The purpose of this presentation is to provide the information about how to submit paper to call for book chapters and publish it. I introduce the actual case to stimulate the offering of Japanese game researches to the world.
Location-based games which use information technologies such as mobile device, GPS and AR attract a lot of attention in the world in 2016. In Finland, the researches about games which people play by moving in the physical world have been conducted. This presentation reports the projects of Tampere University Game Research Lab about these games based on interview and book research.
Location-based games which use information technologies such as mobile device, GPS and AR attract a lot of attention in the world in 2016. In Finland, the researches about games which people play by moving in the physical world have been conducted. This presentation reports the projects of Tampere University Game Research Lab about these games based on interview and book research.
هل يمكن الحكم على الألعاب الاكترونية الموجودة حالياً بشكل عام؟ هل هي سيئة بالمطلق أو جيدة بالمطلق؟ كيف السبيل للتعامل مع الكم الهائل من الألعاب الالكترونية المتنوعة التي تتوفر بشكل متزايد يومياً؟