21 & Over (2013)
Not a Classic but Enough Laughs
7 March 2013
21 & Over (2013)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Friends Miller (Miles Teller) and Casey (Shylar Astin) show up to Jeff Chang's (Justin Chon) house to take him out for his 21st birthday. The only problem is that he has a major interview in the morning but they talk him into kicking back a few, which turns into a disastrous night with too much alcohol and too many problems. 21 & OVER is the latest comedy about teens drinking too much while trying to have a few laughs and of course looking to get some action. Overall this is a fairly decent comedy since there are plenty of laughs but there's no question that it falls well short of becoming a classic and it's probably going to be forgotten by the time the next film in the genre hits. I think a lot of the credit has to go to the three lead actors as all of them fit their roles nicely and I think they're entertaining enough to where we can spend 90-minutes with them without getting bored. The film starts off a bit slow but once the "issues" start to happen the film finally picks up. One such issue turns this into a WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S for drunks. Basically Chang passes out and his friends have to carry him around from one location to the next while trying to figure out where he lives. While all of the laughs don't work, I think a good number of them do. Obviously this is a R-rated comedy so we get a lot of dirty humor but this is where the film works its best. There's a hilarious scene at a prep rally, a good long-running joke dealing with a Mexican sorority house and of course there are the various subplots that the guys get into over their drunk friend. Where the film doesn't work as well is when it tries to turn a bit more serious and look at "growing up" issues. I think those issues would have been served much better in a film that wasn't about being drunk and dumb. Still, fans of the genre will get enough laughs out of the film to make it worth sitting through.
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