"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded”
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded”

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded”

(Lk 12, 48)
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded”
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded”

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded”

(Lk 12:48)
We are not condemned to universal iniquity
We are not condemned to universal iniquity

We are not condemned to universal iniquity

Pope Francis
The world is rich and yet the poor are growing all around us
The world is rich and yet the poor are growing all around us

The world is rich and yet the poor are growing all around us

Pope Francis
Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society
Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society

Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society

Pope Francis
Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you
Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

(Mt. 6:33)
The family is the main antidote to poverty, both material and spiritual
The family is the main antidote to poverty, both material and spiritual

The family is the main antidote to poverty, both material and spiritual

Pope Francis
Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you
Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

(Mt. 6:33)
We are not condemned to universal iniquity
We are not condemned to universal iniquity

We are not condemned to universal iniquity

Pope Francis
What is needed is the development of a culture of integral inclusion
What is needed is the development of a culture of integral inclusion

What is needed is the development of a culture of integral inclusion

Pope Francis
The greatest structure of sin is the war industry itself
The greatest structure of sin is the war industry itself

The greatest structure of sin is the war industry itself

Pope Francis
The world is rich and yet the poor are growing all around us
The world is rich and yet the poor are growing all around us

The world is rich and yet the poor are growing all around us

Pope Francis
We are not condemned to universal iniquity
We are not condemned to universal iniquity

We are not condemned to universal iniquity

Pope Francis
Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society
Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society

Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society

Pope Francis
Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society
Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society

Human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade are an open wound on the body of contemporary society

Pope Francis


Press conference for the launch of the Family Global Compact and Pope Francis' Message

On Tuesday 30 May 2023, at 11.30 CEST, a press conference will take place at the Holy See Press Office to present the Family Global Compact and the Message of Pope Francis for its ...

The Moment to See the Poor – Editorial

Science 17 Apr 2020: Vol. 368, Issue 6488, pp. 214 DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2255 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has illuminated inequities that have put poor ...

Este es el momento de ver a los pobres

Science 17 Apr 2020: Vol. 368, Issue 6488, pp. 214 DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2255 La pandemia por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) ha iluminado las desigualdades que han puesto a las ...

O momento de ver os pobres

Science 17 Apr 2020: Vol. 368, Issue 6488, pp. 214 DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2255 A pandemia da doença do coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) iluminou iniquidades que colocaram as pessoas ...

Kokunre A. Agbontaen-Eghafona

Most important awards, prizes and academies Membership of Learned Societies: Archaeological Association of Nigeria; Nigerian Field Society; International Society for Benin ...

Helen Alford, OP

Most important awards, prizes and academies Member of the Congregation of St Catherine of Siena of Newcastle, Natal (Dominicans) since 1994; Senior Adviser to the “Blueprint for ...

Sabina Alkire

Alkire obtained her Bachelors at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign in Sociology/Premed. After a time of volunteer work in South Asia, she studied Theology in the ...

Jutta Allmendinger

Most important awards, prizes and academies 2018 Award “25 Women who revolutionize our economy”, Magazine Edition F 2017 Helge-Pross-Award of the University of Siegen; 2017 ...

Tongdong Bai

Dr. Tongdong Bai, born in Beijing, China, is the Dongfang Chair Professor of Philosophy at Fudan University, Global Professor of Law at NYU’s Law School, and adjunct professor at ...

Albino F. Barrera, OP

Most important awards, prizes and academies Editorial board member, Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 2003-16; Trustee, Association of Social Economics, 2002-03; Referee ...

Gustavo Beliz

Most important awards, prizes and academies Nominated for Stanford University scholarship, IIS-Stanford Institute for International Studies, Center for Democracy, Development and ...

Rocco Buttiglione

Most important awards, prizes and academies Honorary degree in Philosophy: May 1994, Lublin Catholic University, Poland; Council Member of the Pontifical Commission Justitia et ...

Paolo Carozza

Most important awards, prizes and academies Positions held: Director, Kellogg Institute for International Studies; Faculty Fellow of the Kroc Institute for International Peace ...

Marta Cartabia

Most important awards, prizes and academies Former Professor of Public Law, University of Verona and Milan-Bicocca; Deputy Director of the Dept. of Legal Studies, University of ...

Stephen Chow Sau-Yan

Cardinal Stephen Chow Sau-yan, S.J., Bishop of Hong Kong (China), was born on 7 August 1959 in Hong Kong. After secondary school, he earned a bachelor's and master's degree in ...

Emilce Cuda

Professor Cuda has spoken and published extensively on Moral Social Theology; democracy and Catholicism in liberal contexts; Theology of the People and culture in a Latin American ...

Pierpaolo Donati

Most important awards, prizes and academies Alma Mater Professor (PAM) of Sociology at the University of Bologna (2016-18); President of the Italian Sociological Association ...

Mario Draghi

Most important awards, prizes and academies Member of the Board of Trustees of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. Member of the G30. Doctor honoris causa in Statistics, ...

Christoph Engel

Most important awards, prizes and academies Christoph Engel graduated in law in 1981 from University of Tübingen. He received his Dr.jur. from University of Tübingen in 1988, and ...


Voices of Change: Sparking Hope with Sustainable Solutions

3-4 April 2025

We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new ...

Fraternal Economy and the UN Finance for Development Summit

1-2 April 2025

The Fraternal Economy workshop will bring together global leaders of the UN system ...

Artificial Intelligence, Justice, and Democracy

4-5 March 2025

Artificial intelligence is an extremely powerful tool, employed in many kinds of ...

Tax Justice and Solidarity: Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Common Home

13 February 2025

The international community is grappling with many challenges: the need to accelerate ...

Press Release: Jubilee Comission to Address Debt and Development Crises

21 February 2025

Today, February 21, the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) and Columbia ...

Final Statement of the 2024 Plenary Session on Disability and the Human Condition

11 April 2024

In light of an anticipated rise in disability prevalence in the coming years, the ...

Final Statement on Addressing the debt and development crises in countries from the South in the year of the Jubilee

5 June 2024

A group of academic experts in finance, practitioners, finance ministers, ...

Planetary Call to Action for Climate Change Resilience

16 May 2024

We are a diverse international group of researchers, faith leaders, policymakers, and ...