The Salena Incident (2007 Video)
Boring, low budget, bad filming, bad special effects.
21 February 2010
If I was still 5 I might find it scary. It is (I guess) a low budget film. The acting is not good, but could be worse - the filming and special effect is awful. The story line is thin and not worth to dwell on. Too much time is used on boring shouting scenes. The chases or fight with aliens, remind me of kids fighting with scary masks on. Some gore with blood and body parts - would scare a 5 year old kid I guess. Apparently scare the crap out of some of the persons in the film.

It is far from reaching anything like the film Tremors.

This turns out to be an "incident" and we see alien ships nearby earth. It make you wonder if any will make a sequel...
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