Woefully incomplete
9 March 2008
Yuri, a Russian immigrant, lives in New York. The film begins with him talking on the phone to his daughter and you assume she lives with his ex-wife--though the exact nature of all this isn't really disclosed. Following this phone call, he goes to work cleaning offices and apartments (not the job he told them about on the phone--but a real and non-glamorous one). While cleaning one apartment, there was a note asking him to drop off a suit to the cleaners. However, moments later he's wearing it and his outlook and others' impressions of him change dramatically--sort of like the expression "clothes make the man". What follows is very surreal and kind of cute but then the film just abruptly ends.

This is a short film that really needed to be longer--perhaps not to full-length, but at least longer than the 8 minute running time. This is because some interesting plot elements were introduced and got me very interested and then the film simply stopped--leaving me feeling that the film lacked any meaningful resolution.
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