Superfast! (2015)
Had potential, but failed
25 April 2015
This movie really should have been called Superstupid. The parts that were funny were actually pretty funny, but, the other 98% of the movie was terrible. I mean, the actors actually did a good job in portraying who they were supposed to be but that was all that was done right. Most of the time they tried waaaay to hard to be funny and it made me cringe. At other times it made me laugh out loud. This had such great potential but failed miserably. I actually had to fast forward through most of it to get through it. So sad, this could have been a great comedy spoof but no one will do it again, and of course the incident with Paul Walker would just be tasteless at this point. If you liked the Scary Movie series, drink about six 40 ouncer's of Old English 800, and get really high of some weed you found in the street, you might like this movie.
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