The two Nics - Cage & Kidman - in trouble
4 January 2015
Reading all the bad reviews here decided my decision to put my view. I actually found this movie quite exciting to watch. I don't always want to dissect a film as I'm watching it but to just try to enjoy some harmless entertainment which I found here. It rattles along at a fairly brisk pace, which involves an apparently well off family, being invaded by four mentally challenged thugs, three guys and a woman. The two leads, Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman are the married couple who have a daughter living with them, who just happen to have some personal problems to deal with, even before the gang invade their home. The script is totally unbelievable in that Nic Cage constantly tells these thugs, reasons why they are doing everything wrong. I think in reality they would have just either killed the occupants or disabled them in some way after not finding anything quickly to hand and then scarpered. The unbelievable part is that the things that Cage comes up with, keeps making these villains stop and consider whether what he's saying, makes any sense and whether he has a point! All a bit far fetched. Anyway, this drags it out to about 90 minutes which keeps the action going. A sort of poor man's Panic Room but still fun and quite gripping to watch. Maybe I just like these kind of thrillers and I do like the stars which helps.
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