, this.onEndDrag = function (e) { var t = j(s.el), i = H(s.el); e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), q(s.el, s.classNames.dragging), t.removeEventListener("mousemove", s.drag, !0), t.removeEventListener("mouseup", s.onEndDrag, !0), s.removePreventClickId = i.setTimeout((function () { t.removeEventListener("click", s.preventClick, !0), t.removeEventListener("dblclick", s.preventClick, !0), s.removePreventClickId = null })) }, this.preventClick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation() }, this.el = t, this.options = k(k({}, e.defaultOptions), i), this.classNames = k(k({}, e.defaultOptions.classNames), i.classNames), this.axis = { x: { scrollOffsetAttr: "scrollLeft", sizeAttr: "width", scrollSizeAttr: "scrollWidth", offsetSizeAttr: "offsetWidth", offsetAttr: "left", overflowAttr: "overflowX", dragOffset: 0, isOverflowing: !0, forceVisible: !1, track: { size: null, el: null, rect: null, isVisible: !1 }, scrollbar: { size: null, el: null, rect: null, isVisible: !1 } }, y: { scrollOffsetAttr: "scrollTop", sizeAttr: "height", scrollSizeAttr: "scrollHeight", offsetSizeAttr: "offsetHeight", offsetAttr: "top", overflowAttr: "overflowY", dragOffset: 0, isOverflowing: !0, forceVisible: !1, track: { size: null, el: null, rect: null, isVisible: !1 }, scrollbar: { size: null, el: null, rect: null, isVisible: !1 } } }, "object" != typeof this.el || !this.el.nodeName) throw new Error("Argument passed to SimpleBar must be an HTML element instead of ".concat(this.el)); this.onMouseMove = function (e, t, i) { var s = !0, r = !0; if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a function"); return m(i) && (s = "leading" in i ? !!i.leading : s, r = "trailing" in i ? !!i.trailing : r), A(e, t, { leading: s, maxWait: t, trailing: r }) }(this._onMouseMove, 64), this.onWindowResize = A(this._onWindowResize, 64, { leading: !0 }), this.onStopScrolling = A(this._onStopScrolling, this.stopScrollDelay), this.onMouseEntered = A(this._onMouseEntered, this.stopScrollDelay), this.init() } return e.getRtlHelpers = function () { if (e.rtlHelpers) return e.rtlHelpers; var t = document.createElement("div"); t.innerHTML = '
'; var i = t.firstElementChild, s = null == i ? void 0 : i.firstElementChild; if (!s) return null; document.body.appendChild(i), i.scrollLeft = 0; var r = e.getOffset(i), l = e.getOffset(s); i.scrollLeft = -999; var o = e.getOffset(s); return document.body.removeChild(i), e.rtlHelpers = { isScrollOriginAtZero: r.left !== l.left, isScrollingToNegative: l.left !== o.left }, e.rtlHelpers }, e.prototype.getScrollbarWidth = function () { try { return this.contentWrapperEl && "none" === getComputedStyle(this.contentWrapperEl, "::-webkit-scrollbar").display || "scrollbarWidth" in document.documentElement.style || "-ms-overflow-style" in document.documentElement.style ? 0 : N() } catch (e) { return N() } }, e.getOffset = function (e) { var t = e.getBoundingClientRect(), i = j(e), s = H(e); return { top: t.top + (s.pageYOffset || i.documentElement.scrollTop), left: t.left + (s.pageXOffset || i.documentElement.scrollLeft) } }, e.prototype.init = function () { t && (this.initDOM(), this.rtlHelpers = e.getRtlHelpers(), this.scrollbarWidth = this.getScrollbarWidth(), this.recalculate(), this.initListeners()) }, e.prototype.initDOM = function () { var e, t; this.wrapperEl = this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.wrapper)), this.contentWrapperEl = this.options.scrollableNode || this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.contentWrapper)), this.contentEl = this.options.contentNode || this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.contentEl)), this.offsetEl = this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.offset)), this.maskEl = this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.mask)), this.placeholderEl = this.findChild(this.wrapperEl, P(this.classNames.placeholder)), this.heightAutoObserverWrapperEl = this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.heightAutoObserverWrapperEl)), this.heightAutoObserverEl = this.el.querySelector(P(this.classNames.heightAutoObserverEl)), this.axis.x.track.el = this.findChild(this.el, "".concat(P(this.classNames.track)).concat(P(this.classNames.horizontal))), this.axis.y.track.el = this.findChild(this.el, "".concat(P(this.classNames.track)).concat(P(this.classNames.vertical))), this.axis.x.scrollbar.el = (null === (e = this.axis.x.track.el) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.querySelector(P(this.classNames.scrollbar))) || null, this.axis.y.scrollbar.el = (null === (t = this.axis.y.track.el) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.querySelector(P(this.classNames.scrollbar))) || null, this.options.autoHide || (_(this.axis.x.scrollbar.el, this.classNames.visible), _(this.axis.y.scrollbar.el, this.classNames.visible)) }, e.prototype.initListeners = function () { var e, t = this, i = H(this.el); if (this.el.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.onMouseEnter), this.el.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onPointerEvent, !0), this.el.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove), this.el.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave), null === (e = this.contentWrapperEl) || void 0 === e || e.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll), i.addEventListener("resize", this.onWindowResize), this.contentEl) { if (window.ResizeObserver) { var s = !1, r = i.ResizeObserver || ResizeObserver; this.resizeObserver = new r((function () { s && i.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.recalculate() })) })), this.resizeObserver.observe(this.el), this.resizeObserver.observe(this.contentEl), i.requestAnimationFrame((function () { s = !0 })) } this.mutationObserver = new i.MutationObserver((function () { i.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.recalculate() })) })), this.mutationObserver.observe(this.contentEl, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, characterData: !0 }) } }, e.prototype.recalculate = function () { if (this.heightAutoObserverEl && this.contentEl && this.contentWrapperEl && this.wrapperEl && this.placeholderEl) { var e = H(this.el); this.elStyles = e.getComputedStyle(this.el), this.isRtl = "rtl" === this.elStyles.direction; var t = this.contentEl.offsetWidth, i = this.heightAutoObserverEl.offsetHeight <= 1, s = this.heightAutoObserverEl.offsetWidth <= 1 || t > 0, r = this.contentWrapperEl.offsetWidth, l = this.elStyles.overflowX, o = this.elStyles.overflowY; this.contentEl.style.padding = "".concat(this.elStyles.paddingTop, " ").concat(this.elStyles.paddingRight, " ").concat(this.elStyles.paddingBottom, " ").concat(this.elStyles.paddingLeft), this.wrapperEl.style.margin = "-".concat(this.elStyles.paddingTop, " -").concat(this.elStyles.paddingRight, " -").concat(this.elStyles.paddingBottom, " -").concat(this.elStyles.paddingLeft); var n = this.contentEl.scrollHeight, a = this.contentEl.scrollWidth; this.contentWrapperEl.style.height = i ? "auto" : "100%", this.placeholderEl.style.width = s ? "".concat(t || a, "px") : "auto", this.placeholderEl.style.height = "".concat(n, "px"); var c = this.contentWrapperEl.offsetHeight; this.axis.x.isOverflowing = 0 !== t && a > t, this.axis.y.isOverflowing = n > c, this.axis.x.isOverflowing = "hidden" !== l && this.axis.x.isOverflowing, this.axis.y.isOverflowing = "hidden" !== o && this.axis.y.isOverflowing, this.axis.x.forceVisible = "x" === this.options.forceVisible || !0 === this.options.forceVisible, this.axis.y.forceVisible = "y" === this.options.forceVisible || !0 === this.options.forceVisible, this.hideNativeScrollbar(); var h = this.axis.x.isOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : 0, u = this.axis.y.isOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : 0; this.axis.x.isOverflowing = this.axis.x.isOverflowing && a > r - u, this.axis.y.isOverflowing = this.axis.y.isOverflowing && n > c - h, this.axis.x.scrollbar.size = this.getScrollbarSize("x"), this.axis.y.scrollbar.size = this.getScrollbarSize("y"), this.axis.x.scrollbar.el && (this.axis.x.scrollbar.el.style.width = "".concat(this.axis.x.scrollbar.size, "px")), this.axis.y.scrollbar.el && (this.axis.y.scrollbar.el.style.height = "".concat(this.axis.y.scrollbar.size, "px")), this.positionScrollbar("x"), this.positionScrollbar("y"), this.toggleTrackVisibility("x"), this.toggleTrackVisibility("y") } }, e.prototype.getScrollbarSize = function (e) { var t, i; if (void 0 === e && (e = "y"), !this.axis[e].isOverflowing || !this.contentEl) return 0; var s, r = this.contentEl[this.axis[e].scrollSizeAttr], l = null !== (i = null === (t = this.axis[e].track.el) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t[this.axis[e].offsetSizeAttr]) && void 0 !== i ? i : 0, o = l / r; return s = Math.max(~~(o * l), this.options.scrollbarMinSize), this.options.scrollbarMaxSize && (s = Math.min(s, this.options.scrollbarMaxSize)), s }, e.prototype.positionScrollbar = function (t) { var i, s, r; void 0 === t && (t = "y"); var l = this.axis[t].scrollbar; if (this.axis[t].isOverflowing && this.contentWrapperEl && l.el && this.elStyles) { var o = this.contentWrapperEl[this.axis[t].scrollSizeAttr], n = (null === (i = this.axis[t].track.el) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i[this.axis[t].offsetSizeAttr]) || 0, a = parseInt(this.elStyles[this.axis[t].sizeAttr], 10), c = this.contentWrapperEl[this.axis[t].scrollOffsetAttr]; c = "x" === t && this.isRtl && (null === (s = e.getRtlHelpers()) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.isScrollOriginAtZero) ? -c : c, "x" === t && this.isRtl && (c = (null === (r = e.getRtlHelpers()) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.isScrollingToNegative) ? c : -c); var h = c / (o - a), u = ~~((n - l.size) * h); u = "x" === t && this.isRtl ? -u + (n - l.size) : u, l.el.style.transform = "x" === t ? "translate3d(".concat(u, "px, 0, 0)") : "translate3d(0, ".concat(u, "px, 0)") } }, e.prototype.toggleTrackVisibility = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = "y"); var t = this.axis[e].track.el, i = this.axis[e].scrollbar.el; t && i && this.contentWrapperEl && (this.axis[e].isOverflowing || this.axis[e].forceVisible ? (t.style.visibility = "visible", this.contentWrapperEl.style[this.axis[e].overflowAttr] = "scroll", this.el.classList.add("".concat(this.classNames.scrollable, "-").concat(e))) : (t.style.visibility = "hidden", this.contentWrapperEl.style[this.axis[e].overflowAttr] = "hidden", this.el.classList.remove("".concat(this.classNames.scrollable, "-").concat(e))), this.axis[e].isOverflowing ? i.style.display = "block" : i.style.display = "none") }, e.prototype.showScrollbar = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = "y"), this.axis[e].isOverflowing && !this.axis[e].scrollbar.isVisible && (_(this.axis[e].scrollbar.el, this.classNames.visible), this.axis[e].scrollbar.isVisible = !0) }, e.prototype.hideScrollbar = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = "y"), this.axis[e].isOverflowing && this.axis[e].scrollbar.isVisible && (q(this.axis[e].scrollbar.el, this.classNames.visible), this.axis[e].scrollbar.isVisible = !1) }, e.prototype.hideNativeScrollbar = function () { this.offsetEl && (this.offsetEl.style[this.isRtl ? "left" : "right"] = this.axis.y.isOverflowing || this.axis.y.forceVisible ? "-".concat(this.scrollbarWidth, "px") : "0px", this.offsetEl.style.bottom = this.axis.x.isOverflowing || this.axis.x.forceVisible ? "-".concat(this.scrollbarWidth, "px") : "0px") }, e.prototype.onMouseMoveForAxis = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = "y"); var t = this.axis[e]; t.track.el && t.scrollbar.el && (t.track.rect = t.track.el.getBoundingClientRect(), t.scrollbar.rect = t.scrollbar.el.getBoundingClientRect(), this.isWithinBounds(t.track.rect) ? (this.showScrollbar(e), _(t.track.el, this.classNames.hover), this.isWithinBounds(t.scrollbar.rect) ? _(t.scrollbar.el, this.classNames.hover) : q(t.scrollbar.el, this.classNames.hover)) : (q(t.track.el, this.classNames.hover), this.options.autoHide && this.hideScrollbar(e))) }, e.prototype.onMouseLeaveForAxis = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = "y"), q(this.axis[e].track.el, this.classNames.hover), q(this.axis[e].scrollbar.el, this.classNames.hover), this.options.autoHide && this.hideScrollbar(e) }, e.prototype.onDragStart = function (e, t) { var i; void 0 === t && (t = "y"); var s = j(this.el), r = H(this.el), l = this.axis[t].scrollbar, o = "y" === t ? e.pageY : e.pageX; this.axis[t].dragOffset = o - ((null === (i = l.rect) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i[this.axis[t].offsetAttr]) || 0), this.draggedAxis = t, _(this.el, this.classNames.dragging), s.addEventListener("mousemove", this.drag, !0), s.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onEndDrag, !0), null === this.removePreventClickId ? 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var n = 1; $(currentTable).children('TBODY').children('TR:visible').each(function () { $(this).children("TD").first().text(n++) }) }, striped: function (table) { var HasStriped = !1; if (stIsIE) { HasStriped = (table.getAttribute('R1Class') != null) && (table.getAttribute('R2Class') != null) } else { HasStriped = table.hasAttribute('R1Class') && table.hasAttribute('R2Class') } if (HasStriped) { for (var i = 0; i < table.tBodies[0].rows.length; i++) { table.tBodies[0].rows[i].className = (i % 2 == 0) ? table.getAttribute('R1Class') : table.getAttribute('R2Class') } } }, guessType: function (table, column) { sortfn = sorttable.sort_alpha; for (var i = 0; i < table.tBodies[0].rows.length; i++) { text = sorttable.getInnerText(table.tBodies[0].rows[i].cells[column]); if (text != '') { if (text.match(/^-?[£$¤]?[\d,.]+%?$/)) { return sorttable.sort_numeric } possdate = text.match(sorttable.DATE_RE) if (possdate) { first = parseInt(possdate[1]); second = parseInt(possdate[2]); if (first > 12) { return sorttable.sort_ddmm } else if (second > 12) { return sorttable.sort_mmdd } else { sortfn = sorttable.sort_ddmm } } } } return sortfn }, getInnerText: function (node) { hasInputs = (typeof node.getElementsByTagName == 'function') && node.getElementsByTagName('input').length; if (node.getAttribute("sorttable_customkey") != null) { return node.getAttribute("sorttable_customkey") } else if (typeof node.textContent != 'undefined' && !hasInputs) { return node.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase() } else if (typeof node.innerText != 'undefined' && !hasInputs) { return node.innerText.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase() } else if (typeof node.text != 'undefined' && !hasInputs) { return node.text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase() } else { switch (node.nodeType) { case 3: if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'input') { return node.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase() } case 4: return node.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase(); break; case 1: case 11: var innerText = ''; for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { innerText += sorttable.getInnerText(node.childNodes[i]) } return innerText.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase(); break; default: return '' } } }, reverse: function (tbody) { newrows = []; for (var i = 0; i < tbody.rows.length; i++) { newrows[newrows.length] = tbody.rows[i] } for (var i = newrows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tbody.appendChild(newrows[i]) } delete newrows }, sort_numeric: function (a, b) { aa = parseFloat(a[0].replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, '')); if (isNaN(aa)) aa = 0; bb = parseFloat(b[0].replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, '')); if (isNaN(bb)) bb = 0; return aa - bb }, sort_alpha: function (a, b) { if (a[0] == b[0]) return 0; if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1; return 1 }, sort_ddmm: function (a, b) { mtch = a[0].match(sorttable.DATE_RE); y = mtch[3]; m = mtch[2]; d = mtch[1]; if (m.length == 1) m = '0' + m; if (d.length == 1) d = '0' + d; dt1 = y + m + d; mtch = b[0].match(sorttable.DATE_RE); y = mtch[3]; m = mtch[2]; d = mtch[1]; if (m.length == 1) m = '0' + m; if (d.length == 1) d = '0' + d; dt2 = y + m + d; if (dt1 == dt2) return 0; if (dt1 < dt2) return -1; return 1 }, sort_mmdd: function (a, b) { mtch = a[0].match(sorttable.DATE_RE); y = mtch[3]; d = mtch[2]; m = mtch[1]; if (m.length == 1) m = '0' + m; if (d.length == 1) d = '0' + d; dt1 = y + m + d; mtch = b[0].match(sorttable.DATE_RE); y = mtch[3]; d = mtch[2]; m = mtch[1]; if (m.length == 1) m = '0' + m; if (d.length == 1) d = '0' + d; dt2 = y + m + d; if (dt1 == dt2) return 0; if (dt1 < dt2) return -1; return 1 }, shaker_sort: function (list, comp_func) { var b = 0; var t = list.length - 1; var swap = !0; while (swap) { swap = !1; for (var i = b; i < t; ++i) { if (comp_func(list[i], list[i + 1]) > 0) { var q = list[i]; list[i] = list[i + 1]; list[i + 1] = q; swap = !0 } } t--; if (!swap) break; for (var i = t; i > b; --i) { if (comp_func(list[i], list[i - 1]) < 0) { var q = list[i]; list[i] = list[i - 1]; list[i - 1] = q; swap = !0 } } b++ } } } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", sorttable.init, !1) } if (/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var _timer = setInterval(function () { if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { sorttable.init() } }, 10) } window.onload = sorttable.init; function dean_addEvent(element, type, handler) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(type, handler, !1) } else { if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = dean_addEvent.guid++; if (!element.events) element.events = {}; var handlers = element.events[type]; if (!handlers) { handlers = element.events[type] = {}; if (element["on" + type]) { handlers[0] = element["on" + type] } } handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler; element["on" + type] = handleEvent } }; dean_addEvent.guid = 1; function removeEvent(element, type, handler) { if (element.removeEventListener) { element.removeEventListener(type, handler, !1) } else { if (element.events && element.events[type]) { delete element.events[type][handler.$$guid] } } }; function handleEvent(event) { var returnValue = !0; event = event || fixEvent(((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || window).event); var handlers = this.events[event.type]; for (var i in handlers) { this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i]; if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === !1) { returnValue = !1 } } return returnValue }; function fixEvent(event) { event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault; event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation; return event }; fixEvent.preventDefault = function () { this.returnValue = !1 }; fixEvent.stopPropagation = function () { this.cancelBubble = !0 } if (!Array.forEach) { Array.forEach = function (array, block, context) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { block.call(context, array[i], i, array) } } } Function.prototype.forEach = function (object, block, context) { for (var key in object) { if (typeof this.prototype[key] == "undefined") { block.call(context, object[key], key, object) } } }; String.forEach = function (string, block, context) { Array.forEach(string.split(""), function (chr, index) { block.call(context, chr, index, string) }) }; var forEach = function (object, block, context) { if (object) { var resolve = Object; if (object instanceof Function) { resolve = Function } else if (object.forEach instanceof Function) { object.forEach(block, context); return } else if (typeof object == "string") { resolve = String } else if (typeof object.length == "number") { resolve = Array } resolve.forEach(object, block, context) } }