Very entertaining and well told
23 July 2009
I was recommended to see this movie. I didn't know that this movie was the Brazilian choice for the Oscars for Best Foreign Film and although it wasn't even nominates is still a very good movie. I say this because it tells a very hard story and it entertains you all the time. The movie relies on a very good direction, photography, music, good dialogs, but as I said what makes the movie likable is that is very entertaining and catches you in every moment, from the beginning to the end. Besides the acting is really good and realist, which is another strong point for the movie. Although there's no hero in this movie the characters are kind of lovable. One thing that I didn't fully understood is why do they present the two kids in the beginning if they are going to tell with more importance the story of only one of them, I understand that is for knowing their past and it helps to understand a lot, but one of the boys doesn't get the same importance of the other. And tough in the end, in the part of the bus assault there are some things rushed and that doesn't fit well, it's very good and engaging. I don't know what else to say, it is simply a very good movie that tells the life story of two children from the favelas of Rio De Janeiro and it's very good to see good stories about this subjects.
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