This document discusses using the Silex micro-framework and Behat behavior-driven development tool for test-driven development. It describes:
1) Silex as a PHP micro-framework based on Symfony components and Behat for writing automated tests using human-readable stories.
2) The behavior-driven development process of writing automated tests, seeing them fail, writing code to pass the tests, and refactoring code.
3) How Behat uses Gherkin syntax to specify tests and convert them to unit tests.
This document provides an overview of React, including initial reactions to it, fundamental concepts like components and one-way data flow, and how the virtual DOM works. Some key points covered include:
- Initial reactions to React were mixed, with some finding it "ugly" but others seeing benefits like separation of concerns with components.
- Everything in React is a component, with data flowing in one direction from parent to child via props. State is mutable within a component.
- By using a virtual DOM, React can efficiently update the real DOM by only making necessary changes, keeping the interface fast and pure.
This document provides an overview of React, including initial reactions to it, fundamental concepts like components and one-way data flow, and how the virtual DOM works. Some key points covered include:
- Initial reactions to React were mixed, with some finding it "ugly" but others seeing benefits like separation of concerns with components.
- Everything in React is a component, with data flowing in one direction from parent to child via props. State is mutable within a component.
- By using a virtual DOM, React can efficiently update the real DOM by only making necessary changes, keeping the interface fast and pure.
Guidance for beginners and experts on how to set up a Windows driver developm...Atomu Hidaka
This explains how to build a Windows driver development environment that can be used immediately by beginners and experts alike. The author, who has extensive experience developing various Windows drivers, shows the latest and simplest ways to use Visual Studio and WDK.
English follows Japanese.
筑波技術大学アレクサスキル開発チームがJAWS のユーザグループで登壇した内容です.視覚障害者の開発についても少しだけ触れています.
This is a presentation given by the Tsukuba University of Technology Alexa Skills Development Team at a JAWS user group. It also touches briefly on development for visually impaired people.