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unassertEncourage Design by Contract (DbC) by writing assertions
in production code, and compiling them away from release
Takuto Wada
Nov 7, 2015 @nodefest Tokyo 2015
Takuto Wada
Twitter: @t_wada
github: @twada
Do you write tests?
assert(typeof === 'strong')
| | | |
| | | false
| | "foo"
| Item{id:"foo",name:"bar"}
--- [string] 'strong'
+++ [string] typeof
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
I m the author of power-assert-js!
Wrestling with Babel6 recently…
unassertEncourage Design by Contract (DbC) by writing assertions
in production code, and compiling them away from release
unassert family
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
function add (a, b) {
console.assert(typeof a === 'number');
assert.equal(typeof b, 'number');
return a + b;
babel --plugins babel-plugin-unassert src.js > dest.js
browserify -t unassertify src.js > dest.js
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
function add (a, b) {
console.assert(typeof a === 'number');
assert.equal(typeof b, 'number');
return a + b;
User s voice
In internal / private methods, we
check preconditions with assert,
helping us catch mistakes within the
For performance, these checks are
removed from the production build
with unassertify.
where / when unassert
I don't think we should use this
primarily for type checking, but for
preconditions -- parts of API
contracts that cannot be statically
why unassert
Flow & TypeScript are compile-time,
and preconditions could be runtime.
Mapbox GL JS is pretty minimal in
terms of transforms - envify, brfs, glify
- such that all JS is vanilla.
why not flow / typescript
{P} A {Q}
Design by Contract by Bertrand Meyer
If you promise to call routine with
precondition satisfied then I, in
return, promise to deliver a final
state in which postcondition is
Design by Contract (DbC)
•redundant checks can and indeed will hurt
•simplicity becomes a crucial criterion
•complexity is the major enemy of quality
•whose responsibility it is to enforce it: the
client's, or the supplier's.
Design by Contract (DbC)
unassert - encourage reliable programming by writing assertions in production
switch (name) {
case 'foo':
case 'bar':
assert(false, 'Cannot be here');
Not only preconditions
add(path) {
assert(path instanceof PathElement,
`path should be PathElement but was: ${ typeName(path) }`);
assert.deepEqual(this.paths, sortedPathElements(this.paths),
'this.paths should always be sorted');
Not only preconditions
Not only preconditions
What if…
we use power-assert instead of assert?
import assert from 'power-assert';
class Calc {
add (a, b) {
assert(!(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)));
assert(typeof a === 'number');
assert(typeof b === 'number');
return a + b;
const calc = new Calc();
console.log(calc.add(3, NaN));
write assertions with power-assert
"env": {
"development": {
"plugins": [
"production": {
"plugins": [
} .babelrc
unassert in prod, power-assert in dev
$ $(npm bin)/babel-node calc.js
AssertionError: # calc.js:5
assert(!(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)))
| | | | | |
| | | | true NaN
| false 3 true
power-assert output appears!
user s voice
One more thing…
unassert is now babel6 ready!
power-assert is not babel6 ready yet
update: 2015/11/13
power-assert now
supports babel6!!
power-assert now works with async/await
# test/some_test.js:6
assert((await bigOrSmall(input)) === big)
| | | |
| | | "big"
"small" 3 false
--- [string] big
+++ [string] await bigOrSmall(input)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
power-assert now works with async/await
by @jamestalmage
Encourage reliable programming
by writing assertions in
production code,
and compiling them away from
release (if you want).
to recap
Thank you!

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Takuto Wada
TDD のこころ
TDD のこころTDD のこころ
TDD のこころ
Takuto Wada
Tochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paper
Tochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paperTochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paper
Tochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paper
Takuto Wada
Takuto Wada
SQLアンチパターン - 開発者を待ち受ける25の落とし穴 (拡大版)
SQLアンチパターン - 開発者を待ち受ける25の落とし穴 (拡大版)SQLアンチパターン - 開発者を待ち受ける25の落とし穴 (拡大版)
SQLアンチパターン - 開発者を待ち受ける25の落とし穴 (拡大版)
Takuto Wada
Takuto Wada
RESTful Web アプリの設計レビューの話
RESTful Web アプリの設計レビューの話RESTful Web アプリの設計レビューの話
RESTful Web アプリの設計レビューの話
Takuto Wada
Takuto Wada
TDDBC Fukuoka Day1
TDDBC Fukuoka Day1TDDBC Fukuoka Day1
TDDBC Fukuoka Day1
Takuto Wada
js テスト放浪記
js テスト放浪記js テスト放浪記
js テスト放浪記
Takuto Wada
xUTP Chapter19 (2). Testcase Class
xUTP Chapter19 (2). Testcase ClassxUTP Chapter19 (2). Testcase Class
xUTP Chapter19 (2). Testcase Class
Takuto Wada
xUTP Chapter26. Dependency Injection
xUTP Chapter26. Dependency InjectionxUTP Chapter26. Dependency Injection
xUTP Chapter26. Dependency Injection
Takuto Wada
xUTP Chapter27 Generated Value
xUTP Chapter27 Generated ValuexUTP Chapter27 Generated Value
xUTP Chapter27 Generated Value
Takuto Wada
The only one big thing every programmer should know
The only one big thing every programmer should knowThe only one big thing every programmer should know
The only one big thing every programmer should know
Takuto Wada
10+1 Things you should know about JavaScript testing
10+1 Things you should know about JavaScript testing10+1 Things you should know about JavaScript testing
10+1 Things you should know about JavaScript testing
Takuto Wada
TDD のこころ
TDD のこころTDD のこころ
TDD のこころ
Takuto Wada
Tochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paper
Tochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paperTochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paper
Tochigi Test-no-Kaigi position paper
Takuto Wada

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